Posts Tagged ‘shifts’

Apple bails out of EV market and shifts focus to AI

According to people in the know, Apple is finally canceling a decades-long effort to build an electric vehicle (EV). The internal announcement was made on Feb. 27, shocking the nearly 2,000 employees involved in the project. The people who shared the news requested not to be identified because the announcement wasn’t public. The decision was shared by […]

As RFK Jr. shifts his 2024 strategy, he’s bad news for progressives

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. offers progressives a mishmash of appealing statements, “free market” corporatism and assorted political toxins. Source

Politbarometer 2023 – Shifts in the mood of Mongolian society

In March-April 2023, an annual “Politbarometer” was conducted in Mongolia – a comprehensive survey of public opinion on a variety of issues related to politics, the economy, and the public welfare of the country. In May 2023 the processed results of the survey were posted on the web site of its organizer, Sant Maral. Many […]

DAVOS 2023: WEF shifts into high gear in preparing for the next Pandemic

…by ending health disparities and systemic racism…what on earth could that mean? Source

Mitch McConnell’s Top Lieutenant Shifts Blame for GOP Senate Failures 

Sen. Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) top lieutenant Josh Holmes on Tuesday shifted blame from Senate leadership to Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) for allowing Democrats to retain control of the Senate.  Source

Election Forecaster 538 Shifts Model, Predicts GOP Favored to Retake Senate

Republicans are now favored to retake the Senate on November 8, forecaster FiveThirtyEight predicted Tuesday for the first time since July. Source

Russia Shifts to a Zero-waste Nuclear Cycle in its NPPs

The global energy crisis, arguably the worst since 1973, is forcing adjustments in nuclear energy policy in the European Union and many other parts of the world. Washington’s policy of squeezing Russia out of the European energy market, decommissioning European NPPs and forcing a “green agenda,” for the express purpose of strangling its main economic […]

World Opinion Shifts Against Russia As Ukraine Worries Grow

NEW YORK (AP) — The tide of international opinion appears to be decisively shifting against Russia, as a number of non-aligned countries are joining the United States and its allies in condemning Moscow’s war in Ukraine and its threats to the principles of the international rules-based order. Western officials have repeatedly said that Russia has […]

World Opinion Shifts Against Russia As Ukraine Worries Grow

NEW YORK (AP) — The tide of international opinion appears to be decisively shifting against Russia, as a number of non-aligned countries are joining the United States and its allies in condemning Moscow’s war in Ukraine and its threats to the principles of the international rules-based order. Western officials have repeatedly said that Russia has […]

World Opinion Shifts Against Russia As Ukraine Worries Grow

NEW YORK (AP) — The tide of international opinion appears to be decisively shifting against Russia, as a number of non-aligned countries are joining the United States and its allies in condemning Moscow’s war in Ukraine and its threats to the principles of the international rules-based order. Western officials have repeatedly said that Russia has […]

World Opinion Shifts Against Russia As Ukraine Worries Grow

NEW YORK (AP) — The tide of international opinion appears to be decisively shifting against Russia, as a number of non-aligned countries are joining the United States and its allies in condemning Moscow’s war in Ukraine and its threats to the principles of the international rules-based order. Western officials have repeatedly said that Russia has […]

World Opinion Shifts Against Russia As Ukraine Worries Grow

NEW YORK (AP) — The tide of international opinion appears to be decisively shifting against Russia, as a number of non-aligned countries are joining the United States and its allies in condemning Moscow’s war in Ukraine and its threats to the principles of the international rules-based order. Western officials have repeatedly said that Russia has […]

Israel medical residents submit mass resignation over 26-hour shifts 

Two hundred Israeli medical residents resigned yesterday in protest against the 26-hour shifts they are having to carry out. The head of the Medical Residents Organisation (Mirsham), Dr. Rey Biton, said that some 200 medical residents are resigning in the first stage of the protest, with many more coming if the crisis is not solved. […]

3 Shifts Great Leaders Make to Become Extraordinary

By Kelly Fidel There’s so much work out there on getting leaders to be great, but not much on what happens once you’re great. For high achievers that have become great leaders, what next for them? It is possible to start in leadership at one level and evolve, moving from being a good leader to […]

Former Trump aide Max Miller shifts to new Ohio district for House run

Republican congressional candidate Max Miller speaks at a rally in Wellington, Ohio on June 26, 2021. | Tony Dejak/AP Photo, file Former Donald Trump adviser Max Miller appeared to be on a glide path to Congress — but now he’s prepping for a much tougher race. Miller is set to announce Friday evening that he’s […]

‘Not About Trump’: Terry McAuliffe Shifts Communication Strategy Days Before Election

Virginia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe shifted his communication strategy away from Donald Trump the weekend before Tuesday’s election. McAuliffe said in Virginia Beach on Saturday his campaign is “not about Trump,” despite constantly attempting to bring Donald Trump into the statewide election for months. McAuliffe also doubled down Sunday on CNN, saying the election was no […]

Biden shifts blame for Afghan war defeat

Biden shifts blame for Afghan war defeat – Tehran%20Times In a much anticipated live address on the lightening fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban, U.S. President, Joe Biden, rejected broad criticism of the chaotic evacuation scenes at Kabul airport. Biden used the speech to blame the Taliban’s takeover on Afghan political leaders and the Afghan […]

Newsom shifts into defense mode as California recall takes shape

In the latest bad sign for Newsom, the windfall has enabled proponents to hire paid signature gatherers, who are getting $3.70 per signature, she said. “After the first week, they came back and said they didn’t know it would be so easy,” Dunsmore said, adding the professionals are expected to produce as many as 100,000 […]

5D Ascension Update: Gaia Shifts Through the Dimensional Gears

February 10th, 2021 By Open Contributing Writer for Wake Up World The underlying field is shifting in intensity now. There are major infusions of light from the higher densities, especially the 5th Dimension. And like a finely crafted Swiss watch, this is turning the “cogs” in the lower dimensions. The physical frequency of Gaia is vibrant, it’s […]

With eye on Biden, India’s Iran diplomacy shifts gear

India completes two years of operations in Chabahar Port By a fortuitous happening, the top South Block official  heading the Pakistan-Afghanistan-Iran Division in India’s External Affairs Ministry, J.P. Singh was in Iran in the weekend, hot on the heels of the senior Taliban leader Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar. It is improbable they met. It is […]

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