Posts Tagged ‘doctors’

Over 200 Canadian doctors have died suddenly

May 15 2024 Almost 2 years later, over 200 Canadian doctors have died suddenly or unexpectedly since COVID-19 Vaccine rollout and @CMA_Docs continues to cover up mRNA vaccinated Canadian doctor sudden deaths. Canadian healthcare leaders are the worst. Corrupt to the core!#cdnpoli #ableg — William Makis MD (@MakisMD) May 15, 2024 _______________________________ If you […]

Doctors routinely accept bribes from Big Pharma to write guidelines mandating pharmaceutical drug use

Doctors routinely accept bribes from Big Pharma to write guidelines mandating pharmaceutical drug use If you have ever wondered why only certain pharmaceutical products and methods are used in, for example, the treatment of cancer, the answer has to do with the corrupt medical system and the doctors who are bribed to push Big Pharma’s […]

American doctors stranded in Gaza urge Biden administration to end support for Israeli genocide

(NaturalNews) American doctors trapped in Gaza are urgently calling on the United States to act on President Joe Biden’s promise to cease all arms shipments to… Source

AstraZeneca pays doctors to promote vaccines on ITV – AstraZeneca withdraws its covid vaccine worldwide

BY RHODA WILSON ON MAY 11, 2024 • ( 18 COMMENTS ) Every year, members of the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry are required to disclose money that has been paid to healthcare professionals.  Disclosures for the year 2022 reveal that AstraZeneca paid doctors for “contracted services” who then appeared on ITV to promote vaccines or downplay vaccine injuries.  The affair […]

Dr. Peter McCullough Reveals How Much Doctors Were BRIBED to Push COVID Shots

World-famous cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough recently revealed startling figures about the immense earnings doctors received for pushing the COVID-19 injections. On the Tommy T Podcast, Dr. McCullough claimed that a typical doctor could make an extra $250,000 if they injected a substantial portion of their patients. More specifically, if a doctor injected 75% of his […]

Doctors Ordered To Euthanize MILLIONS of Vaxxed to Cover-Up ‘Disturbing’ Side Effects

Big Pharma and the medical industry are desperately scrambling to cover up the full extent of the human tragedy caused by the Covid mRNA vaccines, according to an industry whistleblower who has blown the whistle […] The post Doctors Ordered To Euthanize MILLIONS of Vaxxed to Cover-Up ‘Disturbing’ Side Effects appeared first on The People's […]

Doctors Are Faking ‘Brain Dead’ Diagnoses To Experiment on People Like Lab Rats

Doctors in America have been caught using dubious ‘brain dead’ diagnoses to treat people like guinea pigs and experiment on patients like lab rats. Doctors at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and the NYU […] The post Doctors Are Faking ‘Brain Dead’ Diagnoses To Experiment on People Like Lab Rats appeared first on The […]

MD (Most Dangerous) Narcissists of All: Medical Doctors, Physicians – Prof Sam Vaknin

MD (Most Dangerous) Narcissists of All: Medical Doctors, Physicians – Prof Sam Vaknin  Tue 12:20 pm +01:00, 16 Apr 2024   posted by danceaway 32,025 views 10 Apr 2024 Psychopathic Narcissists in Social Settings Watch the film “Semmelweis”. Narcissists and psychopaths are over-represented in the medical professions and as the prevalence of cluster B personality […]

Joe Rogan Drops Theory Explaining Why Most Doctors Are Silent on COVID Vax Injuries and Deaths

The world’s most popular podcaster recently dropped some interesting insights on episode #2132 of The Joe Rogan Experience with Andrew Schulz. Specifically, he crafted a logical explanation for why so many doctors are absolutely silent on COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths. “It takes a very courageous person to say, ‘Not only was I wrong, but […]

Pharmaceutical industry is deceiving doctors while utterly failing to make significant contributions to treating chronic disease

Pharmaceutical industry is deceiving doctors while utterly failing to make significant contributions to treating chronic disease The United States is one of just two countries that still allow pharmaceutical companies to engage in direct-to-consumer advertising of new drugs. In 2020, this scheme amounted to $6.58 billion – money that could be spent on actual medical […]

Doctors Raise Alarm as Brain Tumors Soar Among Vaxxed

Doctors have begun to sound the alarm after soaring numbers of patients have developed deadly brain tumors after receiving Covid mRNA vaccines. Medical professionals around the world are now warning the public about the spike. In some cases, doctors warn that people are discovering tumors within days of being vaccinated for Covid. However, experts say […]

Tucker Carlson Says Doctors Should APOLOGIZE for Wrongly Recommending the COVID Vax

“If you hurt someone unintentionally, you have to say, ‘I’m sorry.’” “By the way,” Carlson added, “I would never go to a doctor who was still lying about COVID because that’s a dangerous person. That’s an immoral person and a dangerous person.” “I can’t get past it,” Carlson continued. “It’s like, ‘Oh, I’m great at […]

Doctors justify genocide in a prestigious journal 

The Journal of the American Medical Association published four letters rife with racist anti-Palestinian tropes. The prestigious platform created the appearance of intellectualism and expertise, but it’s all just racism with a ribbon on it.  Source

Sending This Notice of Liability To Your Doctors May Wake Them Up And Stop Them Causing More Harm

Feel free to adapt this letter template as you see fit DR TESS LAWRIE, MBBCH, PHD​ MAR 8, 2024 This is just a quick post to share a letter that we have drafted with the help of a valued solicitor as a first notice of liability to your doctor or vaccinating health practitioner. We felt it was […]

Breathfaking – Fake politicians, fake doctors, fake pandemic

  “I don’t usually like talking numbers (when you didn’t pass your Maths GCSE until the age of 31, you generally don’t…), and I realise mentioning salaries is terribly uncouth and un-English (maybe the Russian lessons are having more impact than I thought?), but I’ve discovered some particularly salient facts – or rather, figures – that I’d […]

Doctors urge Biden to take MENTAL COMPETENCY test following increasing evidence of president’s cognitive decline

(NaturalNews) Doctors have stepped up calls for President Joe Biden to undergo a mental competency test following a report that revealed his cognitive… Source

The ‘Re-Education’ of New Zealand Medical Doctors

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL During 2020-2023, professional regulatory associations became de-facto wardens of the more authoritarian Covid-19 nation-states, which included New Zealand. The Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) was one such body which, like a duck to water, moved firmly and swiftly to ensure that doctors complied with Covid-19 and vaccine policies, or […]

Do You Want To Live? Stay The Hell Away From Doctors & Hospitals

Current Voodoo Witch’s brew “Health Experts” boogiman- “Doctors fear new Covid strain could trigger ‘heart failure pandemic’ across the globe”. Using a SCAMDEMIC based on a Non Existent “virus” 220 health/science institutions worldwide all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever No Worries No Virus There Never Was […]

3,000 Doctors file lawsuit against Biden administration mandate requiring “gender-affirming” care

(NaturalNews) A group of 3,000 doctors has filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services over a mandate that will force them to provide… Source

EVER-SCANDALOUS MSM: NYT Doctors Hunter Biden Quote About Joe Biden’s ‘Financial’ Involvement In Business Dealings

The New York Times has doctored Hunter Biden’s quote about his father being involved in his business dealings, as one does (if you’re an establishment mouthpiece). In the original quote, Hunter said: “Let me state as clearly as I can: My father was not *financially* involved in my business.” The Times chose misinformation instead, alleging Hunter said: “Let me […]

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