Posts Tagged ‘proved’

Harvard Professor Says ‘Hell Broke Loose’ After His Study Proved ‘No Racial Bias’ in Policing

A Harvard professor said “all hell broke loose” after the results of his study into police shootings found no evidence of racial bias. In fact, the results prove police are less likely to shoot black […] The post Harvard Professor Says ‘Hell Broke Loose’ After His Study Proved ‘No Racial Bias’ in Policing appeared first […]

Kiev’s Nazi Regime Just Proved Again That Khazarian-Installed Tyrant Zelensky Oversees A Patently Fascist State

READ HERE: Ukrainian Lawmakers Vote To Ban Country’s Largest Orthodox Church Body   Source

Overwhelming Scientific Evidence The “virus” Does Not Exist, Has Never Been Proved To Exist Under Either The Koch Or River’s Scientific Method By Anyone, Anywhere In The World


Assad: War on Syria proved West acts against own claims on democracy

Friday, 17 March 2023 7:05 PM  [ Last Update: Friday, 17 March 2023 7:24 PM ] Syrian President Bashar al-Assad speaks in an interview with Channel One Russia on March 17, 2023. (Photo via social media networks) Syrian President Bashar al-Assad says the years-long foreign-backed war in his country has proven that everything the West does runs counter to […]

Protection From 4th Dose Of Non Vaccine Killer Jab For an Imaginary Not Proved to Exist “Illness” Wanes Completely Within Months: Study

I have to admit the killer jabs do keep the killer jabbed from getting ill. When you are dead, you can not get ill! But anyone peddling such bull shit as to pretend the killer jabs keep one from contacting a mythical “illness” never scientifically proved to exist should be forced to take a couple […]

Imam Khamenei: The Sacred Defense Proved to The World That the Iranian People Won’t Surrender

 September 22, 2022 By Staff, Agencies Leader of the Islamic Revolution His Eminence Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei received on the eve of Sacred Defense Week, a number of the commanders and veterans from the Sacred Defense along with the families of martyrs in the Imam Khomeini Hussainiyah in Tehran. Other Sacred Defense veterans who live […]

The UN proved its usefulness in crafting Ukraine grain deal

United Nations in New York City. Credit: United Nations Photo. CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 This article was produced by Globetrotter. Evelyn Leopold is a writing fellow and correspondent for Globetrotter. She is an independent journalist based at the United Nations and the winner of a UN Correspondents Association gold medal for her reporting. She served at […]

Legendary Christian Martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria Proved To Be Real

Legend has it that the now Christian saints Chrysanthus and Daria, who lived in the third century AD, converted thousands of fellow Romans to the Christian faith. This resulted in their arrest and attempted torture by Roman  Read more Section:  News Ancient Places Europe History Famous People Read Later 

Hisham Abu Hawash Proved Gaza’s Armed Resistances Ability To Influence Israeli Policy

The case of Hisham Abu Hawash, a Palestinian on hunger strike, has sent a strong message to Israel’s establishment and proves to be a significant victory for Gaza’s armed resistance. Hisham Abu Hawash, a Palestinian held in administrative detention — held without a charge — finished his 141 day hunger strike, on the verge of […]

DM: Turkish weapons proved their effectiveness in the field

Weapons manufactured by Turkey have proven their effectiveness in the field, Defence Minister Hulusi Akar said yesterday. Speaking during the inauguration ceremony of a new facility for a national fighter development project in Ankara, Akar said these projects will enhance the continuous localisation plan in the technological, defence and security fields, and will raise Turkey’s […]

Opinion | Jan. 6 Proved the Durability of the Constitution — and the Continuing Need to Defend It

Pence, of course, resisted. Besides the vice president, perhaps the biggest hero of the post-election period was the constitutional system itself — and the reason Pence was so stalwart was out of an abiding loyalty to that system. One year later, we should appreciate the fact that the Constitution proved a durable vehicle of representative […]

Thanksgiving Weekend Proved That America Is Now Living In A Very Dark New Reality

Renegade Editor’s Note: This gives a whole new meaning to “black” Friday. By Michael Snyder The entire narrative around “Black Friday” has completely changed.  In the old days, I would write a column every year about the chaos that we would see at major retailers all over America as crazed consumers fought over deeply discounted […]

A Day After Our Investigative Reporter Mary Beth Pfeiffer Proved That the FDA Lied (And Thousands Likely Died) with the Ivermectin Horse-Dewormer Hoax, She Was Locked Out of Twitter

Please share the brave story by Mary Beth and Linda Bonvie far and wide, and help us beat the censors with the truth about IVM and early treatments. Mary Beth Pfeiffer’s investigation for RESCUE on the FDA’s false narrative on people ingesting horse paste earned her thousands of new Twitter followers—and an account suspension from […]

What Bernie Madoff proved about America and the Jews

April 18, 2021 by Jonathan S. Tobin – Read on for article On Dec. 11, 2008, one of the worst events to rock the organized Jewish world was revealed on the front pages of newspapers. Bernie Madoff. Source: Screenshot Few outside of the financial world had ever heard of him before that day. But […]

2005 study proved Chloroquine / Hydroxychloroquine prevents SARS-CoV infection and spread

Barry & Honey Sherman murders were, “in my view, committed by a very sophisticated organization – at least it has those hallmarks.” Supreme Court Justice Michael Moldaver, October 6, 2020 Source: The Chronicle Herald Supreme Court Justice implicated the UN. The official / legal name for the UN is the United Nations Organization. What motive […]

Trump proved the experts wrong on the Middle East, leaving Biden with a new reality

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The SARS-Cov-2 virus was never proved to exist

The SARS-Cov-2 virus was never proved to exist Jon Rappoport / Jon Rappoport If you can’t prove a virus exists, how do you create a test to detect it? How can you claim the test reveals that people are infected with the virus? by Jon Rappoport December 1, 2020 (To join our email list, click […]

5 Times Studies Proved Wikipedia’s Left-Wing Bias

Multiple academic studies and critical analyses of Wikipedia have pointed towards the site’s left-wing bias. The findings include its content being more left-leaning than Encyclopedia Britannica and left-leaning editors being more active and partisan than right-leaning editors. Left-wing outlets have been found to be the top-cited sources and represent most citations on articles about American politicians, […]

Elections Proved Americans Are Done With The Drug War

Above photo: A vendor bags psilocybin mushrooms at a pop-up cannabis market in Los Angeles in 2019. Voters in Oregon in voted to approve a measure legalizing therapeutic, regulated use of psilocybin.  AP Photo/Richard Vogel. Despite a seeming media blackout on the topic, voters continue to use ballot measures to push decriminalization to get around […]

Death Photo of Abraham Lincoln Proved, or More Fake News?

The discovery of a haunting photograph of Abraham Lincoln on his deathbed has created controversy thanks to the airing of a documentary which follows a California investigator on her hunt to discover if the image is authentic, or not. For many years North American history enthusiasts have debated over the authenticity of photographs that appear […]

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