Posts Tagged ‘ties’

The Military Encirclement of China Has Begun: German Navy Returns to the Pacific Ocean

New Report Links African American and NZ Maori Achievements

A report released in New Zealand recently shows that Maori and African American children perform just as poorly as each other in school, with prejudice of the teachers to blame.  The Unconscious Bias and Education report cites systemic level bias as a major contributor to the increasingly poor learning outcomes of Maori students. This is despite New […]

U.S. Backed “Moderate” Rebels Caught Beheading Child in Syria

by Joshua Krause of The Daily Sheeple The Syrian Civil War, like any war, is accompanied by a government sanctioned narrative. They tell us that our government is the good guy who’s trying to spread democracy across the Middle East by supplying freedom fighters and bombing ISIS. On the other side, is the vile Assad […]

Turkey: Attempted coup and the future of Erdogan

Without knowing much about the identity of the Turkish coup leaders, it is fairly certain that irrespective of their likely failed attempt, they have delivered a stunning blow to the presidency of Mr. Erdogan, who must now reckon with deep fissures within the country’s armed forces, which has a long tradition of political interventions. The […]

Bahrain clerics attend protest in support of Sheikh Qassim

Clerics in Bahrain have attended a protest in support of the country’s top Shia cleric Ayatollah Sheikh Isa Qassim as the Manama regime intensifies the crackdown on members of the religious community. Hundreds of Shia clerics gathered at a main square of the village of Diraz, west of Manama, to back Sheikh Qassim in the […]

Former FM official takes parliamentary post

Tehran, July 18, IRNA – Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani in a decree appointed Hossein Amir-Abdollahian as his special aide for international affairs. Amir-Abdollahian served as Deputy Foreign Minister for Arab-African Affairs. He was replaced by Hossein Jaberi Ansari. By IRNA Source Article from

Republican National Convention Watch: Update 1 – Trump’s Alliance with the Jewish Money Power

Over the course of the next few days, I’ll be doing my best approximation of a live feed to cover the RNC in Cleveland and any other globalist-related news that crosses my radar. For your convenience in reading it, I’ll place each new update at the top. [Update 1 – 18 July 2016] Trump’s Alliance […]

Three Helicopters sent to ‘Kill or Capture’ Erdogan at Hotel During Coup, Leaks say

ISIS Warned Of Nice Truck Attack In 2014

A chilling 2014 video has surfaced in which ISIS forewarns of the recent Nice attacks that rocked France last week.  Following the attacks, various ISIS affiliated Twitter accounts have claimed the attacks were retribution. reports: An #ISIS Twitter account is linking #NIce‘s Truck attack to the death of Omar Shishani — Mohanad Hage […]


by Jonathan Azaziah Here we go again. Zionist media rolls out a narrative and like clockwork, the lemmings sickeningly and predictably start their French-flag-waving and “Pray For Nice” social media campaigns. Well. I’m not going to do that nor am I going to declare one scintilla of solidarity with France. In fact… FUCK FRANCE. To […]

Baton Rouge, Minneapolis And Dallas Through A Father’s Eyes

Print Friendly Above Photo: People attend a vigil in Harlem, July 8, 2016. (Photo by Volkan Furuncu/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images) “The first rule we teach our children as a matter of survival is, ‘Be polite and respectful when stopped by the police.’ We know that it may not save them anymore than it saved Philando Castile, but […]


Facebook recently began tracking and serving ads to web users who don’t even have an account on the social media site. In doing so, Facebook also quietly changed the ad settings of its users without their consent. As reported by The Wall Street Journal, Facebook will target both users and non-users across the web to […]

Trump picks neocon Pence as running mate: Zio-Watch, July 14, 2016

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s former chief of staff Ari Harow was detained by police at Ben Gurion Airport Thursday morning and taken in for questioning, reportedly in connection with a corruption investigation against the prime minister. In December, he was questioned by police under caution for a “range” of offenses he was suspected to have […]

Photos: Caspian Sea littoral states’ FMs meet

ASTANA, Jul. 13 (MNA) – Foreign Ministers of Caspian Sea littoral states held meeting in Kazakh capital on Wednesday.     By Mehr News Agency Source Article from

New Black Panther Leader: Blacks Need to Migrate to Five Southern States, Form ‘Country Within a Country’

[Editor’s Note: Every people wants a homeland in which it can practice self-determination and enjoy autonomy. Nevertheless, internationalism, globalism, the “New World Order” – call it what you will – forces drastically different and ofentimes incompaitable cultures to coexist alongside one another. This leads to massive conflict (see: the former Yugoslavia) and is entirely unecessary. […]

Iran blanks Qatar in Asian Junior Volleyball Championship

The Iranian men’s national junior volleyball team has pummeled Qatar to gain its second victory at the 18th edition of the Asian Men’s U20 Volleyball Championship in Chinese Taipei. On Sunday, the defending Asian volleyball champions trounced the Arabs 3-0 (25-16, 25-15 and 25-11) in their second Pool B game of the preliminary round of […]

Eleven Years Ago: The London 7/7 Mock Terror Drill: What Relationship to the Real Time Terror Attacks?

7 reasons why Muslim brotherhood has no chance of big role in Syria’s future

Alwaght- The Muslim Brotherhood is known across the world as being a reformist movement. However, its behavior and performance in Syria— its best example is the 1982 insurgency in Hama in west-central Syria— has been in a way that it could be recognized as a subversive force in the country. Being the oldest Islamist movement […]

Belarus, Maghreb speakers call for parliamentary ties with Iran

Tehran, July 9, IRNA – Belarus and Maghreb (Morocco) speakers of parliament in separate messages felicitated re-election of Ali Larijani as speaker and underlined strengthening parliamentary relations with Iran. Ali Larijani, Member of Parliament from Qom, who was parliament speaker in 8th and 9th terms of Majlis, was re-elected for the 10th term as well. […]

Top aide to Iranian commander calls on Russia to use S-400 missile shield against all hostile aircraft in Syria

A look at Iranian newspaper front pages on July 9 Newspapers on Saturday covered the remarks by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, in two separate speeches. The… Source Article from

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