Posts Tagged ‘Aleppo’

Turkey Plans to Annex Aleppo

August 17, 2023 Source Steven Sahiounie Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has announced his plan to return Syrian refugees in Turkey to Aleppo. For many years he has proposed a plan to create a safe zone, or de-escalation zone specifically developed to hold the millions of Syrian refugees living in Turkey. The Erdogan plan, dubbed […]

Aleppo war-scarred Citadel damaged in earthquake

The ancient Citadel of Aleppo, scarred by Syria's 11-year conflict, suffered further damage in the earthquake that ravaged southern Turkiye and northern Syria, a local architect and the Syrian Antiquities Directorate said, Reuters reports. On Tuesday, a pile of rubble near the Citadel was all that was left of a structure identified by local architect, Mohammed […]

Israel Bombs Aleppo Airport for the Second time in One Week

SEPTEMBER 6, 2022  ARABI SOURI  Israel (read: the USA, rest of NATO, and the Gulfies) bombed Aleppo International Airport taking the airport out of service for the second time in one week. A Syrian military source said in a statement conveyed by the Syrian news agency Sana: “At approximately 8:16 p.m. this evening, the Israeli enemy […]

Iran opens consulate in Aleppo

TEHRAN — Following consultations between Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, Iran opened a consulate in the Syrian city of Aleppo on Saturday. The Syrian authorities agreed to request by Iran to open consulate in Aleppo after they received a confirmation letter by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the […]

Israel Bombs with Missiles the Outskirts of Aleppo 11 September 2020

September 11, 2020 Arabi Souri A new missile bombing by Israel against the outskirts of Aleppo province this dawn was reported by the official Syrian News Agency SANA. The agency quoted a Syrian military source: ‘At 1:30 in the morning, the Zionist enemy launched air aggression around Aleppo with bursts of missiles.’ The military source added: […]

New round of Israeli airstrikes hit Aleppo, Syria says

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South Front 30.04.2018 On April 29, an unnamed source of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) told the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) that several military positions of the SAA in Hama and Aleppo governorates were targeted. However, the source didn’t identify the side responsible for attacks. Syrian pro-government sources said that the military positions that […]

Aleppo MP on Why Western Proxies Staged ‘Chemical Attack’ in Douma and Israel’s Recent Threat Against Damascus

As evidence continues to mount against the western axis powers and their proxies – that the alleged ‘chemical attack’ in Douma, Syria was in fact staged, Syrians remain defiant in the face of further threats and attacks by US-led Axis powers. Going Underground host Afshin Rattansi speaks with Fares Shehabi MP from Aleppo, about whether […]

Genetically Modified (GMOd) Mercenaries in Aleppo? Yes, According to Syrian Ambassador

In this video, the Syrian ambassador says that the funded and well-armed mercenaries in Aleppo are “genetically modified.” We all know that government and the Monsanto beast are allowing the genetically modification (GMO) of foods and animals that they’ve made public. Therefore, could they possibly posses ‘secret’ facilities where they are genetically altering […]

EAST GHOUTA: Vanessa Beeley on the Taylor Report – East Aleppo All Over Again

Hanano, East Aleppo, December 2016. A woman who had been liberated from terrorist occupation hours previously, gives the victory sign. Vanessa Beeley 21st Century Wire The parallels between East Ghouta and East Aleppo are unmistakable. The same media hysteria is being rolled out to protect the NATO-member-state-sanctioned terrorist groups that have been occupying the eastern suburbs […]

Ghouta, Raqqa, Aleppo: Ceasefire Decisions and Humanitarian Unconcern

NEW YORK — A UN-brokered ceasefire has once again been established, now for the sixth time, in Syria and, like most of those that preceded it, has now been broken. The current ceasefire sought to end fighting in Eastern Ghouta, an area near the Syrian capital of Damascus that has long been controlled by militant […]

Forces loyal to Syrian government raised their flag in Aleppo neighborhoods under PYD – YPG control

nsnbc : Forces loyal to the Syrian government and its allies have raised their flag on Thursday in a pocket of neighborhoods in Aleppo […]

Syrian Army, Allies Nearing Full Control of Pockets in Hama, Aleppo Countryside

February 9, 2018 Syrian Army and allies were on Friday nearing the complete control of pockets locating in Aleppo’s southern countryside and Hama’s northeastern countryside. Hezbollah’s War Media Center reported on Friday that the allied forces established control on 17 villages and towns in the area following clashes with ISIL Takfiri group. Earlier on Thursday, […]

LAST MEN IN ALEPPO: Al Qaeda Presented as ‘White Helmets’ for the Annual Terrorist ‘Oscar’ Nomination

Vanessa Beeley 21st Century Wire “A lion from Jabhat Al Nusra (Al Qaeda in Syria) died today and went to Paradise, I pray that God will accept his soul” No, that is not a quote from a terrorist group member in Syria. It is a statement taken from the Facebook page of Hasan Kattan, the Assistant […]

I Visited East Aleppo – There Is No Doubt Nusra And White Helmets Are The Same Organization

By Brandon Turbeville It is well known to anyone who spends even the smallest amount of time researching the Syrian conflict that the United States and Britain have been providing support to not only the White Helmets but also to terrorist groups such as al-Nusra, ISIS, and al-Qaeda among others. Indeed, ample evidence […]

Dear World: Inside the ‘Bana of Aleppo’ Propaganda Story

Remember the West’s regime change mascot, Bana of Aleppo? She has a book deal… As J.K.Rowling’s publisher Simon & Schuster prepares to cash-in on the soon-to-be bestselling book claiming to be the thoughts and words of 8 year-old Syrian child, Bana Alabed – more facts are emerging about her parents’ extremist and terrorist connections. Still, […]

ALEPPO: White Helmets Switched Injured Victim for “Smaller, Cuter” Omran in Propaganda Coup

Omran Daqneesh, still living in liberated Aleppo, under the control of the Syrian government. A happy, well-adjusted little boy. © Vanessa Beeley Vanessa BeeleyRT OpEdge Omran Daqneesh, a bewildered, injured child, extracted from the rubble in Aleppo, “the symbol of Syria’s suffering,” has been proven to be a propaganda heist, highlighting the exploitation of children as […]

WHITE HELMETS: The Jib-Al-Qubeh War Crime in Aleppo, Denied by Channel 4

Vanessa Beeley21st Century Wire “Harrowing footage published by the White Helmets volunteer rescue group showed a street littered with corpses and body parts, after civilians fleeing eastern Aleppo were reportedly hit by (regime) artillery fire. Shoes, clothing, suitcases and bags could be seen among puddles of blood and flesh.” ~ Lizzie Dearden for the Independent On November […]

Restoration of Aleppo is in Full Play

According to Inside Syria Media Center military correspondence on the ground, Aleppo, the largest Syrian city is beginning to come back to peaceful life. Just in December a number of districts of the city were held by terrorists, who were destroying urban infrastructure and keeping entire region in fear. However after eight month of the […]


 31.07.2017 On Monday, government forces started clearing the ISIS pocket in the Sabkah area. The crossroad town of Madaan located in about 67 km from the city of Deir Ezzor besieged by ISIS will likely become the next target of the operation. The Bishri Triangle is another high priority target for the advancing government forces. […]

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