Posts Tagged ‘possibility’

Texas lieutenant governor discusses possibility of civil war breaking out over migration crisis

(NaturalNews) The nation has been watching carefully as the Biden administration and the state of Texas battle over how the influx of illegal immigrants at the… Source

There’s ‘No Possibility’ Of Gaza Ceasefire Says Biden

As the death toll mounts, Joe Biden has bluntly rejected calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, saying there was “no possibility” of that happening. In a letter released last week, more than 500 former campaign staffers who helped elect Biden in 2020, added to the growing number of calls to work towards a ceasefire in […]

“Nuking Gaza A Possibility” – Israeli Minister

So tell me again why America “needs” to go to war with Iran and have American kids die in a war with Iran which has never attacked America, Which has no Nukes and don’t want any, unlike IsraHell which has an estimated 200 to 300 illegal nukes they stole the material to make along with […]

KHAZARIAN CRAZYMAKERS! German Defense Chief Says Public Must Get Used To Possibility Of ‘War In Europe’

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German Defense Chief Says Public Must Get Used To Possibility Of ‘War In Europe’

Starting last month, top Ukrainian officials began pushing an alarmist narrative that “world war 3 has already begun” – as the head Ukraine’s National Security and Defense Council Aleksey Danilov had claimed in early September. The words were spoken after it became clear that Ukraine’s military was losing, and now Time magazine has confirmed the military doesn’t have the manpower to fight off […]

Israeli False Flag Possibility, Baptist Hospital Massacre & Israel Already Lost The Information War

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (10/17/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

James Corbett Interview – The War On All Palestinians (Not Just Hamas) & The False Flag Possibility

Joining me today is James Corbett, here to discuss the ongoing siege on Occupied Palestine, the deadly attack by Hamas that preceded it, and the rapidly growing sentiment among Israeli citizens that this attack was either carried out by, or coordinated with, the Israeli government in order to justify their political agenda (the agenda itself […]

Ivan Raiklin and Ann Vandersteel discuss the possibility of Trump becoming the next House speaker – Brighteon.TV

(NaturalNews) Political analyst Ivan Raiklin and host Ann Vandersteel talked about the possibility of former President Donald Trump becoming the next House speaker… Source

EXPLAINER: On What Happened in Jenin and the Possibility of a Full Israeli Attack on West Bank

June 20, 2023 The Israeli military has itself admitted to the destruction or damage to seven of its military vehicles, including a large troop carrier known as Panther, and also the destruction of a helicopter.  On Monday, June 20, Israeli occupation forces invaded parts of the northern Palestinian town of Jenin, and its refugee camp. […]

Despina Vandi reacts to the possibility of marriage

From last night’s J2US, once again there was no lack of teasing from Nikos Koklonis, this time directed at Despina Vandi. The presenter was inspired by the song “Zilevo Poli” (I’m very jealous), whose lyrics he falsified, making a dedication to Vandi. “Miss, I live bride to see you here at J2US. I may not… […]

Israel admits “high possibility” military killed Shireen Abu Akleh, but says no one will be charged

The Israeli military has finally released the results of its inquiry into the May 11 killing of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh and it is now admitting that there’s a “high possibility” that the bullet came from an IDF soldier, however Israel also said that they will not press criminal charges against the solider responsible. […]

Israeli Army’s Investigation Finds ‘High Possibility’ Soldier Killed Al Jazeera Reporter

JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli army said Monday there was a “high possibility” that a soldier killed a well-known Al Jazeera journalist in May, as it announced the results of its investigation into the killing. But it said the shooting was accidental and no one would be punished. Shireen Abu Akleh was killed in May […]

Retired US generals have warned of the possibility of a coup during the 2024 election.

January 10, 2022 Source: Agencies By Al Mayadeen net Retired US generals have warned of the possibility of a coup during the 2024 election. A three percenter patch is worn over a US military outfit (AFP) Experts are concerned that the emergence of right-wing extremism in the US military would endanger democracy in the US. […]

Possibility Of Civil War in U.S., Warn Three Retired Generals And CIA Consultant

Three retired U.S. army generals warned of an insurrection or even civil war if the results of the 2024 presidential election were not accepted by some in the military. Former Major Gen. Paul Eaton, former Major Gen. Antonio Taguba, and former Brig. Gen. Steven Anderson made the warnings in an op-ed in The Washington Post on Friday. […]

Despite Appeals, US Denies Possibility Of Unfreezing Afghan Assets

Above Photo: US White House press secretary Jen Psaki in a press conference on December 14. Tolo News. The UN and several other countries including China have asked the US to release nearly USD 10 billion worth of Afghanistan’s frozen assets to help the Taliban government deal with the humanitarian situation. US White House press […]

“Herd Immunity Is Not A Possibility”: Dr. Malone Vindicated After Oxford Prof Warns Over New Variants

He has also shared other medical heresies, including the possibility that ‘imperfect’ vaccines might actually help foster more virulent COVID variants due to a phenomenon called ‘ADE’ – antibody-dependent enhancement. Essentially, what doesn’t kill the virus makes it stronger. In retaliation for sharing these views, Dr. Malone was ridiculed by colleagues as a conspiracist and […]

Video: China Refuses To Cooperate With WHO Investigation; Says Lab Leak Possibility Is A “Conspiracy Theory” And “Against Science”

A leaked internal email from CNN’s Washington bureau chief complains that the “carrot” is no longer working in terms of convincing Americans to get vaccinated and that authorities need to start using the “stick.” The message, which was mistakenly sent to conservative activist Charlie Kirk, was only intended to be seen by other CNN colleagues. […]

Biden’s CDC Director Says Lab Origin of COVID-19 a “Possibility”

The British government has claimed that it intends to send private security contractors to knock on the doors of anyone returning from holidays to make sure they are quarantining upon their return, as required by law. Home Secretary Priti Patel announced Wednesday that those returning from destinations that have not been added to the government’s ‘green […]

GOP Reps Demand Intel Update From Biden On Wuhan Lab Leak Possibility

Scientists in the UK working as advisors for the government have expressed regret for using what they now admit to be “unethical” and “totalitarian” methods of instilling fear in the population in order to control behaviour during the pandemic, according to a report. The London Telegraph reports the comments made by Members of the Scientific […]

World’s Leading Scientists: WHO Has Failed To Make ‘Balanced Consideration’ On Possibility COVID Leaked From Chinese Lab

A group of the world’s leading scientists have written an open letter urging more investigation into the possibility that the coronavirus pandemic was caused by a leak from Wuhan’s Institute of Virology, saying that the World Health Organisation has dismissed the notion without proper consideration. The scientists, who all work for the globe’s leading universities […]

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