Posts Tagged ‘role’

Finland: Man Jailed for Defending Himself Against Armed Home Invaders

Finland: Man Jailed for Defending Himself Against Armed Home Invaders July 21st, 2016 Via: Russia Today: The homeowner has been convicted of “excessive self-defense and attempted manslaughter,â€� Helsinki news reports. He will serve an unconditional sentence for four years and two months, which he […]

The Nice Massacre: Another ‘Known Wolf’? Inconsistencies, Shifting Narratives and the Role of ISIS

Velayati urges expansion of Iran-Malaysia trade, economic ties

Tehran, July 21, IRNA – Head of the Strategic Research Center of the Expediency Council Ali-Akbar Velayati on Thursday called for expansion of Tehran-Kuala Lumpur economic relations and cooperation as they enjoy abundant capacity for the purpose. Velayati made the call in a meeting with Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak in Putrajaya on Thursday. ‘Iran […]

The Nice Attack: Things we dare not think about

As the state of emergency is extended in France in the wake of the recent Nice terrorist attacks, the French public is beginning to lose faith in the state’s ability to protect them. But will they ever really understand the true function of the imperial state? On July 14th Tunisian citizen Mohammed Lahouaiej Bouhlel allegedly […]

Sibel Edmonds Predicted The Coup 6 Months Ago

July 19, 2016  /  Gilad Atzmon In the following 6 month old Corbett Report episode, former FBI Sibel Edmonds analyses events in Turkey and  predicts the recent coup. This  video is a must watch. Edmonds’ understanding of Turkey and politics involved is with no comparison. Filed under: AngloZionist Empire, Brotherhood, Erdogan, Gilad Atzmon, Human Rights, Islamists, NATO, […]

Color revolutions and weapons of mass migration: Southern Africa at risk of U.S. led hybrid war

     Comment: The following article is the second in a series; see Part I here. The Hybrid War In Practice Connecting The Three Pieces: Each of the three forces described above have their own specific uses in the US’ destabilization template against Zimbabwe, but on their own, they’re insufficient to produce the desired result. Therefore, […]

NATO: Agent for the Provocation of Perpetual War. Poland Occupied by Foreign Armies

CDC Executive Resigns After Being Caught Colluding With Coca-Cola to Salvage Soda Market

CDC Executive Resigns After Being Caught Colluding With Coca-Cola to Salvage Soda Market July 14th, 2016 Via: Mercola: Recent media reports have now revealed devastating evidence showing a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) executive aided a Coca-Cola representative in efforts to influence […]

Five billion dollars invested on ports development: Official

Tehran, July 12, IRNA – Managing Director for Ports and Maritime Organization Mohammad Saeednejad said that public and private sectors have invested more than five billion dollars to develop trade ports in Iran. Saeednejad, who is also deputy minister of Road and Urban Development, said on Monday afternoon that private sector has so far invested […]

ISIS offers $50,000 reward for head of Bulgaria’s ‘migrant hunter’

ISIS has put a $50,000 bounty on the head of a self-styled ‘migrant hunter’ who organises gangs of vigilantes to patrol and hunt down illegal asylum seekers in Bulgaria. Dinko Valev, 29, uses two armoured vehicles to patrol territory near the city of Yambol, close to the border with Turkey. But now it has been […]

Top aide to Iranian commander calls on Russia to use S-400 missile shield against all hostile aircraft in Syria

A look at Iranian newspaper front pages on July 9 Newspapers on Saturday covered the remarks by the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, in two separate speeches. The… Source Article from

Ashrawi Denounces Plans to Expand West Bank Settlements

IMEMC : PLO Executive Member Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, Tuesday, strongly denounced Israel’s plan to expand three illegal Israeli settlements around the Jerusalem area, by building hundreds of residential units to accommodate more Israeli settlers. She said, in a press release, “We strongly denounce plans by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman to build […]

Why a High-Fat Diet is Best When it Comes to Health and Longevity

6th July 2016 By Carolanne Wright Contributing writer for Wake Up World I remember as a teenager in the 80s how low-fat diets were all the rage in the United States. Suddenly, a slew of ‘healthy’ convenience foods were lining the supermarket aisles — from cookies to snacks and everything in-between. Low-fat cooking was championed and labels […]

UN Official “Accidentally” Crushes His Own Throat Right Before He Is About to Testify Against Hillary Clinton

By Mac Slavo of Call it a conspiracy theory, coincidence or just bad luck, but any time someone is in a position to bring down Hillary Clinton by testifying they wind up dead. In fact, there’s a long history of Clinton-related body counts, with scores of people dying under mysterious circumstances. Perhaps the most notable is Vince Foster. […]

Transcanada’s $15 Billion Suit Against US Corporate Nationhood At Its Worst

Print Friendly Above Photo: From When the NAFTA nations – United States, Canada and Mexico – meet Wednesday for the annual Three Amigos Summit in Ottawa, climate change and clean energy are expected to dominate the agenda. However, a curiously timed $15 billion lawsuit launched last Friday by TransCanada, which is using NAFTA to sue […]

26 Pipeline Fighters Arrested In West Roxbury

Print Friendly West Roxbury, MA – Twenty-six people were arrested for disrupting cement pouring at the construction site of the controversial West Roxbury Lateral pipeline. The West Roxbury Lateral is part of Spectra Energy’s massive pipeline expansion project, which aims to transport gas from the shalefields of Pennsylvania through the Northeastern United States to Canada, where […]

Newly discovered species of bacteria linked to linked to gum disease, cystic fibrosis and antimicrobial resistance

     Parasitic bacteria that are entirely dependent on the other bacteria they infect have been discovered for the first time, in human spit. The tiny cells have gone undetected for decades, but appear to be linked to gum disease, cystic fibrosis and antimicrobial resistance. We only know of one other strain of bacteria that can […]

Canada supports ISIS to destroy Syria

Canada supports ISIS, and every other terrorist group that is trying to destroy Syria. Any country that openly or covertly supports illegal regime change in Syria, necessarily supports ISIS  — they have shared goals. Canada, like the U.S., has been very open about its support for illegal regime change.  Canada’s Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan , […]

Emails Between McCanns & Paedophile MP Clement Freud To Be Probed

Emails between paedophile Sir Clement Freud and the parents of Madeleine McCann are set to be investigated as part of a child sex abuse inquiry Correspondence between the late MP and the parents of missing Madeleine will be submitted to an inquiry into historic abuse allegations. The McCanns became close to the Liberal MP and […]

Israeli siege on Gaza illegal, UN says

Days of Palestine, Gaza Strip -A new UN report has reiterated that the Israeli, internationally backed siege on Gaza is illegal and violates humanitarian law. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) confirmed the severe deterioration in various aspects of life in Gaza as a result of the […]

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