Posts Tagged ‘optimistic’

Joe Biden ‘Optimistic’ About Midterms: ‘I Don’t Think We’re Going to Not Win’

The president predicted Democrats would pick up a seat in the Senate and keep the majority in the House. Source

Democrats’ ‘optimistic apostle’ offers hope for the midterms

Simon Rosenberg is the head of the progressive think tank NDN, and he has a message for jittery Democrats on the eve of the midterms: cheer up! This week on the Playbook Deep Dive podcast we sit down with the Democratic Party’s apostle of optimism. “I’m not sitting here and telling you we’re going to […]

Grassley Optimistic About GOP Flipping Senate After Gloomy Predictions From McConnell

Senate Judiciary Ranking Member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) suggested in a recent interview that he disagrees with past statements by GOP leadership downplaying Republican prospects in the 2022 midterms. Currently, members of both parties are preparing for a tough battle as Democrats seek to hold on to a slim majority in the evenly-divided Senate and Republicans […]

Borrell ‘optimistic’ about Vienna talks

TEHRAN – The European Union’s foreign policy chief has said he is upbeat about the talks in Vienna over reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.  In an interview with the Austrian Kronen Zeitung newspaper, Josep Borrell said he received the U.S. response to an Iranian response and is optimistic about the state of the talks. […]

Borrell ‘optimistic’ about Vienna talks

TEHRAN – The European Union’s foreign policy chief has said he is upbeat about the talks in Vienna over reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.  In an interview with the Austrian Kronen Zeitung newspaper, Josep Borrell said he received the U.S. response to an Iranian response and is optimistic about the state of the talks. […]

Borrell ‘optimistic’ about Vienna talks

TEHRAN – The European Union’s foreign policy chief has said he is upbeat about the talks in Vienna over reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal.  In an interview with the Austrian Kronen Zeitung newspaper, Josep Borrell said he received the U.S. response to an Iranian response and is optimistic about the state of the talks. […]

Summers: CBO’s Projection of Inflation into 2023 Is Too Optimistic, ‘They Are the Last Holdout on Team Transitory’

During an interview aired on Friday’s edition of Bloomberg’s “Wall Street Week,” Harvard Professor, economist, Director of the National Economic Council under President Barack Obama, and Treasury Secretary under President Bill Clinton Larry Summers reacted to the Congressional Budget Office’s

Gov. Ron DeSantis Optimistic First Lady Casey DeSantis Will Be Cancer-Free in 2022

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis expressed optimism Friday regarding his wife’s battle with cancer, stating he is hopeful first lady Casey DeSantis will be cancer-free in 2022. “We’re not out of the woods… She’s a public figure, a lot of people care about her, and a lot of people have been praying for her, and that […]

Women volleyball coach Imani optimistic on future in AJM FC Porto

Women volleyball coach Imani optimistic on future in AJM FC Porto – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – Iranian women’s volleyball coach, Samira Imani Fouladi, has talked about her ambitions after starting a new chapter in her career in Europe. Imani joined the Portuguese team AJM FC Porto as a coach and became the first Iranian women’s coach […]

Russian diplomat says optimistic about success of Vienna talks

Russian diplomat says optimistic about success of Vienna talks – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – Expressing optimism about revitalization of the JCPOA, Russia’s Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations has said all necessary conditions have been provided for achieving success at the Vienna talks. Speaking in an interview with RIA Novosti on Wednesday, Dmitry Polyanskiy said […]

Vienna meeting left everyone optimistic

Vienna meeting left everyone optimistic – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN — While Iran, the United States and P4+1 resumed the Vienna talks on Monday, the whole world was eagerly waiting what would come out of Palais Coburg. While the negotiations concluded in the evening, Russian envoy to the Vienna talks Mikhail Ulyanov tweeted that the meeting was […]

Climate activists protest in London, feel ‘optimistic’ ahead of COP26

Climate activists protest outside the Lloyds and Macquarie offices in London to demand the global financial system stops putting money into the use of fossil fuels, ahead of COP26 in Glasgow. Thousands of Israelis take part in a climate march in the Israeli coastal city of Tel Aviv, calling on world leaders to take action […]

McCaskill: Americans Will Reject GOP’s ‘Darkness,’ White Supremacy — Optimistic Dems Win Senate in 2022

Former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “All In” that she was optimistic the Democratic Party would retain control of the Senate in the 2022 midterm elections because American voters will reject the Republican Party’s “darkness” and “white supremacy.” McCaskill said, “If someone would have told me when I came to the United […]

Leader: Future administration must be optimistic, capable and faithful

Leader: Future administration must be optimistic, capable and faithful – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN—Addressing students virtually on Tuesday, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei advised the nation to participate in the June presidential elections enthusiastically to boost confidence of the next administration. On his belief regarding the future administration, the Leader said in his […]

Iran cautiously optimistic about progress of nuclear deal talks in Vienna

A senior Iranian official offered a cautiously upbeat assessment of progress in talks aimed at bringing the United States back into world powers’ 2015 deal with Tehran on its nuclear programme, saying that a “new understanding” appears to be taking shape. Iran has been negotiating with the five powers that remain in the agreement — […]

Saudi Foreign Minister ‘Optimistic’ on US Ties Under Biden, Calls on Iran to Change Priorities

Saudi Minister of Foreign Affairs Prince Faisal bin Farhan Al Saud speaks during a meeting with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, at the State Department, in Washington, US, October 14, 2020. Photo: Manuel Balce Ceneta/Pool via REUTERS/File Photo Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Minister, Faisal bin Farhan, said Thursday that the country is “optimistic” about relations […]

UK Jews feel welcome, optimistic after Corbyn’s replacement – poll

In an annual survey of British Jewish adults, two-thirds said Jews have a future in the United Kingdom — the highest level of confidence since 2015. And the portion of British Jews who said they felt “unwelcome” in the United Kingdom fell from 53% last year to 18% in 2020. The “Antisemitism Barometer” survey, conducted […]

Brexit: Spanish people working in Gibraltar cautiously optimistic after last-minute Schengen deal

Despite Brexit, the number of EU citizens, many of them Spanish, who work in Gibraltar has grown from 12,000 to 14,000 in the last four years. But uncertainty about the future rules governing the border between Gibraltar and the neighbouring Spanish city of La Línea reared its head in recent weeks. Cross-border workers breathed a […]

U.S. Companies with ‘Made in China’ Products, ‘Optimistic’ About Joe Biden

American companies that do business and make their products in China are, by a majority, “optimistic” about a Joe Biden presidency, a new survey reveals. The American Chamber of Commerce in a Shanghai, China, survey asked 124 business executives their opinions on a Biden presidency, to which a majority, nearly 63 percent, said they are […]

Under Putin ‘Antisemitism’ At 30 Year Low, But Russian Jews Still Not Optimistic Or Satisfied

While today the Jewish community enjoys historic tolerance on the streets of Russia, its members are looking to the future without their perceived champion Vladimir Putin with trepidation, a new study shows: “Many, if not all, believe that weak or no anti-Semitism as a Russian state policy in Russia is an exceptional or even ad […]

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