Posts Tagged ‘expresses’

Teacher Expresses Concern Johnny Is Not Transitioning Up To His Full Potential

SAN FRANCISCO, CA — A local teacher was forced to schedule a conference with a student’s parents to express growing concern that their young son Johnny is not transitioning up to his full potential. Source

Mitsotakis conveys New Year’s wishes to Zelensky, expresses desire to visit Ukraine

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis conveyed his best wishes for the coming New Year to the suffering Ukrainian people when spoking on the phone with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Friday afternoon. According to government sources, the prime minister underlined his interest in the situation of the Greeks of Ukraine, while he assured Zelensky of… […]

Saudi Arabia expresses interested in joining Russia’s BRICS

Home » Economy, Middle East » Saudi Arabia expresses interested in joining Russia’s BRICS     Cyril Ramaphosa, the president of South Africa, brought news of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s declaration of his nation’s decision to join the BRICS when he returned from Riyadh earlier this week. This is not entirely unexpected because […]

Pakistani FM expresses gratitude to Iran for offering relief to flood victims

TEHRAN- The foreign minister of Pakistan commended Iran for providing aid to Pakistan’s flood victims in a phone conversation with his Iranian counterpart Hossein Amir Abdollahian on Thursday. In a tweet, Bilawal Bhutto Zardari expressed gratitude to the foreign minister Amir Abdolahian for his call and Iran’s rescue efforts in response to the floods in […]

Draft Agreement Of UN Climate Conference Expresses ‘Alarm And Concern’

GLASGOW, Scotland (AP) — Negotiators at the United Nations climate talks are considering a draft decision that highlights “alarm and concern” about global warming the planet already is experiencing and continues to call on the world to cut about half of its emissions of heat-trapping gases by 2030. The early version of the cover decision […]

Australia’s Foreign Ministry Expresses ‘Regret’ Over France’s Recall of Ambassador

Australia’s foreign ministry has “noted with regret” France’s decision to recall its ambassador to Australia, after the island nation this week scrapped a $90 billion deal for conventional diesel-electric submarines in favour of a nuclear fleet option as part of an alliance with the United States and the United Kingdom. French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le […]

Iran expresses condolences to Algeria over wildfires

TEHRAN— In a statement on Thursday, Khatibzadeh offered condolences to the Algerian government and nation, especially the families of the victims of the tragic incident, and wished recovery for those injured. Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Saeed Khatibzadeh expressed regret over massive wildfires in Algerian forests, which have claimed dozens of military and civilian lives and […]

RINO Mitch McConnell Expresses His LOVE for Joe Biden in Bizarre Speech

Senate Minority Leader and chief RINO Mitch McConnell expressed his love for Joe Biden during a bizarre speech at a Kentucky Chamber of Commerce event in Lexington on Tuesday. During the event, McConnell was asked: “You’re stranded on a desert island and you can only have one companion. Your choices are Joe Biden, Barack Obama, […]

A US mD expresses multiple concerns with the CV jab rollout in particular the vast under reporting of deaths & injuries

Yet another Doctor speaking out, Dr Ben Edwards. Natural immunity he says is more robust than vx immunity & recommends alternatives listed below in the video info: TEXAS LIBERTY ADVOCATE NETWORK ARCHIVE4.9K subscribersPLEASE, SHARE THIS VIDEO or MIRROR, UPLOAD WITH DIFFERENT TITLE IF SO LED TO DO SO Doctors Testify Before Texas State Senate […]

Lisbon expresses “regret” after sharing details on pro-Navalny protestors with Russian embassy

The city of Lisbon, Portugal has expressed “regret” after admitting that it made a mistake when they passed on information about a pro-Navalny protest to Russia’s embassy. Lisbon City Council (CML) said the details referred to organisers of a January demonstration calling for Navalny’s release from prison. The city hall has to collect data from […]

Floyd family expresses hope for tough police reform after meetings with Biden and lawmakers

Biden told the family that “he doesn’t want to sign a bill that doesn’t have substance and meaning,” Crump said. “He is going to be patient to make sure it’s the right bill, not a rushed bill.” Standing outside the White House after the meeting, Floyd’s 7-year-old daughter, Gianna, held up her fist with the […]

The NZ Nursing Union expresses concern at the plan to allow unqualified people to be involved with the VX rollout

From This is an interesting article in the NZNO (Nursing Union) publication. Note the concerns they are expressing about the new plan to allow unqualified people to be involved with the rollout. When we heard the ratios of up to 6 unqualified staff being overseen by one nurse in these mass vx centres, we […]

Biden speaks with Netanyahu, expresses ‘support for a ceasefire’

US President Joe Biden spoke Monday with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the bloodshed in Israel and Gaza, and “expressed his support for a ceasefire.” It was the third call the two leaders have had since the violence in Gaza erupted and came hours after Netanyahu said he had directed the IDF to continue striking […]

An open letter signed by 32 NZ Medical Doctors expresses concerns about the Pfizer ‘Comirnaty’ investigational vaccine for CV-19

NZ DOCTORS OPEN LETTER OF CONCERNLetter by NZ Doctors with Concerns Over Pfizer Vaccine April 27, 2021OPEN LETTER BY NZ MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS…… SHARING CONCERNS ABOUT PFIZER ‘COMIRNATY’ INVESTIGATIONAL VACCINE FOR COVID-19 We write formally to express our shared concern that:A new prescription only medicine with s23(1) provisional approval, which legally can only be for the […]

‘May Prince Philip’s memory be a blessing’ – Israel expresses condolences

Israeli officials expressed their condolences after the British Royal Family announced the death of Queen Elizabeth’s husband Prince Philip, formally known as the Duke of Edinburgh, on Friday.”My deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathy to HM Queen Elizabeth II, HRH The Prince of Wales, the Royal Family and the people of the United Kingdom” tweeted Israel’s […]

‘Hellboy’ Star Ron Perlman Expresses Sympathy for the Devil Because Rush Limbaugh Will ‘Spend the Rest of Eternity’ in Hell

Hollywood actor Ron Perlman declared that the late Rush Limbaugh will spend the rest of eternity with the devil, adding his insult to the outpouring of vitriol and nastiness coming from many of his fellow left-wing celebrities. Ron Perlman reserved his “deepest sympathies” not for Limbaugh but for Lucifer in a tweet on Wednesday. The […]

Watch: Trump Dances To Gay Anthem; Expresses Desire To Kiss Men Now He’s ‘Immune’

C-SPAN’s Steve Scully, who was scheduled to be the moderator for the next presidential debate, is apparently claiming that his Twitter account was “hacked” after he sent a tweet to anti-Trump former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci asking him for advice. The controversy began when Scaramucci responded to a tweet that appeared as if […]

Pope Expresses ‘Pain & Shame’ Over Pedophile Priests In Chile -As Churches Burn

During his visit to Chile, Pope Francis finally said that he deeply regrets that Chilean priests’ were involved in sex abuse against children. In protest at the abuse at least eight Catholic churches were attacked and burnt in the country over the past few days. The pontiff said he felt he was “bound to express […]

Adelson expresses support for ZOA efforts to depose Trump’s Nat Sec Adviser McMaster

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FM spokesman expresses sorrow over martyrdom of border guards

MNA– Foreign Ministry spokesman Bahram Ghasemi extended his condolences over death of Iranian border guards martyred in a recent clash with terrorists in an Iran southeastern region.Ghasemi said the Pakistani government should be accountable to the presence and operations of terrorist groups in its territory. He also extended his condolences over death of Iranian border […]

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