Posts Tagged ‘forcibly’

Are You Ready to be Forcibly Injected with Anything the Government Says, Regularly? Here Comes Central Digital ID and CBDC

Very important you understand this now. Not later. Central database digital ID will mean a government controlled single key to everything in your life. Your bank accounts. Your doctor appointments. Your government benefits or tax refunds. Your ability to get student loans, travel, buy food and gas. It is very convenient. It also means this […]

GOP proposes grotesque new law to forcibly send student protesters to Gaza to DIE

(NaturalNews) House Republicans want to punish campus protesters by sending them to live in Gaza for at least six months.Any person, including students and… Source

Christian Girl, 10, Kidnapped and Forcibly Converted in Pakistan

Laiba Suhail. (Courtesy of family) LAHORE, Pakistan (Christian Daily International–Morning Star News) – The Christian parents of a 10-year-old girl in Pakistan who was abducted and forcibly converted to Islam last month fear she could be sold to sex traffickers, sources said. A month after Laiba Suhail was abducted from her home in Chak 233-RB Ikhlaq […]

Israeli attack on Rafah aims to forcibly displace Palestinians: PIJ

February 12, 2024 Source: Al Mayadeen English The Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement says the Israeli crimes prove that the occupation does not care about public opinion or its allies in the normalization camp. By Al Mayadeen English The Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine affirmed on Monday that the Israeli massacre in the city of Rafah and the […]

October 7 Narrative Further Collapses & The Secret US Plan To Forcibly Displace All Of Palestine

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (11/29/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Bill Gates Boasts 1.2 BILLION Africans Will Soon Have mRNA Forcibly Injected Into Their Bodies

Billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates has boasted that mRNA chemicals will soon be forcibly injected into the bodies of over 1.2 billion Africans, as the roll-out of his mandatory jab was given approval this month. On […] The post Bill Gates Boasts 1.2 BILLION Africans Will Soon Have mRNA Forcibly Injected Into Their Bodies appeared first […]

Israel forcibly transferring Palestinians in West Bank: Rights group

The Israeli government is carrying out a forcible transfer of Palestinians in the Occupied West Bank, a human rights group said Monday, Anadolu Agency reports. Israel works to make the lives of residents in communities located in areas it wishes to take over unbearable, forcing them to leave their homes and lands B’Tselem group said […]

Inside the Fight to Forcibly Out Transgender Students in California

CJ’s mother warned him not to go to the Chino Valley Unified School Board meeting on July 20. “I didn’t want him to be there because of what had happened in Temecula,” Lisa told VICE News, referring to violent scenes at a school board meeting in a district just south of Chino Valley. just weeks […]

Video: Pastor Forcibly Removed From School Board Meeting For Reading Aloud Porn Book From Kids’ Library

A pastor in Florida was forcibly removed from a school board meeting when he attempted to read aloud pornographic passages from a book that was available to children. The man was one of around 30 parents at the Monday meeting at the Indian River County School Board. Pastor John K. Amanchukwu Sr. began to read from […]

‘This Is National Policy’: Suspicious Blood Samples Forcibly Collected in Chinese Jails, Say Persecuted Citizens

It was March 2006 when The Epoch Times broke the hard-to-believe news about China’s forced organ harvesting from living prisoners of faith, primarily Falun Gong adherents. In the months that followed, more evidence built up. By July 2006, the first independent investigative report, the Kilgour-Matas report, further documented credible findings of recorded telephone conversations with […]

US Prison Inmates Are Forcibly Jabbed

READ HERE:   Source

Russians Living in Estonia to Have Guns Forcibly Confiscated by the Government

Update (2305ET): The overnight outbreak of fighting in multiple spots along the Armenian-Azerbaijan border is serious enough for Yerevan to have asked for its powerful ally Russia’s help. This has been revealed hours after Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan held a late night telephone conversation with President Vladimir Putin. The Armenian government has since confirmed it has […]

Ukraine war: Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have been forcibly deported to Russia, says US

The US has evidence that “hundreds of thousands” of Ukrainian citizens have been interrogated, detained and forcibly deported to Russia in “a series of horrors” overseen by officials from Russia’s presidency. The accusation came during a Security Council meeting called by the United States and Albania to discuss Russia’s “filtration operations.” Russia immediately dismissed the […]

The West forcibly backed down from some positions: advisor

TEHRAN – Mohammad Marandi, an advisor to the Iranian negotiating team at the nuclear talks, has said that the West was compelled to give up some of its positions in recent months and they will be forced to give up other positions in order to resolve the remaining issues. Source

NYPD Implements Controversial ‘Stop And Forcibly Vaccinate’ Policy

NEW YORK, NY—New Yorkers are having mixed feelings about the NYPD’s new stop-and-forcibly-vaccinate policy. The controversial policy would be the first in the nation to allow police officers to inject the COVID-19 vaccine into any motorist or pedestrian they choose to profile based on their appearance. “Some people say it infringes on their right to […]

Tony Blair: Govt Should Forcibly Inject Nursery-Age Children

Former British Prime Minister and Iraq war architect Tony Blair has urged the government to begin forcibly vaccinating nursery age children and impose vaccine passports in order to avoid another lockdown this winter. In written comments in the foreword to a coronavirus report from the Tony Blair Institute, Blair baselessly claimed that children are becoming […]

Man Forcibly Imprisoned in Mental Asylum For Different Opinion on COVID

The Premier of Victoria has asserted that authorities “won’t hesitate” to go “door-to-door” to carry out mandatory COVID tests on Australians. Daniel Andrews made the comments during a press conference as Australia continues to pursue a ludicrous ‘zero COVID’ policy that mandates draconian lockdowns in response to just a handful of new cases. “We’re not […]

Belarus Runner Alleges Olympic Team Forcibly Tried To Send Her Home

TOKYO (AP) — A Belarus track sprinter alleged her Olympic team tried to remove her from Japan in a dispute that led to a standoff Sunday evening at Tokyo’s main airport. An activist group supporting Krystsina Tsimanouskaya said she believed her life was in danger in Belarus and would seek asylum with the Austrian embassy […]

Belarus sprinter claims officials tried to forcibly remove her from Tokyo

A Belarussian sprinter has appealed to the International Olympic Committee for help after claiming that officials from her country attempted to have her deported from Japan. Krystsina Tsimanouskaya, who was due to compete in the women’s 200 metres on Monday, said that her team officials had put her under pressure to return to Belarus. When […]

Some countries are chasing down people & forcibly jabbing them

There are two countries from which we have seen videos of forced jabs, those being Argentina and India. (India posted previously, link below). The Argentinian one is disturbing, be warned. A man is literally chased onto his roof where he tries to escape, is caught and held down and screaming, is forcibly jabbed. Likewise the […]

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