Posts Tagged ‘soldier’

Another Israeli soldier admits to implementing the ‘Hannibal Directive’ on October 7

In Israeli military terminology, the so-called “Hannibal Directive” is the policy of firing upon one’s own soldiers to avert a prospective captive situation.  There is a growing amount of evidence and testimony that suggests that on October 7, the Hannibal Directive was implemented, at least to a certain extent, on Israelis. What’s more, growing testimonies […]

‘I will no longer be complicit in genocide’: U.S. soldier dies of self-immolation in protest of war on Gaza

Aaron Bushnell, a 25-year-old soldier in the United States Air Force, died on Sunday after setting himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington DC in protest of Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza. Source

US military offering free castration to any soldier who wants it


Just For Laughs? Israeli Soldier Throws Flash-Bang Grenade into Mosque Full of Worshippers (Video)


‘Israel’ admits 1 soldier dead; Resistance destroys 7 Merkavas, 3 APCs

November 8, 2023 By Al Mayadeen English The Israeli occupation has admitted that one soldier was killed during confrontations on Tuesday, while the Resistance says it put 15 armored vehicles out of service. Another Israeli occupation soldier has been killed in the northern Gaza Strip while three others were critically injured, according to a statement […]

In his own truthful words — A remorseful IDF soldier (Video)


U.S. Soldier Who Fled To North Korea Detained, Charged With Desertion: Officials

The Army private has been detained by U.S. military and is facing charges including desertion and possessing sexual images of a child. Source

A Third-Generation Israeli Soldier Has Been Missing For Over A Week. Her Family Can Only Wait.

Roni Eshel’s father describes the wait for news as “hell.” Source

IDF in the HOUSE: Former Israeli soldier Rep. Brian Mast wears pro-Israel IDF uniform on Capitol Hill

(NaturalNews) In a display of homage for Israel, Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fla.) wore his Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) uniform on Capitol Hill on Friday to contrast his… Source

Israeli Navy soldier killed near Lebanon in ‘ammunition malfunction’

October 15, 2023 Source: Israel media The Israeli occupation army says that one soldier was killed and another injured in northern occupied Palestine due to a blast after a “malfunction of ammunition.” By Al Mayadeen English Corporal Kamay Achiel, a Female Israeli Sailor with the 914th Patrol Squadron was killed and several other sailors were […]

Israel soldier is haunted by the people he murdered

Israel soldier is haunted by the people he murdered An #IDF soldier explodes with frustration during a hearing about his PTSD, claiming he pees himself at night because he’s haunted by the people he murdered. #IsraeliCrimes #ZionismIsTerrorism #JWO #NWO The point is not to feel bad for him; it is to show no one but […]

North Korea Deports US Soldier Who Tried To Defect Over ‘Racism’

(ZH) North Korea on Wednesday deported the American soldier who tried to defect by bolting across the demilitarized zone Source

Soldier who crossed into North Korea apparently back in US

Army Pvt. Travis King, who was released from North Korea this week after crossing over into the country this summer, is back on U.S. soil, according to videos shared by local news outlets in Texas. King was seen departing from a plane that landed in San Antonio, Texas, where he is expected to receive treatment… […]

Nazi SS Soldier From WW2 Given Standing Ovation By WEF-Infiltrated Canadian Parliament

A Second World War Nazi SS war criminal has received a standing ovation from Canadian parliamentarians during the visit of Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelenksy. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invited Yaroslav Hunka, 98, to the […] The post Nazi SS Soldier From WW2 Given Standing Ovation By WEF-Infiltrated Canadian Parliament appeared first on The People's […]

North Korea Stays Silent On Apparent Detention Of U.S. Soldier Who Bolted Across Border

North Korea has been silent about the highly unusual entry of an American soldier across the Koreas’ heavily fortified border. Source

Transgender Swimmer Lia Thomas Comes Out As An ‘Antifa Super Soldier’

Transgender swimmer Lia Thomas has revealel that he is an “Antifa Super Solider” on social media. A picture posted on Instagram shows the NCAA champion swimmer wearing a shirt that reads “Antifa Super Soldier.” On […] The post Transgender Swimmer Lia Thomas Comes Out As An ‘Antifa Super Soldier’ appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

It’s a bird…It’s a plane…It’s the soldier that never dies

July 14, 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen English The Palestinian Resistance dared the Israeli occupation army to declare its confirmed losses, whether killed or injured.  By Rasha Reslan A series of accidental- and unbelievable deaths of Israeli occupation soldiers paint a clear picture of “Israel’s” greatest nightmare coming to life. The Israeli army is known for […]


JUNE 1ST, 2023 Source ALAN MACLEOD Amid a crisis in recruitment, the U.S. military has found a new way of convincing a war-weary Generation Z to enlist: thirst traps. Chief among these attractive young women in uniform posting sexually suggestive content alongside subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) calls to join up is Hailey Lujan. In between […]

IOF Soldier Wounded in Occupied West Bank by Palestinian Resistance Fighters

 June 2, 2023 An Israeli occupation soldier was wounded in a recent shooting operation near the “Homesh” settlement in the West Bank, according to Israeli media reports. The incident highlights the increasing frequency of resistance operations, which have taken the Israeli occupation by surprise despite heightened security measures Hamas spokesperson, Abdul Latif Al-Qanou, stated that […]

Israel soldier arrested for racial attack against Palestinian minors

An Israeli soldier has been arrested by the Shin Bet security service on suspicion of committing a racially motivated hate crime against two Palestinian minors, reported The Times of Israel. The soldier, whose name has not been made public, is accused of beating two Palestinian minors last month, which resulted in their hospitalisation in the […]

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