Posts Tagged ‘Harvard’

Harvard agrees to discuss divestment from ‘Israel’ following protests

May 15, 2024 Source: Agencies + Al Mayadeen English By Al Mayadeen English The student protest group Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine says that a pre-condition of the decamping is that the administration will take back suspensions. After Harvard agreed to discuss student concerns on the university’s endowment concerning “Israel”, protesters against the Israeli war […]

Harvard’s Latest Act of Shame

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL [This article was coauthored by documentary filmmaker Janus Bang] This month, we received the very disturbing news that Professor Martin Kulldorff was fired from Harvard. His own account of what happened, “Harvard Tramples the Truth: When it came to debating Covid lockdowns, Veritas wasn’t the university’s guiding principle,” is an […]

Harvard Professor Says ‘Hell Broke Loose’ After His Study Proved ‘No Racial Bias’ in Policing

A Harvard professor said “all hell broke loose” after the results of his study into police shootings found no evidence of racial bias. In fact, the results prove police are less likely to shoot black […] The post Harvard Professor Says ‘Hell Broke Loose’ After His Study Proved ‘No Racial Bias’ in Policing appeared first […]

New revelations about Claudine Gay’s selection as Harvard president indicate being black helped her avoid academic scrutiny

(NaturalNews) How does someone who committed academic plagiarism on multiple occasions make their way to the top position in one of America’s toughest… Source

Harvard Study Reveals Fact Checkers Overwhelmingly Hold Far-Left Views

A new Harvard study that “fact checked the fact checkers” has revealed that the fact checking industry is are strongly biased in favor of left-wing political positions with at least 95% of so-called “misinformation experts” […] The post Harvard Study Reveals Fact Checkers Overwhelmingly Hold Far-Left Views appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Harvard Renews Killer Jab Mandate For A Non Existant “Virus”

CDC knowingly labeled accurate news stories about the dangers of COVID-19 vaccines “misinformation,” internal messages show There Never Was a “New Corona Virus”, There Never Was a Pandemic No Worries No Virus Students at Harvard University will continue to be required to take the COVID-19 vaccine in order to register for the […]

ACADEMIC FRAUD: Harvard affiliate researchers accused of manipulating data images that impacted 37 published medical studies

(NaturalNews) A data sleuth recently found and accused top cancer researchers affiliated with an Ivy League university of scientific fraud for manipulating data… Source

Harvard University Top Donor Stops Donations, Says Elite Schools Produce ‘Whiny Snowflakes’

Billionaire hedge fund manager Ken Griffin, a prominent donor who has contributed over $500 million to Harvard University, has decided to suspend further financial support for his alma mater, expressing dissatisfaction with the current state of American universities. Griffin, among the wealthiest individuals globally, voiced his frustration during a conference in Miami, citing concerns about […]

Harvard Honor Council Member Who Votes on Plagiarism Cases Says University President Claudine Gay Got By on ‘Lower Standard’-Calls for Her Resignation

Harvard Honor Council Member Who Votes on Plagiarism Cases Says University President Claudine Gay Got By on ‘Lower Standard’-Calls for Her Resignation Source

Harvard students call for Gay’s resignation in editorial

Two students at Harvard University called for the resignation of Claudine Gay, the university president, after a series of scandals “plagued our beloved university.” Gay has faced growing pressure and calls for her resignation after dealing with allegations of plagiarism, as well as criticism over her response to antisemitism on campus. The students wrote an… […]

The Untold and Dubious History of Harvard’s Claudine Gay (But who’s really protecting her?)

“Carol Swain grew up in a shack without running water with 11 brothers and sisters. She was much feted in academia upon her emergence but quickly engaged in heterodoxies that got her blackballed and went on to become an evangelical Christian and a Trump supporter. That’s why her outraged demands for accountability for Claudine Gay […]

Oxitec Mosquitos and the Bill Gates-Epstein-Harvard connection

Posted by Tanngrisnir’s Newsletter Cases of malaria are now being reported in Florida and this is after the company Oxitec released genetically modified mosquitos ostensibly to keep them from transmitting the virus. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation helps fund Oxitec. The MSM is, of course, running cover for Bill Gates and Oxitec. The crap-piece […]

Gordana Vitaliano: Harvard’s MacLean Hospital Profile

Gordana Vitaliano’s Harvard Profile is missing, Now, let me help Gordana out and post her wonderful MacLean Hospital profile back online:  McLean Hospital Title Director, Brain Imaging Nanotechnology Group Harvard Medical School Title Assistant Professor of Psychiatry Biography Gordana D. Vitaliano, MD, PhD, is the director of the Brain Imaging Nanotechnology Group, a psychiatrist in […]

The Incredibles: Roughly 80% Of Grades Given At Harvard Are In The ‘A’ Range

The Incredibles: Roughly 80% Of Grades Given At Harvard Are In The ‘A’ Range Authored by Jonathan Turley, The Harvard Crimson on Thursday reported that 79 percent of grades given to Harvard students in 2020-21 were in the A range. That is an increase of 20 percent over the last decade. It leaves the question of not how […]

Billionaire Bill Ackman Calls on Harvard to Release Names of Students Supporting Terrorism Against Israel

Billionaire hedge fund manager Bill Ackman is calling on Harvard to release the names of students that are members of groups that signed a pro-terror statement in response to the recent Hamas attacks against Israel, so that employers do not “inadvertently” hire pro-terrorist graduates in the future. Source

Harvard Responds to Terror Attack in Israel After Students Publicly Support Terrorists

Harvard leadership has finally issued a statement in response to the Palestinian terrorist attack against Israel over weekend, after being called out by former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Larry Summers — and others — for their “silence.” University leadership, however, made no mention of their students expressing support for the Hamas terrorists. Source

Harvard’s Jacinda Ardern Calls on the United Nations to Crack Down on Free Speech as a Weapon of War

Jacinda Ardern may no longer be Prime Minister of New Zealand, but she was back at the United Nations continuing her call for international censorship. Ardern is now one of the leading anti-free speech figures in the world and continues to draw support from political and academic establishments. Source

Poison Ivy: Free Speech Org FIRE Names Harvard Worst School for Free Speech in America

Harvard University has been named 2023’s worst school for free speech by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE). The organization recently released its annual college free speech rankings, in which it dubbed the state of free speech at the Ivy League school “abysmal.” Harvard’s rating of zero out of 100 is a full 11 points […]

Harvard Law Dude DeSantis Goes to Gitmo and Fallujah

SEPTEMBER 1, 2023 Source James Bovard In the first Republican candidate presidential debate last week, Florida governor Ron DeSantis  touted his time in Iraq. “I learned in the military, I was assigned with U.S. Navy SEALs in Iraq, that you focus on the mission above all else, you can’t get distracted,” he declared.  Later in […]

Harvard Scientists Discover Age Reversing Chemicals That Will Become ‘Fountain of Youth’ Pill

Harvard researchers have discovered a chemical cocktail that they say can reverse ageing – a discovery that will result in a “Fountain of Youth” pill. Harvard researcher David Sinclair published the findings in the July issue of the medical journal Aging, in a series of Twitter posts last week. “We’ve previously shown age reversal is […]

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