Posts Tagged ‘corbyn’

Jewish Labour Movement says it brought down Corbyn

Originally published by The Electronic Intifada, 4 October. The Jewish Labour Movement posted saying it saw off former leader Jeremy Corbyn. ( UK pro-Israel lobby group the Jewish Labour Movement suggested on Monday that it was responsible for the downfall of Jeremy Corbyn, the former Labour Party leader. In a post to Twitter, the group […]

The persecution of Jeremy Corbyn

Chris Hedges is a great American journalist. He once worked for New York Times, but his critical, and factual, reporting about Israeli crimes meant that he became a target of the Israel Lobby — and smeared with weaponised anti-Semitism. As such, Chris is very familiar with the machinations of the Israel lobby and how it […]

How Jeremy Corbyn was toppled by the Israel lobby

WEAPONIZING ANTISEMITISM How the Israel Lobby Brought Down Jeremy Corbynby Asa Winstanley310 pp. OR Books, NY/London $18 Asa Winstanley is a British investigative journalist and author who lives in London. He writes primarily about Palestine and the Israel lobby for The Electronic Intifada.  Winstanley has written a political thriller and real page-turner titled Weaponizing Antisemitism: […]

The Israel lobby is trying to do a Jeremy Corbyn on Roger Waters

Originally published by The Electronic Intifada, 2 June. Musician Roger Waters on tour in Germany last month. Angelika WarmuthDPA Last weekend, rock legend Roger Waters, journalist Katie Halper and yours truly were invited by our friend Danny Haiphong onto his popular YouTube livestream, The Left Lens. The topic was my new book Weaponising Anti-Semitism: How […]

How was Jeremy Corbyn purged from Labour?

Then Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn at a peace rally in 2016. (Garry Knight) I went on Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman’s radio show By Any Means Necessary to discuss my new book, Weaponising Anti-Semitism: How the Israel Lobby Brought Down Jeremy Corbyn. Read the endorsements for my book here. Pre-order using the button below for […]

How Corbyn’s mass movement was destroyed by anti-Semitism smears

I appeared live on the Jimmy Dore show this weekend past, talking to guest host Aaron Maté about the fabricated Labour “anti-Semitism crisis” which successfully stopped Jeremy Corbyn from becoming Prime Minister of Britain. Palestine is Still the Issue is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free […]

Who killed Jeremy Corbyn’s social justice project?

Tuesday, 25 October 2022 3:25 PM  [ Last Update: Tuesday, 25 October 2022 3:25 PM ] By David Miller The hidden truth about The Labour Files, the largest leak in Britain’s political history, is the opposite of the right-wing critics of the Labour Party.  They say that Jeremy Corbyn, the former leader of the UK’s Labour Party, interfered to […]

What Jeremy Corbyn should have done to fight the Labour anti-Semitism smears

I appeared live on George Galloway’s The Mother of all Talkshows on Sunday to discuss Al Jazeera’s new series The Labour Files and what it means. We also discussed the mistakes of the Corbyn era and what the former Labour leader should have done to combat the anti-Semitism smears. Share Palestine is Still the Issue […]

Jeremy Corbyn: The ‘New World Order’ Has Hijacked British Democracy

Former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has revealed that the ‘New World Order’ have hijacked British democracy and are hellbent on preventing popular leaders like him from ever becoming Prime Minister. “I had my first […] The post Jeremy Corbyn: The ‘New World Order’ Has Hijacked British Democracy appeared first on News Punch. Source

How the Israel lobby helped bring down Jeremy Corbyn

One year ago we released this short film over at The Electronic Intifada. It’s had more than 73,000 views on YouTube alone since then. “How they brought down Jeremy Corbyn” summarises more than six years of my reporting, exposing the manufactured “Labour anti-Semitism crisis” which caused so much damage to the Corbynist movement in the […]

The character assassination of Jeremy Corbyn

Click through to Sina’s website to listen to the podcast. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Sina Rahmani’s show The East is a Podcast is one of the best out there. Back in January, I returned to the show to have this hour-long discussion with Sina about the whole Corbynite movement. We […]

After Corbyn, Israel lobby turns its guns on UK academia

The Jewish Chronicle warns that the dismissal of Prof David Miller is ‘just the beginning’ The Israel lobby appears to be readying for a campaign to root out leftwing academics in the UK critical of Israel’s continuing oppression of the Palestinian people – echoing its efforts against the previous leader of Britain’s Labour party, Jeremy […]

After success against Corbyn, Israel lobby ousts UK scholar

Britain’s pro-Israel lobby gained another important scalp last week after a prolonged campaign of intimidation finally pushed a major UK university into firing one of its lecturers.  Bristol University dismissed David Miller, a political sociology professor, even though an official investigation had concluded that accusations of antisemitism against him were unfounded. Research by Miller, a […]

Is NZ Labour more tolerant of antisemitism than Jeremy Corbyn’s UK Labour party?

Browse > Home / Featured Articles / Is NZ Labour more tolerant of antisemitism than Jeremy Corbyn’s UK Labour party? March 12, 2021 by David Cumin Read on for article In January The Israel Institute of New Zealand exposed NZ MPs as members of an online group that frequently posts vile antisemitism. Labour MP for […]

Corbyn’s brother detained for flyer equating COVID vaccines to Auschwitz

London police have detained the older brother of former Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn in connection with a flyer that draws parallels between Britain’s COVID-19 response and the Holocaust. Piers Corbyn, 73, was held Tuesday on suspicion of malicious communications and public nuisance, the Jewish Chronicle of London reported, citing police sources. A 37-year-old man […]

Brother of Former Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn Arrested for Distributing Leaflets Comparing COVID-19 Vaccines to Auschwitz

Piers Corbyn. Photo: YouTube screenshot. The brother of former UK Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn, who in polls was considered antisemitic by the majority of British Jews, has been arrested for distributing leaflets comparing the coronavirus vaccine to Auschwitz. The Guardian reported Thursday that Piers Corbyn, 73, was arrested along with another man in Southwark […]

Man who spat in face of former UK Labour leader Corbyn sentenced

A man who spat in the face of Jeremy Corbyn, the former leader of Britain’s opposition Labour Party, during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic was ordered on Thursday to carry out 80 hours unpaid work as a punishment. Corbyn, who led Labour into the 2019 election which was won by Prime Minister Boris […]

‘Times are a Changing’: Launch of Jeremy Corbyn’s Peace & Justice Project

British politician Jeremy Corbyn. (Photo: File) By Ronnie Kasrils I salute Jeremy Corbyn’s Peace & Justice initiative which could not be more timely, and I am proud to be part of it. We live in troubled times: the raging pandemic, rise of neo-fascist forces; the rapacious neoliberal global system. For so many, survival against war, police […]

UK Jews feel welcome, optimistic after Corbyn’s replacement – poll

In an annual survey of British Jewish adults, two-thirds said Jews have a future in the United Kingdom — the highest level of confidence since 2015. And the portion of British Jews who said they felt “unwelcome” in the United Kingdom fell from 53% last year to 18% in 2020. The “Antisemitism Barometer” survey, conducted […]

Ex-Labour head Jeremy Corbyn fights to overturn suspension

Ousted UK Labour head Jeremy Corbyn has begun his bid to be reinstated as a member of the party in the High Court, according to the Jewish Chronicle. Next week, the former Labour head’s lawyers will ask to be privileged to the disclosure of evidence in relation to the decision to suspend the former leader. […]

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