Posts Tagged ‘increasingly’

Christians, Others Increasingly Targeted in Plateau State, Nigeria

Burial on Christmas Day, 2023 of Christians slain in NTV village, Plateau state, Nigeria. (Christian Daily News-Morning Star News) ABUJA, Nigeria (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – Following a rights group report that 1,336 people were killed in Plateau state, Nigeria between December and February, residents reported 18 Christians… Source

Israel Strikes Across Gaza As Offensive Leaves Both It And U.S. Increasingly Isolated

RAFAH, Gaza Strip (AP) — Israeli forces carried out strikes across Gaza overnight and into Tuesday as they pressed ahead with an offensive that officials say could go on for weeks or months, even as global calls for a cease-fire left both Israel and its main ally, the United States, increasingly isolated. The war ignited […]

‘We Want Retribution’: Far-Right Thrilled With Trump’s Increasingly Overt Authoritarianism

Edward Szall, the racist, bigoted co-host of the Christian nationalist program “CrossTalk,” is thrilled by reports that former President Donald Trump and his allies intend to impose an authoritarian regime on this nation should he return to the White House. Excited that Trump has “been radicalized” by the political opposition and multiple legal cases he […]

Wall Street Professionals Increasingly “Nervous” About “Yield-Led Global Accidents”

Wall Street Professionals Increasingly “Nervous” About “Yield-Led Global Accidents” A new market survey of Deutsche Bank clients finds smart money anticipates economic trouble ahead as extreme hawkish policy by central banks could trigger a ‘bigger financial accident’ and or ‘serious financial stress.’  Deutsche Bank’s Jim Reid wrote in the note that a global financial market […]

Climate cult high priests increasingly rule the world

(NaturalNews) For decades, claims that human-caused climate change is rapidly destroying the earth have been preached with the authority of sacred Scripture by… Source

Why society is increasingly turning to community schools to address the youth mental health crisis

The struggles of a rural school district in New Mexico illustrate how educators and parents believe they know what will work—if only they can get policy leaders to support it. Source

Bloodied Macbooks and Stacks of Cash: Inside the Increasingly Violent Discord Servers Where Kids Flaunt Their Crimes

A video shot on a phone scans a small bedroom, showing the grisly aftermath of what I was told was a robbery: dry blood smeared across a Macbook Pro, a pair of pliers on an unmade bed, and more blood speckled across the floor and walls.  A set of photos show a young man in […]

The West increasingly isolates itself

Following the demise of the Soviet Union, the United States felt that it would always be the lone superpower and that its hegemony would not be challenged. The failure of American policy in Iraq, followed by a chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, did not undercut Washington’s claim to global dominance. When Russia demanded an end to […]

The PRC is becoming increasingly active in the region of Central and South Asia

At this point in the “Great World Game,” everything that is happening in Central and South Asia (CSA) is playing an increasingly important role. CSA here will mean a vast territory, with at least a dozen countries located on it today. From Kazakhstan in the north to Sri Lanka in the south and from Nepal […]

‘State of Control’: The control society is increasingly becoming a reality

BY RHODA WILSON ON FEBRUARY 3, 2023 • ( 16 COMMENTS ) The Central Bank Digital Currency (“CBDC”) and the digital passport can make our lives easier and more efficient. But new international legislation shows that the purpose of these possibilities, has far-reaching implications for our privacy. Let’s not lose touch…Your Government and Big Tech are actively trying to censor the information […]

The Paris policy is becoming increasingly unpopular in Africa

Following Britain’s exit from the European Union, France appeared to have certain opportunities to strengthen its position on the international stage, such as shifting the balance of power in Europe and bolstering Paris’s position in the Franco-German tandem. First, while Germany remained the EU’s economic leader, the Fifth Republic had more options in the political […]

China is becoming increasingly involved in Central Asia

Over the last two decades, China’s economic and political rise has made it a key player in global politics, particularly for neighboring Central Asia (CA). China’s desire for active economic cooperation with the region, as well as its willingness to invest large sums in the implementation of projects that Central Asian countries require, are encouraging […]

India’s GM Mustard: An Increasingly Bitter Taste

From In a fair world, Aruna Rodrigues would be heralded as an incredible individual for her ongoing struggle to protect the socio-economic and environmental integrity of India. So says respected environmentalist, author and campaigner Leo Saldanha, GMWatch reported. Source: GMWatch By Colin Todhunter He adds: “Since 2005, she has tirelessly pursued a public interest […]

Robert Inlakesh Interview – Collapse Of Corporate Media & Its Increasingly Transparent Propaganda

Joining me today on Moving Target is Robert Inlakesh, here to discuss the very conspicuous shift, in the last few years specifically, in the way corporate media has conducted itself — primarily the utter lack of journalistic standards and integrity. Now these tenets have been steadily slipping for decades now (if ever truly practiced) but […]

War in Ukraine: Weather conditions increasingly allow for offensive action

A recent drop in temperatures to consistently below-freezing has allowed the ground to solidify, likely setting conditions for increasing the pace of offensive operations. Source

This graph shows where surging corporate profits increasingly go: Tax havens

The global corporate minimum tax would ensure all companies worldwide pay a minimum tax of 15% and would require higher taxes of large companies in countries where they have customers. Source

Disinfo Alert! US ‘increasingly concerned’ sabre-rattling Russia will use nuclear weapons in Ukraine

I am not sure “nuclear” weapons work exactly as the sheep have been led to believe they do, but let us assume for the sake of this argument they do. The Ratschilds, or the beings they front for currently run this dimension. The Rothsrats have the best real estate in the most desired places on […]

Russia Recruits Convicts For War Due To ‘Increasingly Severe’ Manpower Shortage, UK Says

Russia is being forced to recruit prison inmates due to an “increasingly severe” manpower shortage, according to the U.K. Ministry of Defense. Inmates are being offered cash payments and having their sentences commuted to persuade them to sign up for the war in Ukraine. Advertisement The news comes after Ukraine re-took large parts of previously […]

Expert: U.S. increasingly at risk of descending into chaos, anarchy as mistrust of DOJ, FBI in Biden era spreads

(Natural News) The social fabric of the United States is thin and it’s being shredded more by the day, leading the country down a path of chaos and “anarchy” thanks to rising distrust in all levels of government in the Biden era, especially the highly politicized Justice Department and FBI. Attorney Sandra Spurgeon, who has […]

The Increasingly Tyrannical EU Flexes It Totalitarian Muscles Against Hungary

EU Commission sues Hungary over LGBT law READ HERE: Brussels has targeted Budapest for alleged discrimination and freedom of speech violation   Source

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