Posts Tagged ‘boasts’

Bill Gates Boasts AI Will Eradicate Independent Media From Society 

Bill Gates has boasted that Artificial Intelligence (AI) will help the global elites eradicate independent media from the Internet. In a recent episode of “Unconfuse Me with Bill Gates,” Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, […] The post Bill Gates Boasts AI Will Eradicate Independent Media From Society  appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

Gates Foundation Insider Boasts BILLIONS Will Die In 2024 Plandemic

Three years ago, Bill Gates openly bragged that a future pandemic would wipe billions of people off the face of the earth. Speaking with his trademark smirk, Gates could not have been clearer about his plans for the future. Now, according to a Gates Foundation insider, plans for the promised pandemic are underway and the […]

Ukraine’s CIA-Backed Military Intelligence Boasts Of New Car Bombing Assassination 

Authored by Dave DeCamp via, Ukraine’s CIA-backed military intelligence has taken credit for a car bombing that killed a politician in Russian-controlled eastern Ukraine on Wednesday. Mikhail Filiponenko, a member of the local Russian-backed legislature in Luhansk and former police chief, was killed in his car outside of his house. Via Sputnik/AP: A video showed the scene […]

Bill Gates Boasts That ALL Newborns Will Soon Be Fitted With ‘Digital IDs’

Billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates has announced plans to implant all newborn babies with mandatory “digital IDs” – with or without parental consent. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has begun rolling out the diabolical project […] The post Bill Gates Boasts That ALL Newborns Will Soon Be Fitted With ‘Digital IDs’ appeared first on The […]

WEF Boasts BILLIONS of Humans Will Soon Be Replaced With AI Hybrids

The tyranny is spreading. Klaus Schwab has admitted the global elite are planning to depopulate the world and replace ordinary human beings with AI and transhumanist hybrids. According to the WEF, humanity will be better […] The post WEF Boasts BILLIONS of Humans Will Soon Be Replaced With AI Hybrids appeared first on The People's […]

Bill Gates Boasts 1.2 BILLION Africans Will Soon Have mRNA Forcibly Injected Into Their Bodies

Billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates has boasted that mRNA chemicals will soon be forcibly injected into the bodies of over 1.2 billion Africans, as the roll-out of his mandatory jab was given approval this month. On […] The post Bill Gates Boasts 1.2 BILLION Africans Will Soon Have mRNA Forcibly Injected Into Their Bodies appeared first […]

Biden Boasts ‘White People’ Will Soon Be a Minority Due To ‘Unrelenting Immigration’

Joe Biden told Pro Publica that America will “very shortly” be a “minority white” country, thanks to the millions of illegal aliens entering through the open border. Previously, Biden vowed to make white Americans an […] The post Biden Boasts ‘White People’ Will Soon Be a Minority Due To ‘Unrelenting Immigration’ appeared first on The […]

WEF Boasts That AI Will Soon Replace Billions of ‘Useless Humans’

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has boasted that billions of ‘useless humans’ will soon be replaced by artificial intelligence (AI). Two senior members of the WEF sat down for an interview with the Rothschild-owned outlet The Economist to discuss […] The post WEF Boasts That AI Will Soon Replace Billions of ‘Useless Humans’ appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Fauci’s Boasts ‘Man-Made Pandemics’ Are Good For the Elite

In a newly resurfaced paper from 2012, Dr. Anthony Fauci boasted that the global elite stand to benefit from a deadly man-made pandemic that will vastly depopulate the globe. Despite the risk of billions dying, […] The post Fauci’s Boasts ‘Man-Made Pandemics’ Are Good For the Elite appeared first on The People's Voice. Source

WEF Insider Boasts of Plot To Force Humanity To Stop Eating Meat

A World Economic Forum insider has boasted the globalist elite have found the solution to force humanity to stop eating meat and consuming resources and these plans are being rolled out now to fight so-called […] The post WEF Insider Boasts of Plot To Force Humanity To Stop Eating Meat appeared first on The People's […]

DeSantis Boasts He Can ‘Win Presidency’ Now That Trump Is Getting Arrested

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has boasted that he has a clear path to presidential victory now that President Trump is about to be arrested. In a sit-down interview with Piers Morgan that airs Thursday, DeSantis […] The post DeSantis Boasts He Can ‘Win Presidency’ Now That Trump Is Getting Arrested appeared first on News Punch. […]

Zelensky Boasts of Blowing Up Russian Bridge to Crimea: ‘World War 3 Is Coming’

Russian President Vladimir Putin said that an explosion involving a truck on Saturday caused a fire and destroyed a large section of a bridge linking Russia and Crimea. The bridge is a key supply route for Russian troops in southern Ukraine. […] The post Zelensky Boasts of Blowing Up Russian Bridge to Crimea: ‘World War 3 Is Coming’ appeared first on […]

Watch– Eric Adams Boasts: ‘New York Has a Brand’ and Kansas Does Not

Democrat New York City Mayor Eric Adams ignited anger on social media Tuesday over comments he made knocking a red state like Kansas for having no “brand” compared to New York. Source

Bill Gates Boasts He Ordered Trump TWICE Not To Investigate Ill Effects of Covid Vaccines

Bill Gates Boasts He Ordered Trump TWICE Not To Investigate Ill Effects of Covid VaccinesDate: September 18, 2022Author: Nwo Report    Posted BY: NewsPunchBill Gates has boasted that he ordered President Trump to halt all investigations into the potential dangers of mRNA Covid-19 vaccines in 2020, telling him “that would be a bad thing, don’t […]

BBC Boasts it Got Vaccine Injured Support Group With 250,000 Members Removed From Facebook

BBC Boasts it Got Vaccine Injured Support Group With 250,000 Members Removed From FacebookPosted on September 16, 2022 By Will JonesThe BBC has boasted that it triggered the removal of a Facebook vaccine injury support group with over 250,000 members. The BBC has seen several groups, one with hundreds of thousands of members, in which […]

BBC Boasts it Got Vaccine Injured Support Group With 250,000 Members Removed From Facebook

BBC Boasts it Got Vaccine Injured Support Group With 250,000 Members Removed From FacebookPosted on September 16, 2022 By Will JonesThe BBC has boasted that it triggered the removal of a Facebook vaccine injury support group with over 250,000 members. The BBC has seen several groups, one with hundreds of thousands of members, in which […]

Chabad boasts of orchestrating Perestroika [deception], fake collapse of USSR

Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev visiting Jerusalem on June 18, 1992, Israel. (Getty Images) By Sholem LugovMoshiach.ruAug. 31, 2022 Anno DominiTranslated from Russian On August 30, 2022, at the age of 92, the first and last President of the USSR, Mikhail Gorbachev, who went down in world history as a man of peace and an architect […]

Israel Boasts Its Pressure Campaign With White House Has Helped Thwart “Bad” Iran Deal

(ZH) Prime Minister Yair Lapid on Thursday boasted that the Israeli pressure campaign with Washington over the Iran nuclear deal has had a positive effect in Israel’s favor. Throughout the Vienna talks over the past year, Israel has consistently spoken out against what it sees as the “bad deal” of restoring the Joint Comprehensive Plan […]

Israel Boasts Its Pressure Campaign With White House Has Helped Thwart “Bad” Iran Deal

(ZH) Prime Minister Yair Lapid on Thursday boasted that the Israeli pressure campaign with Washington over the Iran nuclear deal has had a positive effect in Israel’s favor. Throughout the Vienna talks over the past year, Israel has consistently spoken out against what it sees as the “bad deal” of restoring the Joint Comprehensive Plan […]

Pete Buttigieg Boasts that High Gas Prices Are Forcing Americans Towards Electric Vehicles 

President Joe Biden’s Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg boasted about how high gas prices are forcing Americans towards electric vehicles during an interview on Thursday on REAL 92.3’s Big Boy TV.  Source

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