Posts Tagged ‘Hungary’

EU tyrants vote to punish Hungary for Orban’s “peace mission” – why do they hate peace so much?

(NaturalNews) Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is making waves across Europe in opposition to the globalist plans of the European Union (EU). Because of this,… Source

Hungary’s Orbán Announces New ‘Patriots For Europe’ Alliance With Austrian & Czech Nationalists

Hungary’s Orbán Announces New ‘Patriots For Europe’ Alliance With Austrian & Czech Nationalists Authored by Dénes Albert via, Austria’s Freedom Party (FPÖ), Czechia’s ANO, and Hungary’s Fidesz have formed a new right-wing coalition, the parties’ respective leaders announced at a joint press conference in Vienna on Sunday. Herbert Kickl (FPÖ), Andrej Babis (ANO) and Viktor […]

Belgium and Hungary Launch Controversial Digital IDs, Vaccine Passport, Ahead of EU Regulations

Belgium and Hungary are leading the way in launching digital ID wallets ahead of EU’s eIDAS (“electronic identification and trust services”) 2.0 regulation and EUDI Wallet coming into force later this month. In Belgium, the app, covering all of the country’s federal public services, was launched on Tuesday, with the government promoting the digital identity as […]

Eva Vlaardingerbroek’s Speech at CPAC Hungary

 Here it is! The full speech I gave at #CPACHungary that the establishment is losing its absolute mind about. I spoke the forbidden truth: The Great Replacement is no longer a theory – it’s reality. White Europeans are being replaced in their own countries at an ever accelerating rate and it will mean the […]

Hungary Becomes First EU Country to Congratulate Putin for Winning the ‘Elections’

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s congratulatory message to Russian President Vladimir Putin on his “re-election” has sent shockwaves through the European Union, amplifying concerns about political unity and Orban’s alignment with Moscow’s authoritarian regime. In his message to Putin, Orban emphasized the significance of cooperation between Hungary and Russia, citing mutual respect as the foundation […]

USA Issues Threat to Hungary over Continuous Support for Putin

In a scathing rebuke delivered on Thursday, US Ambassador David Pressman accused Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban of isolating his country from the Western “community of democracies.” Pressman’s wide-reaching critique highlighted several grievances against Budapest and underscored the importance of maintaining ties beyond “temporary” leadership. “The Orban government’s decision to distance itself from the Western […]

EU demands Hungary, Poland and Slovakia begin importing of Ukrainian grain

The European Commission insists on extending the duty-free and quota-free access of Ukrainian agricultural products and foodstuffs to EU markets for another year. EU trade commissioner Valdis Dombrovskis recently called on Hungary, Poland and Slovakia to immediately lift the ban on imports of Ukrainian products, which was introduced under national jurisdiction last September. He noted […]

Hungary Releases photos of victims targeted in Budapest by Italian Antifa

After Italy’s government criticized the treatment of a suspected Antifa terrorist who prosecutors say helped brutally beat innocent civilians in Hungary in February of last year, the Hungarian government has released photographs showing the damage to victims targeted by the gang. Viewer discretion is advised Authorities accuse the 39-year-old Ilaria Salis of being instrumental in […]

EU Opens Accession Talks with Ukraine and Moldova as Hungary Finally Concedes

Zelensky has hailed ‘victory’ for Ukraine as EU leaders open accession talks with Kyiv, defying pro-Putin Hungarian president’s vow to veto the move. European Council President Charles Michel announced the decision to launch formal accession talks as ‘a clear signal of hope for their people and for our continent’. Volodymyr Zelensky said on X: ‘This […]

Hungary Rejects “Completely Premature” Proposal To Admit Ukraine Into EU

The government of Viktor Orban in Hungary has blasted a proposal to admit Ukraine into the European Union as “completely premature”. Orban’s chief of staff, Gergely Gulyas, on Thursday told a news conference in Budapest that it is too early to so much as begin formal talks on the matter, according to the AP. “We are dealing with a […]

EU to Bypass Hungary’s Veto and Send Massive €50 Billion Aid to Ukraine

    The European Union (EU) is prepared to provide Ukraine with €50 billion ($53.4 billion) in aid, even if Hungary continues to veto it, as per sources within the EU, reported by Reuters on Friday. The European Commission has put forth a proposal to offer Ukraine additional grants and loans to assist in its […]

European Elections Will Be Fought On The Issue Of Mass Migration, Says Hungary PM Orbán

Via Remix News, A key battleground during the European parliamentary elections next year will be the issue of mass migration, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has said, claiming that the migration policies adopted by liberal governments in Western Europe have increased the terror threat on the continent. Speaking to Hungary’s Kossuth Rádió, the Hungarian leader […]


Hungary flags for new delay with NATO

Now it looks like more gravel has fallen into the machinery for Sweden’s attempt to join NATO. Hungarian Speaker László Kövér says that it is “not certain” that the Hungarian parliament must approve Sweden’s application for it to become valid. The latest statement from Hungary has created uncertainty about the process for Sweden’s membership in […]

Romania mulls massive electricity network to help provide Hungary with energy demands

Romania is planning to build a massive electricity link to sell its green energy to the West, including Hungary, with the cost of the high-voltage lines expected to run into the billions. According to the Financial Post, Romanian Energy Minister Sebastian Burduja said in an interview in Bucharest that the Balkan country’s electricity production will […]

“A Very Dangerous Moment” – Hungary’s Orbán Warns Tucker “A 3rd World War Is Knocking On The Door”

During Tucker Carlson’s recent visit to Budapest, where he gave a speech apologizing for the “disgusting” behavior of the US Ambassador to Hungary, the former Fox News anchor sat down with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. Orbán – Hungary’s longest-serving prime minister – knows a thing or two about Russia (having grown up under their occupation, and been […]

Hungary’s Kurultaj Festival Celebrates Warrior Roots (Video)

Every year the Kurultaj Festival, hosted in Bugac, Hungary showcases a captivating reenactment of the country’s ancient history. Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Europe Videos History Ancient Traditions Read Later  Source

Austrian concern as Hungary begins to release people smugglers

    Austria is strengthening its border controls. This is because Hungary is starting to release convicted people smugglers, who have smuggled third world immigrants into the EU for payment, on the condition that they leave the country immediately. Hungary’s prisons are full of people smugglers. According to official figures, 2,600 foreigners from 73 countries […]

Austria beefs up border security, as Hungary releases hundreds of people smugglers

Budapest released hundreds of foreign prisoners convicted of people smuggling, and gave them just 72 hours to leave the country. Austria’s government on Monday asked Hungary for explanations as it stepped up security along the countries’ shared border following Budapest’s decision to grant early release to convicted people smugglers. The decision to release several hundred […]

Zelensky Questions Hungary’s NATO Loyalty

President Volodymyr Zelensky believes that the behavior of Hungary and its relations with Russia do not correspond to the status of a NATO ally. He said this in an interview with Finnish, Swedish, Danish, and Norwegian journalists. “How to resolve the dispute with Budapest? The question is only Budapest’s desire. It seems to me that […]

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