Posts Tagged ‘opinion’

The Ole Dog!’s Opinion on Pedophiles, Politicians, yankee carpetbaggers, Southern Scalawags & Red Russian Turkmen Mongolian Khazarian Babylonian Talmud Pedophile’s end Of Times Death Cult Members

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“This is in my opinion, the worst thing that’s ever happened to our country in my lifetime in the world, and the government’s role cannot be denied” — Member of U.S Congress


Biden performing POORLY in multiple opinion polls

Incumbent President Joe Biden is performing poorly in various opinion polls – trailing his predecessor, former President Donald Trump. POLITICO‘s Steven Shepard expounded on the incumbent chief executive’s predicament in a Nov. 25 piece. He noted that when November began, a poll by the New York Times and Siena College found that Trump was dominant in […]

“Window Is Closing” To Defeat Hamas As World Opinion Turns: Former Israel PM

Via The Cradle, Former Israeli prime minister and defense ministers leader Ehud Barak “fears Israel has only weeks left to eliminate Hamas,” as international criticism of Israel mounts over its horrific bombing campaign in Gaza, Politico reported Tuesday.  Most importantly, support for Israel’s military campaign, which has killed over 10,000 Palestinians, the majority women and children, in just […]

US preparing public opinion to replace Netanyahu

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A Doctor Cannot Give his Professional Opinion? 

In scientific journals it is common practice that, whenever a doctor or scientist, instead of presenting the results of an experiment, puts forth a point of view, a counter to the argument is printed at a subsequent time. This back and forth may continue for a few times, depending on the editor. Issues & Insights […]

I Read RFK Jr.’s Entire Announcement Speech: Here Are His 5 Best Quotes, In My Opinion

#5 – “Instead of two parties, we have a uniparty, a monster with two faces loudly bickering with itself as it lumbers over a cliff. At the bottom of that cliff lies the destruction of our country.” #4 – “People suspect that the divisions are deliberately orchestrated, and that getting us to hate each other […]


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America’ COVID Response Was Based on Lies | Opinion

SCOTT W. ATLAS , SENIOR FELLOW, HOOVER INSTITUTIONON 3/6/23 COVID Lab Leak Revelations: What We Know As Debate Resurges Over Its Origin Almost all of America’s leaders have gradually pulled back their COVID mandates, requirements, and closures—even in states like California, which had imposed the most stringent and longest-lasting restrictions on the public. At the […]

Fauci ‘paid “scientist” $18 Million’ to change his opinion on Covid

First of all, this made in a lab Vs naturally accusing debate of a mythical “virus” which has NEVER been Scientifically verified to exist- 211 health/science institutions globally all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever Is a mind F##K to try to convince you there really was a […]

OPINION: G20 FM’s Meeting a Chance for India to Become a Prominent Force in Changing World Order

India has the near impossible task of balancing the West and Russia-China as it hosts a G20 event in New Delhi. India has the herculean task of overcoming the great divide between the West and Russia-China as it hosts the G20 Foreign Ministers’ Meet in New Delhi on March 1-2. Interestingly, this meet arrives days […]

Opinion | ‘Aspirational Conservatism’: A New Path for the Republican Party

The word “rudderless” was used frequently to describe the Republican Party during the raucous battle for House speaker last month. But don’t forget that in 2020, the party dispensed with a platform altogether, or that it stumbled in the 2022 midterms with candidates more focused on relitigating the last election than offering a credible set of […]

Opinion | The False Choices Facing the Republican Party

These are not the only paths. Another consistent strain of thought and action among conservatives over the past several decades argues policy should be on the side of the little guy and that our existing economic and social institutions also provide the best paths to opportunity. This type of thinking has gone by different names […]

US and Israel ‘biggest threats to security’ across Arab world: Arab Opinion Index

An overwhelming majority of Arab citizens say they oppose normalization with Israel, believing instead that the Palestinian cause concerns the entire region January 20 2023 ByNews Desk-  The US and Israel have been named the “biggest threats” to the security of the Arab world by citizens from across West Asia and North Africa, according to […]

The Ukrainian crisis and Europe – the opinion of experts

January 10, 2023 Source by Batko Milacic Since the beginning of the Ukrainian crisis, we have been bombarded with mass information and opinions about the war and Europe’s attitude towards it. As someone who deals with geopolitics, I carefully followed the conferences and debates of European experts and politicians and their arguments. That is exactly […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: The Opinion of Sheep

Antisemitic Christian nationalist Andrew Torba says that former President Donald Trump must “never apologize” for dining with Nick Fuentes and praises Kanye West for being willing to “name the enemy” [i.e. Jews]: “A lion does not concern himself with the opinion of sheep.” Torba also posted various antisemitic messages on Gab and Telegram, stating that […]

The Environmentalist That Was Censored For Shifting His Opinion On Climate Change

The Environmentalist That Was Censored For Shifting His Opinion On Climate Change byJoe MartinoOctober 21, 2022 Censorship seems like the West’s version of sending someone to a ‘re-education camp.’ “Agree with us or you’re not allowed to have a voice.”Michael Shellenberger, a long time environmentalist who has been in the trenches helping to save the world’s […]

Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion (2022) | Oracle Films | News Uncut

28 sept 2022 Safe and Effective: A Second Opinion shines a light on Covid-19 vaccine injuries and bereavements, but also to takes an encompassing look at the systemic failings that appear to have enabled them. We look at leading analysis of pharmaceutical trials, the role of the MHRA in regulating these products, the role of […]

Opinion: Joe Biden Wandering Away from the Podium Is A Powerful Statement On Quiet, Dignified Leadership

A few days ago, President Joe Biden moseyed away from his podium while speaking to a group of FEMA workers. As he did so, worried aides and officials stifled their panic enough to keep their voices steady, trying to beckon him back where he was still needed. At that moment, we saw what we have […]

World Opinion Shifts Against Russia As Ukraine Worries Grow

NEW YORK (AP) — The tide of international opinion appears to be decisively shifting against Russia, as a number of non-aligned countries are joining the United States and its allies in condemning Moscow’s war in Ukraine and its threats to the principles of the international rules-based order. Western officials have repeatedly said that Russia has […]

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