Posts Tagged ‘Shame’

Episode 462 – The Corbett Report Hall of Shame

Today, James begins inducting MSM liars, dodgy politicians and intelligence agency scoundrels into The Corbett Report Hall of Shame. Simultaneously, he begins inducting truth-telling whistleblowers and courageous journalists into The Corbett Report Hall of Fame. Who will make the cut? Who do you think should make the cut in the future? Join James for this […]

From the ‘Battle of Dignity’ to the shield of shame: How Jordan has fallen

APR 16, 2024 Source Amman’s collaboration with Tel Aviv peaked last Saturday with its shocking defense of Israeli territory from Iranian drones and missiles, a move that may prove fateful for the future of the Hashemite Kingdom. (Photo Credit: The Cradle) Khalil Harb The most dangerous development during Iran’s massive 13 April retaliatory strike against Israel last weekend […]

Louisiana fights off WEF and WHO. Shame England is locked inside UK.

Even the Netherlands is hearing about the Louisiana Senate victory against the WHO and the WEF (see story below). And a bill to make ivermectin and over-the-counter drug in Louisiana just made it out of committee. Tennessee already passed such a law. New Hampshire got very close but its RINO governor Sununu refused to sign […]

Hall of Shame: Congressional supporters of Genocide

Sat 30 March 2024  Written by Peter Miller These members of Congress signed a letter condemning the International Court of Justice decision that Israel is likely committing acts of genocide in Gaza. Shame on you for not uphold the rule of international law and for not protecting the lives of innocent civilians. Genocide Deniers . . . […]

Harvard’s Latest Act of Shame

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL [This article was coauthored by documentary filmmaker Janus Bang] This month, we received the very disturbing news that Professor Martin Kulldorff was fired from Harvard. His own account of what happened, “Harvard Tramples the Truth: When it came to debating Covid lockdowns, Veritas wasn’t the university’s guiding principle,” is an […]

The Taboo Ingredient for Progress: Shame

But again and again there comes a time in history when the man who dares to say that two and two make four is punished with death. The schoolteacher is well aware of this. And the question is not one of knowing what punishment or reward attends the making of this calculation. The question is […]

The Silent Shame of Health Institutions

For how much longer will health policy ignore multimorbidity, that looming, giant elephant in the room, that propagates and amplifies suffering? For how much longer will the ‘trend’ of increasing diagnoses of multiple health conditions, at younger and younger ages be rendered down by government agencies to better and more efficient services, screening modalities, and […]

Shame on Israel for exploiting the Holocaust to justify genocide

My grandparents’ story of surviving the Holocaust taught me what genocide is, and it is how I know to condemn what Israel is doing to Gaza right now. How dare Israel exploit my family’s suffering to try to justify its genocide in Gaza. Source

A Soul-less Non Human Being With No Shame

A soul-less non human being with no shame-This subhuman being has a name- Usury Pedophiles, the inbred buck toothed pack-Who chase down little boys and assault the Goyim Boys from the back- With no soul, they can feel no shame at all-Guess that is why they are like shameless baboons with brassy balls- A blight […]

‘For shame’: Pfizer to charge $1,390 for lifesaving Covid drug that costs Just $13

“Pfizer treats Paxlovid like a Prada handbag; a luxury for the few rather than a treatment for the many,” said one consumer advocate. Source

Epstein Victim Found Dead After Vowing To Name and Shame Elite Pedophiles

One of billionaire pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s victims has died under suspicious circumstances after threatening to name and shame elite pedophiles. Carolyn Andriano’s testimony was crucial in convicting Maxwell, Epstein’s child sex pimp, and her story […] The post Epstein Victim Found Dead After Vowing To Name and Shame Elite Pedophiles appeared first on The People's […]

Rand Paul On Return Of COVID Measures: “These People Have No Shame”

In response to reports of COVID restrictions, including social distancing and masking being reimplemented by colleges and offices, Senator Rand Paul asserted that those pushing the measures again “have no shame.” During a Fox News interview, Paul described the move as “hysteria” being pushed by the leftist media to financially benefit their corporate pharma owners. […]

A New System to Name and Shame Woke Companies

Consumers’ Research is launching “Woke Alerts,” a free direct-to-consumer text service to call out corporate pandering to the far left’s ideology when it occurs. Source

Shipment of ‘The Pillar of Shame’ Has Been Delayed for One Whole Year

The “Pillar of Shame” that has been erected at the University of Hong Kong since 1997 to commemorate the June 4 massacre was dismantled and removed by the university at the end of 2021. Danish sculptor Jens Galschiøt, creator of the Pillar, issued a statement a few days ago, saying that The University of Hong […]

America’s Media Prostitutes Have No Shame; Spread Their Legs For Uncle Sam Every Time

CONSPIRACY FACT: Teenage Kuwaiti Girl Lied to Congress About Iraqi Atrocities to Manipulate Public Support for a Gulf War November 15, 2021 Russ Winter Articles by Russ Winter, Crime, Hidden History, International News, Media, Politics, US News, Winter Watch Articles 6 IMAGE:  She will make a great Hollywood Prostitute.  All Hollywood Actors have to PROSTITUTE THEIRSELVES FOR ROLEs & she has gotten an early […]


By Ramzy Baroud Source We regret we failed to protect you. This was part of a statement issued by United Nations human rights experts on July 14, urging the Israeli government to release Palestinian prisoner Ahmad Manasra. Only 14 years old at the time of his arrest and torture by Israeli forces, Manasra is now 20 years old. His […]

Mom Forgives Illegal Who Brutally Raped Her 10yo Daughter: ‘Don’t Shame His Culture’

The mother of the 10-year-old Ohio girl who was brutally raped by an illegal alien says she has forgiven her daughter’s attacker and claims it was all just one big cultural misunderstanding. According to the […] The post Mom Forgives Illegal Who Brutally Raped Her 10yo Daughter: ‘Don’t Shame His Culture’ appeared first on News […]

Israeli Apartheid: The power of the frame, the shame of the name

Even a scholar who opposes the label says, “Israel does not have a case against apartheid.” That is the power of the apartheid framing. The label for Israel has gained broad acceptance because of the widening awareness of the death of the Two State Solution — that Israel never really wanted a legitimate, contiguous Palestinian state. […]

French Election FRAUD Puts 2020 To Shame — Millions Of Uncounted Le Pen Ballots Found [VIDEO]

If you thought the U.S. election in 2020 was bad, it’s nothing compared to the sham election that just went down in France. Emmanuel Macron, a former Rothschild banker and World Economic Forum “Young Global Leader,” may have been crowned the “winner”, but millions of Le Pen voters lost their ballots and rights on Sunday.

FNC’s Hume: Abbott Bussing Migrants a ‘Publicity Stunt’ to ‘Shame Politicians’

Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume said Wednesday on FNC’s “Special Report” that Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) is using a “publicity stunt” by bussing migrants to Washington, DC.

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