Posts Tagged ‘retake’

Israeli Minister Calls On Jewish Settlers To Retake Gaza & Zionism Is Antisemitic w/ Robert Inlakesh

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (12/31/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Election Forecaster 538 Shifts Model, Predicts GOP Favored to Retake Senate

Republicans are now favored to retake the Senate on November 8, forecaster FiveThirtyEight predicted Tuesday for the first time since July. Source

Wet’suwet’en Retake Checkpoint A Month After Police Crackdown

Above Photo: Wet’suwet’en activists after reclaiming Camp Coyote. Gidimt’en Checkpoint / Twitter. Anti-pipeline Indigenous activists, resisting the contentious Coastal GasLink pipeline in Wet’suwet’en have retaken a checkpoint in Coyote Camp, a month after violent crackdown by federal police forces. On Saturday, December 19, activists leading the Wet’suwet’en resistance against the Coastal GasLink (CGL) pipeline project […]

VIDEO: Angry Texans Retake Park After COVID Hoax

Prostaguard Limited Advanced Release 29.95 19.95 Powerful Blend of Antioxidants & Plant Based Nutrients. All Hand Selected! Support Your Body Naturally With ProstaGuard* Survival Shield X-2 Nascent Iodine Spray 29.95 14.95 It’s Finally Here: Introducing The First Ever Nascent Iodine Survival Shield X2 Spray. Ultimate Fish Oil 44.95 29.65 […]

Washington warns Syria… not to retake its own territory

     Washington is concerned about the Syrian government’s “expansion” inside… Syria. The United States has threatened “firm and appropriate measures” against Syrian government forces, if they take back a part of their own territory Reuters: “”As a guarantor of this de-escalation area with Russia and Jordan, the United States will take firm and appropriate measures […]

Washington Warns Syria Not to Retake Its Own Territory

The US is worried about reports of an impending military operation to retake the city of Deraa in a de-escalation zone in Syria’s southwest. On Friday, they threatened Syria with “firm and appropriate measures” in response to ceasefire violations and cautioned Syrian President Bashar al-Assad against ‘broadening the conflict’. The warning comes as Syrian government […]

Iraq launches offensive to retake ISIS stronghold Hawija near Kirkuk

“At the dawn of a new day, we announce the launch of the first stage of the liberation of Hawija, in accordance with our commitment to our people to liberate all Iraqi territory and eradicate groups that support terror,” Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said in a Thursday statement, as quoted by AFP. READ MORE: Iraq plans […]

Iraq says battle to retake Tal Afar from Daesh nearly won

Press TV- Iraqi army soldiers and allied fighters from Popular Mobilization Units have dislodged the Daesh Takfiri militants from almost all neighborhoods of Tal Afar and its surrounding areas after an eight-day offensive to drive out the extremists from the northern city. The spokesman for Iraq’s Joint Operations Command (JOC), Brigadier General Yahya Rasool, announced […]

Damascus: Syrian Army Poised to Retake Last Al-Qaeda Held District

21st Century Wire says… As 21WIRE correspondent Vanessa Beeley reported from on the ground in Damascus this week, fierce clashes are taking place between the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and western-backed Al Nusra Front terrorists. As a result, after 6 years of terrorist occupations in and around the capital city, the SAA are getting close […]

Tillerson: Russia Must Ensure Syria Does Not ‘Illegitimately’ Retake Its Territory

Duterte deploys commandos, attack helicopters to retake Marawi from ISIS-linked fighters (VIDEO)

“We’re confronting maybe 30 to 40 remaining from the local terrorist group,” said Jo-Ar Herrera, spokesman for the military’s First Infantry Regiment, as cited by Reuters. “The military is conducting precise, surgical operations to flush them out… The situation is very fluid and movements are dynamic because we wanted to out-step and outmaneuver them.” Ground […]

Syrian government forces retake an important crossroads from ISIS east of Palmyra

Ivan Yakovlev 12/05/2017   DAMASCUS, SYRIA (6:50 P.M.) – On Friday, Syrian Arab Army (SAA) backed by Russian Air Force continued offensive against the so-called “Islamic State” (IS, or also ISIL/ISIS) in eastern Palmyra countryside. Led by 5th Army Corps units, government forces captured Talilah crossroads and its surroundings east of Palmyra after violent clashes […]

Syrian forces retake power company in Dayr al-Zawr

Press TV – The Syrian army and its allies have managed to retake the electric power company in the south of the city of Dayr al-Zawr from the Daesh Takfiri terrorists. Lebanon’s al-Ahed news website reported on Friday that the advance came as airstrikes targeted the terrorists’ movements in the vicinity of the company and […]

The Snowden Test

David Thrussell,  ContributorWaking Times No doubt you know the basic story. Beginning June 5th 2013, a series of explosive articles ran in The Guardian (and subsequently a handful of other newspapers/magazines) detailing a vast web of global surveillance (engineered by the U.S. National Security Agency and U.K. partner GCHQ). The revelations were […]

Diary Of A BDS Skeptic

Diary Of A BDS Skeptic America In Decline Articles, IsraHell Articles Diary Of A BDS SkepticBy Brother Nathanael Kapner June 12, 2016 ©___________________________________ DEAR DIARY, TODAY I READ the news that Governor Cuomo of New York is blacklisting groups involved in the BDS movement aimed at Israel. Along with this, I read that Susan Rice […]

Iran FM due in Norway for talks, Oslo Forum

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif will visit Norway to hold talks with the European country’s officials and participate in an international forum. Zarif and his accompanying delegation will leave Tehran for Oslo on Sunday night for a two-day visit to hold negotiations with Norwegian authorities and take part in the Oslo Forum, Iranian Foreign […]

Envoy: Iran, Azerbaijan media play important role in developing ties

Baku, June 8, IRNA – Iran’s Ambassador to Baku Mohsen Pakayeen said that mass media has important and constructive role in developing bilateral ties. He made the remarks in a meeting with Trend News Agency Director General Ilgar Huseynov here on Wednesday. The ambassador said that political and economic relations between Iran and the Republic […]

Photo exhibition to open in China to show Iran’s beauty

TEHRAN, Jun. 04 (MNA) – Photo Exhibition, dubbed ‘Beautiful Iran’, will be held in China to showcase the natural beauty and magnificent scenery of Iran. Amin Arefnia, Director of the National Library and Archives of Iran (NLAI), said Beautiful Iran’ exhibition of cultural, natural and documented heritage of Iran will convene in the National Library of […]

5 things you need to know about new Turkish PM Yildirim

READ MORE: ‘Coup against parliament:’ Politicians and analysts slam lifting of Turkish MPs’ immunity Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party elected Binali Yildirim, the only candidate running, as its new chairman on Sunday at the party’s 2nd Extraordinary Congress when the 1,405 attendees unanimously voted for the longtime ally of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. As […]

Two Ways Hillary’s Private Email Operation Was Obviously Criminal

As I noted on March 10th, Hillary Clinton, and her aides who cooperated with her privatization of information from the US Department of State, were violating: 18 US Code § 1519 – Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy… Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in […]

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