Posts Tagged ‘Antisemitism’

Antisemitism Czar Scolds WashPost for ‘Fostering Antisemitism’ by Reporting on Jewish Donors Pushing Protest Crackdown

US Antisemitism Czar Deborah Lipstadt used her bully pulpit on Tuesday to scold the Washington Post for publishing a factual story exposing how wealthy Jewish donors were part of a secret group chat which pushed NYC Mayor Eric Adams to crackdown on pro-Palestine protests. Source

House Passes Wildly Unconstitutional “Countering Antisemitism Act” & The Fake Defenders Of Liberty

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (5/2/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

House Passes ‘Antisemitism Awareness Act’ to Silence Criticism of Israel as Hate Speech

The House on Wednesday passed the “Antisemitism Awareness act” to silence criticism of Jews and Israel as hate speech and empower the federal government to crack down on anti-Israel protests on college campuses. Source

COMING SOON: Stasi-like “antisemitism monitors” at U.S. college, university campuses, with the full support of so-called “free speech” conservatives

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COMING SOON: Stasi-like “antisemitism monitors” at U.S. college, university campuses, with the full support of supposed “free speech” conservatives

(NaturalNews) We are almost five months into 2024 and Congress has yet to do one single thing that benefits the American people – but its members sure are doing… Source

The media is advancing a false narrative of ‘rising antisemitism’ on campus by ignoring Jewish protesters

Jewish students participating in pro-Palestine protests on their campuses would have valuable things to say about the alleged “rising antisemitism” at their schools. But the media is ignoring them. Source

Apologists for Israel’s mass murder in Gaza fall back on ‘antisemitism’ claims

The gist of the trick is to equate Israel with the Jewish religion—and then to equate opposition to Israel with antisemitism. Source

Not in Our Name CUNY demands that Hunter administration apologize for antisemitism smear

We understand that speaking out in the face of settler colonial genocide is, in the words of Hunter’s campus motto, an important act of “care of the future.” The CUNY administration is not living up to its motto. Source

How the “Fight Against Antisemitism” Became a Shield for Israel’s Genocide

MARCH 7, 2024 Source Jonathan Cook Western capitals no longer treat Israel like a state, a political actor capable of slaughtering children, but rather as a sacred cause. So any opposition has to be a blasphemy If you read the establishment media, you might conclude that a serious battle is being waged by Israel and […]

Emhoff to address antisemitism, gender equity in Davos

Second gentleman Doug Emhoff is set to travel Wednesday to Davos, Switzerland, focused on addressing antisemitism and gender equity. Emhoff will be in Davos from through Saturday to attend the World Economic Forum annual meeting. While there, he will highlight the Biden-Harris administration’s “commitment to countering the global rise of Antisemitism, Islamophobia, and hate of… […]

Dec. 8 – How to Eradicate Antisemitism

Please send links and comments to [email protected] Here’s an idea. Instead of criminalizing antisemitism, we could eliminate it by addressing the causes. (list below) “Antisemitism” is a occult curse. Jews have trained the goyim to behave like Pavlov dogs, to cringe and run away.  Rothschild front-man Klaws Swab made their goal public- “You will own […]

German-Israeli singer admits in court he invented antisemitism claim against hotel employees

(NaturalNews) A German-Israeli singer has admitted in court that he lied when he accused employees of a German hotel of antisemitism in a video that he posted… Source

Right Wing Round-Up: A Safe Space for Antisemitism

For over the past 15 years, Right Wing Watch has monitored, exposed, and disrupted right-wing extremists across the country. As their influence continues to grow, our work becomes even more important – as does your support. Please make a donation now to keep this critical work going and help support our end of month fundraising […]

With Antisemitism Rising As Israel-Hamas War Rages, Europe’s Jews Worry

GENEVA (AP) — As he sits in Geneva, Michel Dreifuss does not feel all that far away from the Hamas attack on Israel on Oct. 7 and Israel’s subsequent bombardment of Gaza. The ripples are rolling through Europe and upending assumptions both global and intimate — including those about his personal safety as a Jew. […]

IBM, EU Suspend Advertising on Elon Musk’s X/Twitter over Antisemitism Allegations

Major advertisers IBM and the European Union have ceased advertising on Elon Musk’s X/Twitter social media platform due to escalating concerns over antisemitic content and “hate speech.” AP News reports that IBM and the EUrecently made the decision to withdraw their advertising from X/Twitter owned by billionaire Elon Musk. This significant move comes in response […]

Steel: Growing Antisemitism Among Democrats Is Creating a Political Crisis

The horrific terrorist attacks of October 7th, 2023, should have inspired a moment of bipartisan unity in Washington, D.C. Republican Mike Johnson’s (R-LA) first act as the new Speaker of the House was a floor vote in favor of a congressional resolution expressing explicit support for Israel and condemning Hamas for the deadliest attack against […]

Rise in antisemitism on college campuses linked to Middle Eastern regimes donating BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to universities

Rise in antisemitism on college campuses linked to Middle Eastern regimes donating BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to universities A new report has found that over 200 universities and colleges in the United States have received a combined total of over $13 billion in “undocumented contributions from foreign governments.” Many of these nations come from the Middle […]

Racist Premium X Users Exploiting Israel-Hamas War to Push Antisemitism, Islamophobia: Study

In this photograph taken near the Israeli border with the Gaza Strip a large plume of smoke rises over over Beit Hanoun in Northern Gaza after an Israeli air strike is seen, on November 16, 2023 from Sedorot, Israel.  (Photo by Christopher Furlong/Getty Images) White supremacists are using their premium subscriptions on the social media […]

Lawler: Antisemitism on college campuses ‘not a free speech issue’

Rep. Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.) held up his new bill as a possible solution to antisemitism on college campuses, saying the debates in colleges and universities across the country are “not a free speech issue.” Lawler, alongside Reps. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.), Max Miller (R-Ohio) and Jared Moskowitz (D-Fla.), introduced the Antisemitism Awareness Act in late October,… […]

Antisemitism and the Origin of Hate Speech

1 nov 2023 _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are reading this and aware of what is happening, the time for you to stay silent on account of self-preservation is over. The weight of what you know vs. a license, a job, etc., […]

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