Posts Tagged ‘defeating’

Elon Musk joins Trump in secret meeting to discuss defeating Biden

Billionaire electric vehicle (EV) guru Elon Musk met with Donald Trump in secret recently at the former president’s Mar-a-Lago estate to discuss how to oust Joe Biden from the White House this November. Even though the X owner says he will not donate a penny to either political candidate – Musk likes to keep his […]

Milei’s Task Ahead: Defeating the Administrators

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL On Sunday 19 November 2023 the flamboyant–outré, actually–Javier Milei won the presidential election in woeful, tragic Argentina. “Won” does not really fully capture the result–he trounced his opponent, winning almost 56 percent of the vote.  Milei is repeatedly compared to Donald Trump, but there is really no comparison. He is […]

In 2002, the Pentagon conducted $250 million Millennium Challenge war game to demonstrate “ease” of defeating Iran – and LOST

In 2002, the Pentagon conducted $250 million Millennium Challenge war game to demonstrate “ease” of defeating Iran – and LOST The largest and most expensive war game in the Pentagon’s history occurred in 2002. Known as the Millennium Challenge, the operation aimed to demonstrate the ease with which the United States can allegedly destroy Iran […]

Russia’s Strategy is DEFEATING the WEST

Comment:  Sadly in the U.S. unless men suck dicks and take it up the ass they will not rise to the top in POLITICS, HOLLYWOOD or in Business as a corporate head.  We are now reaping the Reward for our Faggot Empire.  We are the laughingstock of real militaries.  Our politicians are mostly gay with […]

Interview 1815 – Defeating Globalism on Declare Your Independence

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed via James joins Ernest Hancock for their regular, bi-monthly conversation on the Declare Your Independence radio broadcast to discuss nationalism, regionalism, globalism and how to really oppose the ideology of collectivism. With a significant detour into yeoman farmers and (un)intentional community, you won’t want to miss […]

Steps left for electing Progressives and defeating Republicans in the midterms

Stopping unhinged Republicans will require that often-deplorable Democrats defeat them.

Defeating the demons of Davos

This corportatist arrangement, which openly puts the machineries of the state at the disposal of private business and finance, was the economic model for the 20th century Fascist and Nazi regimes. The subtitle for this year’s Davos theme was “Government Policies and Business Strategies”, but the WEF could have replaced the “and” with a simple “/”, […]

Chabad three-roosters prediction has Jewry defeating Russia and U.S.A. using Red China

By Rav Yaakov Bak March 26, 2022 Anno Domini Translated from the Russian The following is a transcript (translated from Hebrew) of a video by venerable Rav Yitzhak-David Grossman of the Migdal Or organization in Israel, published a few weeks before the Russian attack on Ukraine:  When I was a child and stood next to […]

Ukraine Never Stood a Chance of Defeating the Russian Military, All This Death and Destruction is Futile

“They are facing bloody street-to-street fighting with armed civilians as Ukraine’s forces began handing out tens of thousands of rifles to whoever was willing to take one along with Molotov cocktails – encouraging people to make their own and hurl them at ‘the occupiers’.”SOURCE: 2014:USA overthrows duly elected Ukrainian government, installs puppet “government” USA uses […]

Defeating Odds, Israeli Team Crowned FIBA Europe Cup Champion

A person holding basket ball in his hand. Photo: Wikimedia Commons. – Israeli Basketball Premier League club Ironi Ness Ziona has been crowned the new International Basketball Federation Europe (FIBA) Cup champions, after beating Stal Ostrow Wielkopolski and earning their first title in a European club competition. According to FIBA’s website, Ironi Ness Ziona […]

Defeating the Orwellian Technocracy & Real News!

How to Defeat Big Tech CensorshipPosted: 28 Dec 2020 02:35 PM PST can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: How to Defeat Big Tech Censorship ( you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably noticed that the internet isn’t what it used to be these days. Social media platforms that used to provide for the free exchange […]

I knew Hanukkah was about defeating the Greeks. Then I moved to Athens.

JTA — When my wife and I arrived in this capital city on Sept. 1 to serve as rabbinical emissaries to the Jewish community, I have to admit I was very excited about what the prospect of spending Hanukkah in Greece might be like. With nearly 90% of the Jewish Greek population wiped out during […]

Why Noam Chomsky and Daniel Ellsberg are so adamant about the imperative of defeating Trump

“There is a kind of an official view about democracy — it says that you, the public, are spectators not participants,” activist and scholar Noam Chomsky points out in a new video. “You have a function. The function is to show up every couple of years, push a lever, go home, don’t bother the important […]

Halting our descent into tyranny: Defeating the global elite’s Covid-19 coup

As many authors have documented, the global elite is conducting a coup to take complete control of our lives. It is doing this by using a non-existent ‘virus’ to terrorize the human population into believing that we will ‘catch’ Covid-19 if we do not submit to draconian restrictions on our rights and freedoms. And while […]

Do Blueberries Hold the Key to Defeating Cancer?

By Margie King It’s hard to believe but, not that many years ago, nutrition experts were telling people to save their calories and skip the blueberries because they had no nutritional value. Fast forward a few decades and blueberries are now widely revered as a superfood. In fact, investigators at the University of Alabama at […]

Russia Accuses US Of Seeking To Seize Syria’s Oil Not Defeating ISIS

Russia has slammed the United States’ presence in Syria as illegal and accused them of seeking to seize the country’s oil. The Russian Ministry of Defense said on Thursday that pro-government Syrian militia were carrying out a reconnaissance operation near the former Al-Isba oil refinery in Deir ez-Zor province when they were attacked by the […]

Instrumental in Defeating ISIS, Iraq’s Shia Militias Reject Calls to Disarm

They heeded a Shia leader’s call-to-arms, were equipped and trained by Iran’s elite military and were forged in the crucible of war against the Islamic State. In little more than three years the Hashd al-Shaabi, or Popular Mobilisation Units, have risen from a disparate alliance of volunteer militias to become a battle-tested force in Iraq. […]

US to Hand Raqqa Over to ISIS Affiliates After “Defeating” ISIS

Why Neoliberals are frightened of Duterte defeating ISIS

     Liberals will never side with Rodrigo Duterte, even if he crushes ISIS in Philippines. Even as he fights ISIS, the western liberal elite and their mainstream media allies have nothing good to say about the Philippine President. Reports have surfaced that under the leadership of President Rodrigo Duterte, the Philippine armed forces are using […]

Syria, Battlefield’s News ~ Syrian Army and Syrian Air Force kill mercenary-terrorists, destroy their positions and gatherings, repel attempted attacks [Report, Videos]

Syrian Free Press 19 April 2016 ~ The Syrian Army Air Force on Tuesday launched air strikes against DAESH (ISIS, ISIL, IS) gatherings and positions destroying their gatherings and vehicles in a number of provinces, while army units killed a number of mercenary-terrorists in Sweida. Aleppo Army units carried out operations against gatherings and […]

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