Posts Tagged ‘midterms’

US Midterms and What They REALLY Mean For the Rest of US–Everyone Else

US midterm elections don’t usually have much relevance outside the country. A change of President can have a profound effect on the world around, but the composition of Congress is much more of an internal matter, until recently. Americans are very proud of their democratic system, which can be regarded as the world’s first liberal […]

What’s next after the midterms? Ro Khanna & Robert Reich discuss

Is Donald Trump over? Should Joe Biden run in 2024? What should Democrats do in the lame-duck session before Republicans take over the House? Source

Schumer Confident Midterms Will Lead to Increased Bipartisanship In Next Congress

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), who is on track to keep his job as Democrats are projected to hold onto the U.S. Senate, has said that he thinks the results of the 2022 midterms will force Republicans to do more bipartisan work in the 118th Congress. Democrats have taken enough seats to hold the […]

QAnon Lost the Midterms

For QAnon supporters and candidates, the midterm elections were meant to be the harbinger of the Storm, the long awaited moment when the truth of all their conspiracy theories about deep state plots and child sex trafficking rings would be exposed, and their many enemies held to account. In the end, the midterms were less […]

Joe Biden ‘Optimistic’ About Midterms: ‘I Don’t Think We’re Going to Not Win’

The president predicted Democrats would pick up a seat in the Senate and keep the majority in the House. Source

Democrats’ ‘optimistic apostle’ offers hope for the midterms

Simon Rosenberg is the head of the progressive think tank NDN, and he has a message for jittery Democrats on the eve of the midterms: cheer up! This week on the Playbook Deep Dive podcast we sit down with the Democratic Party’s apostle of optimism. “I’m not sitting here and telling you we’re going to […]

Musk Neuters Twitter ‘Ministry Of Truth’ Ahead Of Midterms

Fans of Star Trek: The Next Generation may recall the episode where extra-dimensional dickhead “Q” is stripped of his powers for spreading chaos throughout the universe. Source

Trump: Voters Must Win ‘Historic Victory’ for Republicans in Midterms to Stop Border Crisis

Voters must hand the Republican Party a victory in the upcoming midterm election so they can secure the southern border, former President Donald Trump explained Sunday. Source

The 3 Strategies Dems Will Use to Win the Midterms

By Dan Wells American Thinker Were the American people watching while smug Democrats weathered the talk of a GOP takeover of Congress?  It was certainly noticeable to those who were paying attention.  A GOP landslide is still possible, maybe even likely, but Dems don’t seem overly concerned.  Why not?  What brilliant strategy have they been unveiling that would turn the […]

Capitol Report (Sept. 23): House GOP Outlines Vision Before Midterms; Biden Makes Election Promises in DNC Speech

House Republicans showcased their “Commitment to America” plan—their promise to the people in the run-up to the midterms. We’ll hear from the House Republican leader himself to find out more about the GOP’s plan for a “new direction.” President Joe Biden pushed back against the Republicans’ proposed agenda Friday, attending an event by the Democratic […]

12 Brilliant Ways Republicans Are Planning To Screw Up The Midterms

Brought to you by The Babylon Bee Guide to Democracy The midterm elections are fast approaching, which leaves only a few weeks for Republicans to do what they do best: screw it up! Here are 12 ways Republicans plan to completely erase their lead in the midterms. Get caught wearing masks: This is worse than […]

Stacey Abrams Claims The 2022 Midterms Have Already Been Stolen

ATLANTA, GA — Georgia Gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams sounded the alarm to her fellow 2022 candidates this morning, claiming in a press conference that the 2022 midterm elections have already been stolen. “As you know,” Abrams told reporters, “I am the rightful governor of Georgia. Brian Kemp stole the 2018 election from me by using […]

Stacey Abrams Claims The 2022 Midterms Have Already Been Stolen

ATLANTA, GA — Georgia Gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams sounded the alarm to her fellow 2022 candidates this morning, claiming in a press conference that the 2022 midterm elections have already been stolen. “As you know,” Abrams told reporters, “I am the rightful governor of Georgia. Brian Kemp stole the 2018 election from me by using […]

 Big Tech platforms ready their censorship plans for the midterms

sept 2 2022 Gab Community, I’m writing to update you on the progress Gab has made over the summer and on our plans for the fall and into election season. Let me start off by saying that while Big Tech platforms ready their censorship plans for the midterms, Gab will once again be the only platform allowing […]

FDA approves Omicron “booster” jab before midterms without a single human test

(Natural News) Doctors and the media are questioning the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) over its recent decision to approve the all-new “bivalent” booster shots for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), which have never been tested on humans. The argument goes that the new shots vary so little from the older ones that they do […]

Steps left for electing Progressives and defeating Republicans in the midterms

Stopping unhinged Republicans will require that often-deplorable Democrats defeat them.

NSA Mobilizes ‘Election Security Group’ to ‘Protect’ Midterms from ‘Foreign Threats’

The National Security Agency (NSA) has mobilized its “Election Security Group” that seeks to protect the coming November midterms from “foreign threats.”

Beto O’Rourke Diagnosed With Bacterial Infection While Campaigning for Midterms

Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke said on Sunday that he’s been diagnosed with a bacterial infection in the midst of his campaign ahead of the midterm elections on Nov. 8. O’Rourke, 49, confirmed the news in a statement on Twitter and said he planned to take a break from the campaign trail to recover. “After feeling […]

Conservative nonprofit plans to spend millions bashing ‘woke’ left in midterms

A conservative “dark money” group is claiming that it will spend millions of dollars in the run-up to the midterm election blasting what it calls “the woke ideology of sheltered white liberals.” Citizens for Sanity, a tax-exempt nonprofit organization working with prominent Republican consultants, has begun running a television, newspaper and billboard advertising campaign in […]

Connecticut Looking to Hire a $150,000 ‘Misinformation Sheriff’ Ahead of the Midterms

Connecticut officials are looking to hire what has been described as a “misinformation sheriff” ahead of the 2022 midterm elections amid fears of the spread of what the elites consider to be election “misinformation.”

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