Posts Tagged ‘replaced’

The Yuan Has Replaced The Dollar As Russia’s Main Foreign Currency

The Bank of Russia has announced that the yuan/ruble exchange rate will now set the trajectory for other currency pairs on the Moscow Exchange (MOEX), including for the euro and dollar. Their statement comes as […] The post The Yuan Has Replaced The Dollar As Russia’s Main Foreign Currency appeared first on The People's Voice. […]

Western societies are being replaced by people who hate Western civilization

The foundations for the West are slowly (but at an accelerating pace) collapsing from within, and if our current trajectory continues, nobody will be around to turn the lights off when the culture disappears. Source

WEF Boasts BILLIONS of Humans Will Soon Be Replaced With AI Hybrids

The tyranny is spreading. Klaus Schwab has admitted the global elite are planning to depopulate the world and replace ordinary human beings with AI and transhumanist hybrids. According to the WEF, humanity will be better […] The post WEF Boasts BILLIONS of Humans Will Soon Be Replaced With AI Hybrids appeared first on The People's […]

Dr Burkhardt Confirms Sperm Has Been Almost Entirely Replaced By Spike Proteins

Aug 21 2023 Dr. Arne Burkhardt shows a medical slideshow of two individuals that confirmed spike proteins replacing sperm entirely or almost entirely in the testes. A 28 year old man who died 140 days after injection has images of the spike protein in the testes that shows almost no spermatocytes in them. “If I […]

Pope Says ‘Backward’ American Conservatives Have Replaced Faith With Ideology

Pope Francis, who embraces tackling issues like climate change and poverty, said a correct understanding of Catholic doctrine allows for change over time. Source

Mike Stone – Hollywood White Replacers are Being Replaced

  “Actors don’t want to go the way of the horse and buggy. That’s somewhat ironic because the movie and television industries have been at the forefront of White Replacement. Yet when the possibility of their own replacement suddenly looms, they shriek like little girls.” by Mike Stone ( It takes a certain level of […]

See who Finland replaced the ever-juvenile Sanna Marin with as PM (MUST VIEW Photo!)

By Thomas BrookeRemix News Antti Lindtman, a favorite to replace Sanna Marin as his party’s chair, told a Finnish tabloid newspaper the embarrassing photographs were not intended for public viewing… A top Finnish politician in the running to replace former Prime Minister Sanna Marin as leader of the Social Democratic Party (SDP) has sought to […]

Fast-food employees already being replaced by AI chatbots

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Corporations are desperate to shed their human employees in order to replace them with unpaid AI robots whose job it will be to take people’s orders at the fast-food drive-thru.The Ohio-based Wendy’s chain is piloting a program at a corporate-owned location in Columbus that does just this: replace fast-food order-taking … [Read […]

German Justice Minister Replaced For Being a White Male

The German Green Party has fired Justice Minister Dirk Adams, ostensibly for no other reason than him being male and white, and replaced him with an unqualified woman of African heritage. Yes, really. Adams was dismissed from his role in the German state of Thuringia, not because he had been caught engaged in any wrongdoing, […]

Caraway’s Nonstick Pan Replaced Three of My Pans (and Makes Perfect Eggs)

Slowly but surely, I’ve been making my house into more of a home—which is a quainter way of saying, my mattress (finally) has a bed frame, the floating mid-century modern bookshelves are up, and my humble landlord-special kitchen is getting outfitted with cookware that’s actually going to last. No shade to all the free, fake […]

Is Joe Biden Dead, Replaced By 10 Different Deepfake Body Doubles? An Investigation

A viral video speculating that Joe Biden is either dead, multiple people, a deepfake, or some combination of all of those has been viewed more than a million times on Twitter. The original post is from the Twitter account for the band Five Times August, led by Dallas area musician Bradley James Skistimas. The account […]

9/11 Memorial To Be Replaced With ‘More Important’ Jan 6 Memorial

NEW YORK, NY—Sources in Washington confirmed today that the National September 11 Memorial will be filled in and replaced with a new January 6 memorial that commemorates the zeroes of people killed on that fateful day. The memorial will be a 50-foot-tall bronze statue of Nancy Pelosi’s stolen podium. “Yes, 9/11 was bad, but it […]

Automation: More Doctors Being Replaced By Kiosks That Just Play Pfizer Commercials

Automation: More Doctors Being Replaced By Kiosks That Just Play Pfizer Commercials U.S.—With hospitals facing historic labor shortages, many are automating their workforce by replacing doctors with slick new television kiosks that just play Pfizer commercials to patients.  “We found that most doctors were just looking up your symptoms in their doctor books and simply prescribing whatever […]

Oh No! Someone Replaced Joe Biden’s Copy Of The Constitution With A Copy Of ‘1984’

Oh No! Someone Replaced Joe Biden’s Copy Of The Constitution With A Copy Of ‘1984’ WASHINGTON, D.C.—Well, this is probably not a great development: sources inside the White House confirmed Friday that someone at some point in the last nine months snuck into the Oval Office and replaced the only copy of the Constitution with […]

Outdated Stand-Up Comedy Replaced With Stand-Up Scolding

U.S.—After the terrorist attack of October 5th — the release of Dave Chappelle’s The Closer — many progressives have questioned the whole concept of stand-up comedy. “There is just something so fascist about laughing,” said left-wing activist Jamie Nash. “And how privileged do you have to be to sit there and enjoy yourself when there […]

NY to Replace Non-Compliant Healthcare Workers with National Guard: Will LEOs Be Replaced Next?

By Jeff Thompson During an already existing healthcare worker shortage, New York seems to be determined to make a bad situation worse. New York’s mandate requiring inoculation of all health care workers went into full effect on September 27. New York’s mandate (one of the most strict nationwide) allows no option to test weekly in […]

Christopher Columbus Statue In Mexico City To Be Replaced With 1 Honoring Indigenous Women

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Christopher Columbus is getting kicked off Mexico City’s most iconic boulevard. Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum announced that the Columbus statue on the Paseo de la Reforma, often a focal point for Indigenous rights protests, would be replaced by a statue honoring Indigenous women. “To them we owe … the history of our […]

FOUR Presidents Who Opposed Covid Vaccines Have Conveniently Died – Replaced by Pro-Vaxxers

The leaders of three [update: FOUR] different countries died after having stopped the distribution of the experimental Covid-19 jabs. All [four] countries took the decision to distribute the vaccines to their citizens only after their leaders passed away. ‘Covid denier’ Haitian President Jovenel Moise with Canadian PM Justin Trudeau. Wikipedia One of them was Haitian […]

Problem Solved: Cleveland Indians Mascot Replaced By Apu From The Simpsons

CLEVELAND, OH—Under intense pressure from the Native American community and progressive activists, the Cleveland Indians have finally retired their racist Chief Wahoo logo. They won’t be changing their name, though, and instead are replacing the antiquated Indian with another well-known Indian: Apu from The Simpsons. As part of a deal with Fox, Apu will now […]

To Improve Box Office Performance, LeBron To Be Digitally Replaced By Michael Jordan In ‘Space Jam 2’

To Improve Box Office Performance, LeBron To Be Digitally Replaced By Michael Jordan In ‘Space Jam 2’ U.S.—Space Jam 2 hasn’t been performing as well at the box office as Warner Bros. had hoped, prompting the movie studio to make drastic changes. The film has been frantically re-edited and re-released with Michael Jordan, the greatest basketball […]

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