Posts Tagged ‘fostering’

Antisemitism Czar Scolds WashPost for ‘Fostering Antisemitism’ by Reporting on Jewish Donors Pushing Protest Crackdown

US Antisemitism Czar Deborah Lipstadt used her bully pulpit on Tuesday to scold the Washington Post for publishing a factual story exposing how wealthy Jewish donors were part of a secret group chat which pushed NYC Mayor Eric Adams to crackdown on pro-Palestine protests. Source

Indian Foreign Minister Accuses Canada of Fostering ‘Climate of Violence’ Against Indians

Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar denounced the “climate of violence” against Indian diplomats in Canada. Source

CIA Is Creating, Fostering & Seeding Neo-Nazi Extremists Into The US & Fauci’s Mask Lies Crumble

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (9/3/23). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Why Fostering Kids Was So Popular in Ancient Ireland

There were many complex laws and customs prevalent in the Celtic-speaking world of ancient times. In Ireland and the British Isles in general, these customs survived for many centuries, some as late as the 19th century. Life in ancient Ireland was full of complex, unwritten social rules, laws and traditions of utmost cultural significance – […]

Role of Psychological Capital in Fostering Well-Being among Students in the Age of COVID-19

Health is a precious asset. The World Health Organization identifies health as a state of total physical, mental, and social well-being, rather than simply the absence of disease. It also claims that there can be no true physical health without mental health. A person with good mental health is aware of their abilities, can cope […]

London university accused of fostering ‘antisemitic,’ ‘toxic’ environment

The University of London’s School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) allegedly fosters a “toxic, antisemitic environment,” according to an independent appeals commission.The appeal was made by SOAS student Noah Lewis, who won his initial ruling but appealed because the school should “address the issue of institutionalized antisemitism and a toxic atmosphere,” the Algemeiner said.As […]

“Central Banks Fostering Global Collapse By Design”

Comment posted by Amanda No, Q is a psyop. And it’s apparently an extremely effective one, because of joining the rest of us in the fight of our lives for our liberty and freedom, Q-tards are believing in fairy tales and that the patriots and non-existent “white hats” are in charge—what a freaking joke!!! The […]

Saudis cut ties with Iran to distract world from Nimr execution: Top cleric

Tehran, January 6, The Iran Project – Iranian senior clerics have slammed Saudi Arabia for the execution of prominent Shia cleric Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr, saying that they broke off diplomatic ties with Iran in an attempt to distract the world from their criminal acts. Referring to Saudi’s cutting diplomatic ties with Iran as a way of distracting the world […]

Saudi Arabia’s Growing Body Count

Tony Cartalucci (NEO) : Mass executions at home, war abroad – Saudi Arabia tries to kill its way out of adversity. As the new year rolled in around the world, Saudi Arabia was already getting off to a bad start. The Western media published muted reports of a mass execution of some 47 prisoners alleged to be […]

Spokesman warns US to step away from Iran’s defense programs

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iran’s Foreign Ministry warned the US to avoid meddling in Tehran’s plans to reinvigorate its defensive capabilities or wait for the Islamic Republic’s firm response. The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday that the US is preparing sanctions against firms and individuals in Iran, Hong Kong and the United Arab Emirates over alleged […]

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