Posts Tagged ‘concern’

Joe Rogan Goes Viral With One HUGE Concern About Elections

The world’s most popular podcaster has once again sent shockwaves through the political landscape. This time, he’s questioning the legitimacy of the electoral process itself. In a recent episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, comedian Tim Dillon boldly predicted, “Trump will beat him [Biden], I think, from jail,” to which Rogan emphatically agreed, “Yeah, 100%.” […]

WHO Accords Warrant Sovereignty Concern

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL On 11 March, my article criticising what appeared to be a slow-motion coup d’état by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to seize health powers from states in the name of preparing for, conducting early warning surveillance of, and responding to “public health emergencies of international [and regional] concern” was published […]

Concern over commencements

With help from Shawn Ness New from New York Happening now: Gov. Kathy Hochul is already talking with college leaders about safety concerns at graduation ceremonies. Assemblymember Andrew Hevesi accused Hochul of lying about her commitments to child care. Catholic Charities is displeased with the additional money for abortions in the budget, first reported by […]

Concern Lingers About Biden Losing Black Voters After South Carolina Primary

Authored by Lawrence Wilson via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) adamantly insisted that President Joe Biden’s support is rock solid among black voters moments after the president won the state’s Democratic presidential primary. “The best illustration of that, he got 96 percent of the vote in this primary, but its largest […]

Israeli Plot To ‘Nuke Gaza’ Sparks International Concern

An Israeli government plan to drop a nuclear bomb in the Gaza Strip has sparked concerns and condemnation worldwide. Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on Tuesday warned that the recent threat by Israeli Minister of Heritage Amihai […] The post Israeli Plot To ‘Nuke Gaza’ Sparks International Concern appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Concern that U.S. Demands for Humanitarian Aid will Hurt Israel, Help Hamas

U.S. buy-in could shield Israel from international pressure and allow it to win. But U.S. conditions could also make it more difficult to destroy Hamas. Source

In US, Concern Over An Increasing Number Of Boy Victims Of Human Trafficking

Renegade Editor’s Note: Why do you think politicians were seeking to ensure a steady stream of “unaccompanied children”? Source

Extraordinary escalation in conflict has caused concern on both sides of Jerusalem

The unprecedented escalation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has caused public concern in West Jerusalem, where Israelis live, and Occupied East Jerusalem, where Palestinians live, and has also changed people’s habits, Anadolu Agency reports. Tensions rose rapidly in the region after Hamas’ armed wing launched “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood” early Saturday, firing a barrage of rockets and […]

Philadelphia Journalist Who Mocked Concern Over Violent Crime In Democrat Cities Shot Dead In Home

READ HERE:   Source

Dr. McCullough Calls Attention to Alarming Cancer Concern for the Highly-Vaccinated

July 20 2023 “Kevin McKernan has examined two vials of Pfizer, two of Moderna, and he found in one of the sets of vials … a cancer-promoting segment called SV40,” reported Dr. McCullough. “So if this is true, and that some of the vials are contaminated with DNA from the manufacturing process, this could be […]

Austrian concern as Hungary begins to release people smugglers

    Austria is strengthening its border controls. This is because Hungary is starting to release convicted people smugglers, who have smuggled third world immigrants into the EU for payment, on the condition that they leave the country immediately. Hungary’s prisons are full of people smugglers. According to official figures, 2,600 foreigners from 73 countries […]

Teacher Expresses Concern Johnny Is Not Transitioning Up To His Full Potential

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — A local teacher was forced to schedule a conference with a student’s parents to express growing concern that their young son Johnny is not transitioning up to his full potential. Source

EU concern over UK proposal to crack down on migrant boat arrivals

The British Prime Minister’s plans to crack down on illegal immigration must comply with international law. That’s the verdict of the EU Commission and interior ministers meeting in Brussels. Source

Grave Concern for Life of 2 Bahraini Activists behind Al-Khalifa Bars

3 Mar 2023 By Staff, Agencies The rapid deterioration in the health condition of two prominent rights activists, Abdulhadi Al-Khawaja and Abduljalil Al-Singace, who are serving life sentences in Bahraini jails linked to the 2011 uprising has sparked grave concern. Al-Khawaja, 61, was sent back to prison on February 28 after security forces denied him […]

Russian-Turkish gas hub has become an object of US concern

Following the collapse of the USSR, the United States is considering its role in the status of a global world leader. In relations with its NATO allies, Washington, moreover, continues the previous course of the flagship, which does not tolerate any deviations of its satellites from the strategy of the White House. And during the […]

To Whom It May Concern: You Can Order a Barrel of Lube on Amazon

Hey freak-a-leaks. Do you feel like no matter how often you buy lube, it’s just never enough? Are you tired of smashing the order button (again and again), along with smashing your own noggin into the wall? I’m here to let you know that your prayers have finally been answered from the lords of lubrication […]

To the US Administration: Lebanon’s Presidential Issue is No Concern of Yours.

December 21, 2022  By Mohammad Youssef The US administration is stepping up its pressures and aiming for more intervention in the Lebanese politics. The latest appeal by the US Senate Foreign Relation Committee Chairman Robert Menendez and member James Risch to impose sanctions against more members of the Lebanese political elite, more particularly many members […]

Why There is a Big Increase in Concern About Homeless Numbers Increasing Rapidly in USA

In recent years concern has been expressed that the number of homeless persons in the USA has ranged between 500,000 to 600,000, too high for such a rich country. However now the number of homeless people here appears likely to increase very rapidly in the near future. Why? Nearly one-third of the households, mostly in […]

Biden and Lapid Declaration: Iran, Hezbollah Main Concern

July 15, 2022 By Staff, Agencies The Zionist entity’s Prime Minister Yair Lapid and US President Joe Biden on Thursday unveiled the so-called “Al-Quds [Jerusalem] Declaration on the US-Israel Strategic Partnership”. The declaration reaffirms “the unbreakable bonds” between Tel Aviv and Washington, which are “based on a bedrock of shared values, shared interests, and true […]

Pew Survey Finds COVID Has Virtually Disappeared as a Major Concern For Americans

Illustrating how the issue has largely disappeared, a new poll of Americans finds COVID to be the least of their concerns out of a list of 12 different subjects.

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