Posts Tagged ‘challenge’

Trump campaign files FEC challenge over Biden’s funds being funneled to Kamala

(NaturalNews) Those trying to install Kamala Harris as president now that Joe Biden has dropped out of the race and mysteriously disappeared after “catching COVID”… Source

Casey faces his most serious election challenge from McCormick

Sen. Bob Casey (D-Pa.) is potentially staring down his closest race yet, against Republican David McCormick, in what will be one of the pivotal Senate contests in November. In Tuesday’s primary, McCormick is set to officially become the GOP nominee for the critical seat, setting up a battle with Casey, who is running for his fourth Senate term. The… […]

Join the Lighthouse Keepers who dared challenge covid dictatorship

BySally Beck April 17, 2024 HEALTH professionals who challenged the covid narrative were threatened with prison, psychiatric evaluations and suspension. Many lost their licences to practise for debating potential harms caused by lockdowns, vaccines and masks, although they had rightly raised concerns and exercised their right to free speech. Health authorities were livid and either […]

Democrats challenge Biden administration: Are US weapons used by Israel in accordance with international law?

Image Credit: Yuri Cortez/AFP via Getty Images More than two dozen House Democrats have raised significant questions about the Biden administration’s claims that the Israeli government is using American weapons in compliance with both U.S. and international law. This inquiry, led by Texas Representatives Veronica Escobar and Joaquin Castro, targets the very heart of America’s […]

Australian Court Blocks Covid Vaccine Challenge

A judge who previously provided legal counsel to Pfizer has blocked a legal challenge over Moderna’s and Pfizer’s mRNA Covid vaccines, stalling efforts to raise the alarm over alleged unregulated genetically modified organisms (GMOs), including high levels of DNA contamination, in the vials. The dismissal of the lawsuit on the procedural matter of standing is […]

Federal Judge Rejects Challenge To Mail-in Ballots In North Dakota

Authored by Tom Ozimek via The Epoch Times (emphasis ours), A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought by a legal foundation focused on election integrity cases that sought to invalidate a North Dakota law that allows mail-in ballots to be counted for 13 days after Election Day. Empty envelopes of opened vote-by-mail ballots for […]

Arizona GOP Names MAGA Voter-Challenge Activist Gina Swoboda New Chair

The Arizona Republican Party elected Gina Swoboda its new chair on Saturday. Swoboda, the director of election day operations for former President Donald Trump in 2020, replaces Jeff DeWit, who resigned last week after being targeted by MAGA Senate candidate Kari Lake. Swoboda’s bid for state party chair was promoted by Lake and endorsed by […]

AMD Unveils New AI Chip To Challenge Nvidia’s Market Dominance 

Shares of Advanced Micro Devices rose in premarket trading on Thursday after chief executive Lisa Su unveiled AMD’s newest artificial intelligence chip, the Instinct MI300X, at an event in San Jose, California, on Wednesday. Su highlighted that this new chip surpasses the performance of Nvidia’s current AI chips. The launch of MI300X is one of […]

Tens of thousands return to Northern Gaza in challenge to ‘Israel’

November 24, 2023 Source: Israeli Media Palestinians move to northern Gaza as Israeli tanks block the Salah al-Din road in the central Gaza Strip, occupied Palestine, November 24, 2023 (AP) By Al Mayadeen English The Israeli occupation’s threats are falling on resilient, deaf ears as the Palestinian residents of Gaza return to their homes in […]

In 2002, the Pentagon conducted $250 million Millennium Challenge war game to demonstrate “ease” of defeating Iran – and LOST

In 2002, the Pentagon conducted $250 million Millennium Challenge war game to demonstrate “ease” of defeating Iran – and LOST The largest and most expensive war game in the Pentagon’s history occurred in 2002. Known as the Millennium Challenge, the operation aimed to demonstrate the ease with which the United States can allegedly destroy Iran […]

Tunnel to Towers Issues Challenge to CEOs, Sports Teams to Support Homeless Veterans

Frank Siller, the CEO of the Tunnel to Towers Foundation, on Breitbart News Saturday issued a challenge to Fortune 500 CEOs and sports teams to support homeless veterans. Siller spoke to Breitbart News Saturday host and Breitbart News Washington Bureau Chief Matthew Boyle as the Tunnel to Towers Foundation celebrated the grand opening of its Houston Veterans Village […]

Andy Kim launches formal challenge to Menendez: ‘It’s about being a decent human being’

Rep. Andy Kim (D-N.J.) officially launched his campaign to unseat Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) on Friday at a packed brewery in South Jersey. The third-term congressman was one of the first Democrats to call on Menendez to resign in the wake of a corruption indictment, and announced a primary bid against him the next day… […]

The Virus Challenge: A Guide for the Purple-Pilled

BY PATRICIA HARRITY ON OCTOBER 25, 2023 • ( 28 COMMENTS ) Biomedical Scientist, Simon Lee argues, that there are those who understand that “the globalist establishment is rotten to the core,” they have gone down the rabbit holes and completed the deep dives on everything from the Titanic to the Moon landings, but “if you try to tell them that viruses […]

Appeals court rejects challenge to Tennessee, Kentucky gender-affirming care bans

A federal appeals court ruled late Thursday that bans on gender-affirming care for minors can continue in Tennessee and Kentucky.  The appeals court ruling overturns injunctions from lower courts earlier this year that blocked the sections of the states’ laws regarding gender-affirming care, citing sex discrimination. The court’s 2-1 decision states that Tennessee and Kentucky… […]

Youth challenge 32 European nations in ‘truly historic’ climate trial

Lawyers representing six Portuguese young people said the youth were being discriminated against by state inaction in cutting greenhouse gas emissions, the effects of which have been “foreseeable for decades.”  Source

Paxton on possible challenge to Cornyn: ‘Everything’s on the table for me’

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton (R), who was acquitted over the weekend in his historic impeachment trial in the state, took swipes at Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) and kept the door open to a possible run for the senator’s seat in 2026, saying “everything’s on the table” at this point.  “Why don’t you run against… […]

It’s time for U.S. church leaders to challenge Israeli apartheid

Now is the time for U.S. church leaders to raise their collective moral voice — as they did during the civil right movement, the Vietnam War, and South African apartheid — against Israel’s settler colonial apartheid. Source

Brazile: Biggest challenge facing Democrats is recapturing young Black, Latino voters

Former Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairwoman Donna Brazile said the biggest challenge facing Democrats in 2024 is capturing young Black and Latino voters as the party prepares for a potential rematch between President Biden and former President Trump.  “The biggest challenge we face as Democrats — I say ‘we’ because I’m a Democrat — is… […]

BRICS Doesn’t Challenge Rothschild Banking Monopoly

“Far from being the NWO, the West, America included, is the TARGET of the NWO: we need to get destroyed before World Government can come. Of course, the US has long been their main vehicle. But a vehicle easily gets discarded, as the driver acquires a new ride. This new ride is not China, although […]

Anthony Migchels – BRICS Don’t Challenge Rothschild Banking Monopoly

“Far from being the NWO, the West, America included, is the TARGET of the NWO: We need to get destroyed before World Government can come. Of course, the US has long been their main vehicle. But a vehicle easily gets discarded, as the driver acquires a new ride. This new ride is not China, although […]

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