Posts Tagged ‘desertion’

U.S. Soldier Who Fled To North Korea Detained, Charged With Desertion: Officials

The Army private has been detained by U.S. military and is facing charges including desertion and possessing sexual images of a child. Source

New dengue fever vaccine ‘effective in 100%’ of human trial subjects

Last year, 48 healthy volunteers were randomly injected with a placebo, or the vaccine, known as TV003, by researchers from the University of Vermont and Johns Hopkins in Baltimore. Hawaii declares health emergency to fight mosquitoes carrying Zika, dengue fever Six months later, 41 of the test subjects returned, to be infected with a genetically-modified […]

ISIS Showcases Massive Arsenal Of American-Made Weapons In New Video

According to a new report from Amnesty International, many of ISIS’ arms have come from units defecting from the Free Syrian Army, as well as other rebel groups previously aligned with the United States and its plan to oust Bashar al-Assad. ISIS, the world’s most infamous terror group, has shocked the interwebz again after posting […]

Veterans Affairs official responsible for delivering benefits resigns – Veterans Today

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