Posts Tagged ‘positions’

Ronna McDaniel on previous RNC positions: ‘You kind of take one for the whole team’

Former RNC chair and recently appointed NBC political analyst Ronna McDaniel on Sunday explained why she’s only now saying that violent Jan. 6 rioters shouldn’t be freed — a stance directly opposed to former President Donald Trump’s position. “When you’re the RNC Chair, you kind of take one for the whole team,” McDaniel said during […]

These Are the Types Promoted Into Top Positions in Our Society By the Cabal b/c They Are Easily Controlled By Pandering To Their Perversions

“severe damage in the Prefrontal-Thalamo-Limbic Pathways that lead the person to become mentally and psychologically unable to form healthy relationships coupled with increase in perverted excessive sexual desires that lead in many cases to rape, sexual assault , inordinate desire for same sex relationships and severe violence in the sexual relationships.”   Great book Judith Reisman […]

1923: Russian Poet Sergei Yesinen Jailed For Noticing ‘Too Many Jews’ In Positions Of Power In Soviet Union

(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) It’s become common knowledge today that the so-called “Russian” Revolution wasn’t Russian at all — it was orchestrated and financed by alien international Jews — and one of the first laws they enacted was to make “antisemtism” a jailable or even capital offense — as the native Russian Poet, Sergei Yesinen, found […]

Agents of Israel’s Unit 8200 Now Have Top Positions at Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and Other Big Tech Firms

Hundreds of Unit 8200’s agents now have top positions at some of the West’s largest and most successful corporations such as Facebook/Meta, Google, and Microsoft. Many of these assets of the Israeli state have decision-making capabilities at these big tech giants. Source

Fresh IRG Attacks Hit PAK Positions in Iraq

November 23, 2022 By Staff, Agencies The Islamic Revolution Guard [IRG] Ground Force started a new round of attacks on the positions of terrorist groups, including PAK [Kurdistan Freedom Party], in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq on Tuesday. The new strikes have targeted the strongholds of the PAK terrorist and separatist group in the Kurdistan […]

27 Positions At Twitter Most Likely To Be Eliminated

Elon Musk is in charge at Twitter – let that sink in for a moment! Unfortunately for many workers, he has already announced plans for mass layoffs of positions due to redundancies, inefficiencies, and unnecessary perks. Here are the positions we think are on the chopping block as Elon starts tightening up the ship: Source

Australian PM Morrison’s Pseudo Coup By Secretly Grabbing 5 Ministerial Positions

Australians were astonished  by the revelation in August that former Prime Minister Scott Morrison had secretly been appointed by the Governor General, General David Hurley, as a Minister for Health, Minister for Treasury,  Minister for Home Affairs, Minister for Finance, and Minister for Resources and Water. These extraordinary and secret actions, while legal,  have grossly […]

Oz Campaign: PolitiFact Covering Up ‘Fetterman’s Radical Positions’ on Emptying PA Prisons by One-Third

Pennsylvania Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz’s U.S. Senate campaign blasted PolitiFact, saying it is “cover[ing] up for” his Democrat opponent “John Fetterman’s radical positions on putting criminals back on the streets.”  

The West forcibly backed down from some positions: advisor

TEHRAN – Mohammad Marandi, an advisor to the Iranian negotiating team at the nuclear talks, has said that the West was compelled to give up some of its positions in recent months and they will be forced to give up other positions in order to resolve the remaining issues. Source

GOP Rep. Tenney: Roe Is ‘Not as Extreme’ as Positions Democrats Are Pushing

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox Business Network’s “Mornings with Maria,” Rep. Claudia Tenney (R-NY) reacted to Democrats like Rep. and Ohio U.S. Senate candidate Tim Ryan opposing any restrictions on abortion whatsoever by pointing out that despite claims by

Preventing Psychopaths from Getting Into Positions of Power

Despite a growing resurgence of interest in the science and psychology of narcissistic sociopaths and psychopaths it seems as though society today has lost track of how these people can sabotage the core fabric of a civilization or nation. It is very easy to hyper-focus on collectivist ideologies as the source of our problems and […]

Women play a critical role in diplomacy and security, so why aren’t more in positions of power?

Image Credit: Shutterstock/rudall30 In recent years, Australia has put an emphasis on bringing more women into its defense, foreign affairs and diplomacy ranks. But a new global index shows the country still has work to do to improve gender equality and promote women in security. The recently released #SHEcurity Index measures women’s participation and representation […]

‘3000 paedophiles’ held positions in French Catholic Church since 1950s — leaked report

An investigation into the French catholic church has uncovered shocking revelations about child sexual abuse. An independent commission leading the investigation says between 2,900 and 3,200 paedophiles have held positions within the church since the 1950s. A report by the commission that looked at church, court, and police archives as well as interviews with witnesses […]

Report: Record Share of U.S. Small Businesses Have Unfilled Positions

A “record share” of U.S. small businesses had unfilled positions in August, Bloomberg News reported on Thursday. According to the report, which cited National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) data, 50 percent of firms had job openings that could not be filled last month, which was “up 1 percentage point from July and the largest […]

Afghanistan: EU, US and UK demand ‘those in positions of power’ facilitate evacuations

More than 70 countries worldwide including European Union member states on Sunday evening called on all parties currently involved in Afghanistan to “respect and facilitate” the departure of foreign nationals and Afghans who wish to leave. “Given the deteriorating security situation, we support, are working to secure, and call on all parties to respect and […]

Turkey strikes YPG positions in northern Syria after attack on hospital

Turkey has conducted airstrikes against Kurdish militant targets in northern Syria, in response to a deadly attack on a hospital in the region. The airstrikes targeted the positions of the Peoples’ Protection Units (YPG) and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in the Syrian regime-held city of Tel Rifat yesterday. Ankara accused the groups of the […]

Hezbollah positions itself as a welfare bureau in rudderless Lebanon

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source


Posted on April 18, 2021 by martyrashrakat South Front 16.04.2021  Screen grab from the Houthis’ video. On April 16, the Houthis (as Ansar Allah is known) released a video of a recent attack by their fighters on Sudanese forces in the northwestern Yemeni province of Hajjah. The 18-minute video shows Houthi fighters attacking the Sudanese […]

Ohio State to Hire 50 Diversity Professors, More BIPOCs in Faculty Positions in Social Justice Initiative

Ohio State University (OSU) has announced that it intends to employ 50 additional professors to focus on social and racial justice as part of a wider initiative that is estimated to cost millions of dollars a year. The university’s president Kristina Johnson first announced the RAISE initiative, which stands for race, inclusion, and social equity, […]

IDF Hits Hamas Positions in Gaza in Response to Rocket Fired at Beersheva

Smoke trails from rockets fired by Palestinian terrorists in Gaza City, Feb. 24, 2020. Photo by Ail Ahmed / Flash90. – Israeli aircraft struck several Hamas military installations in the Gaza Strip early on Wednesday morning, hours after Palestinian terrorists fired a rocket at Beersheva in an apparent attempt to disrupt Israel’s general election. […]

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