Posts Tagged ‘guidelines’

Doctors routinely accept bribes from Big Pharma to write guidelines mandating pharmaceutical drug use

Doctors routinely accept bribes from Big Pharma to write guidelines mandating pharmaceutical drug use If you have ever wondered why only certain pharmaceutical products and methods are used in, for example, the treatment of cancer, the answer has to do with the corrupt medical system and the doctors who are bribed to push Big Pharma’s […]

Fauci Admits He Made Up Tyrannical COVID Guidelines Including Child Masking and Social Distancing — Were Based on Mere Assumptions, Not Science

Fauci Admits He Made Up Tyrannical COVID Guidelines Including Child Masking and Social Distancing — Were Based on Mere Assumptions, Not Science Source

Guidelines to use “just-in-case” killer drugs were issued shortly before the first covid lockdown, says former NHS pharmacist

BY RHODA WILSON ON FEBRUARY 21, 2024 • ( 7 COMMENTS ) At the start of the covid crisis, we were told there was a novel disease for which there was no treatment.  Because of this, guidance was issued to put in place “just-in-case” drugs which commonly consist of five drugs including morphine, midazolam and other sedatives. We killed people, Graham Atkinson […]

Amish Communities Defying CDC Covid Guidelines Had ’90x Lower Mortality Rate’ Than Rest of US

Amish communities that defied CDC guidelines during the Covid-19 pandemic experienced 90 times less deaths than mainstream America, according to the results of a stunning new study which raise serious questions about the efficacy of […] The post Amish Communities Defying CDC Covid Guidelines Had ’90x Lower Mortality Rate’ Than Rest of US appeared first […]

UN provides platforms with “guidelines” for regulating online speech

Pushing for regulation. Share The United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is continuing with its efforts to crack down on online “misinformation.” In a press release, the organization announced it is working on “global guidelines” to help digital platforms fight misinformation. “As part of its mandate, UNESCO has launched a global dialogue to provide guidelines for […]

German bishop outlines new guidelines, mandates priests accept homosexuality, transgenderism

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Leftists have taken over nearly every institution that made Western civilization so successful and great, including the Christian faith, as evidenced by the growing number of denominations now actively advocating the opposite of what Jesus and the Bible teach.The latest example comes from Germany, where a Catholic bishop … [Read More…] Source

Scientists challenge WHO draft guidelines for PFAS in drinking water

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) A group of more than 100 scientists challenged the World Health Organization’s (WHO) draft guidelines on per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water.The coalition of 116 scientists, all experts on PFAS, accused the global health body of disregarding the dangers of forever chemicals to human health and … [Read More…] Source

Environmental Working Group (EWG) Advocates for EMF Exposure Guidelines up to 400 Times Stricter Than FCC SAR Standards

Last month, the FCC lost a landmark court case against the Children’s Health Defense (CHD), where the court ruled the FCC neglected evidence in determining their wireless radiation exposure standards, which they have not updated since 1996. Their loose, outdated limits put the health and safety of the public at risk. The FCC fails to even address standards for children, […]

FAA Dangerously Ignores Its Own Guidelines – Clears Killer Jabbed Pilots to Fly Despite “Do Not Issue—Do Not Fly” Policy

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has been exposed for flagrantly violating its own safety guidelines in order to push the experimental Covid-19 vaccine. According to the FAA’s own policy, pilots should not fly after having taken medications that have been approved for less than a year, but the agency has systematically ignored those rules – […]

‘By Complying With COVID Guidelines I Would Be Participating in Terrorism’ – Nurse Whistleblower Blows Lid on Biden Admin

A brave nurse who works for Fayetteville VA Medical Center (VAMC) sent out a letter to explain the reasons for his refusal to comply with the guidelines set forth by Biden’s Veterans Administration. Whistleblower Jerry Bledsoe told reporters that the reason he sent out the letter is to provide the best care for Americans seeking […]

WHO updates Air Quality Guidelines

Image Credit: Deccan Herald Labeling it as one of the biggest environmental threats to human health, the World Health Organization recently announced updated Air Quality Guidelines to better protect the health of populations. The new global Air Quality Guidelines (AGQs) will reduce levels of key air pollutants, some of which also contribute to climate change. […]

EU air pollution limits way out of step with new WHO guidelines

The World Health Organization (WHO) has tightened its guidelines for recommended air pollution limits, after it found evidence of damage to human health at lower levels than previously thought. This leaves the EU legal limit for air pollution way out of step with the WHO’s recommendations, with the bloc allowing certain types of pollution to […]

‘Historic Win’: CHD Wins Case Against FCC on Safety Guidelines for 5G and Wireless

Following by : EHT Wins in Historic Decision, Federal Court Orders FCC to Explain Why It Ignored Scientific Evidence Showing Harm from Wireless Radiation – Environmental Health Trust August 13, 2021 The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit court ruled the Federal Communications Commission failed to provide a reasoned explanation for its determination […]

Protestors Outside of Cal-OSHA Fight for Consistency in Mask Guidelines 

More than 40 Orange County, Calif. residents frustrated with the uncertainty of mask guidelines protested June 10 outside of the a regional Occupational Safety and Health (Cal-OSHA) in Santa Ana. The previous day, on June 9, the agency’s board reversed a previously-made decision requiring all California workers to wear masks indoors, unless all people are vaccinated and not showing symptoms of the […]

Putting Our Kids First: A Look At COVID-19 School Guidelines And How They’re Affecting Our Children

Leila Centner is CEO and co-founder of Centner Academy in Miami, FL. She has been criticized in the mass media after asking her staff not to get “vaccinated” so as to protect her students and other staff. She never introduced mask or social distancing policies at her school. In this presentation she explains why. Link […]

CDC alters PCR testing guidelines to artificially boost vaccine “efficacy”…

Truth2Freedom’s Blog  • Natural News – Lance Johnson (Natural News) The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) are using deliberate acts of deception, medical fraud and data manipulation to artificially boost the appearance of “efficacy” for the new mRNA vaccine experiments. The fraud is out in the open as of May 1, 2021 because the CDC made […]

Pelosi Ignores CDC Guidelines Says Vaccinated Members Must Continue Wearing Masks On House Floor

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will continue to force vaccinated House members to wear masks on the House floor despite new guidelines issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) On Thursday the CDC decided to lift mask mandates for fully vaccinated Americans. BYPASS THE CENSORS Sign up to get unfiltered news delivered straight […]

CDC Lowers PCR Test Guidelines To Ensure 95% Of Vaccinated People Will No Longer Test Positive For COVID

The CDC has quietly released new guidelines to laboratories recommending they lower their cycling threshold for the PCR test — but only for people who have already received the COVID vaccine, not for the unvaccinated — in order to “prove” the vaccines work — and show that the unvaccinated continue to endanger everyone else: As […]

New US guidelines encourage more interaction with Taiwan amid tensions with China

The US State Department has issued new guidelines making it easier for American diplomats to meet with officials from Taiwan. The move may seriously clash with Beijing’s “One-China” policy of sovereignty over the island territory. Released on Friday, the guidelines “liberalize guidance on contacts with Taiwan, consistent with our unofficial relations,” the State Department said. […]

Georgia to Roll Back Remaining COVID-19 Restrictions on Thursday in Favor of Guidelines

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp announced on Wednesday that all remaining COVID-19 restrictions in the state will be lifted on Thursday, a move that will allow businesses to return to a level of normalcy. “We are taking steps every day to return to normal. We’ve come a long way, but we had not yet finished the […]

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