Posts Tagged ‘road’

Panic & chaos in Nice: Terrifying videos show immediate aftermath of truck attack (GRAPHIC)

People were seen grabbing their children and running as sirens echoed in the background in one video. Crowds of tourists had gathered for the holiday to watch fireworks as the truck rammed into people, causing panic and mayhem on the streets. In another video, hundreds of people screamed and panicked as they ran from the […]

Five billion dollars invested on ports development: Official

Tehran, July 12, IRNA – Managing Director for Ports and Maritime Organization Mohammad Saeednejad said that public and private sectors have invested more than five billion dollars to develop trade ports in Iran. Saeednejad, who is also deputy minister of Road and Urban Development, said on Monday afternoon that private sector has so far invested […]

Why Are People Starting To Believe In UFOs Again?

The 1990s were a high-water mark for public interest in UFOs and alien abduction. Shows like “The X-Files” and Fox’s“alien autopsy” hoax were prime-time events, while MIT even hosted an academic conference on the abduction phenomenon. But in the first decade of the 21st century, interest in UFOs began to wane. Fewer sightings were reported, […]

As slavery wasn’t yet legal in Virginia, the 20 black arrivals at Jamestown in # Quiz # Question

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Islamic State Paid To Carry Out Attacks In Islamic Republic Of Iran

Tehran Islamic State/ISIS militants linked to the Sunni sect of Islam were paid 600,000 euros to carry out a bombing campaign in over 50 locations in Tehran and other major cities in predominantly Shi’ite Iran, according to an Islamic Republic TV documentary. Reuters reports: Officials in predominantly Shi’ite Iran have said in recent weeks that […]

Pro-GMO Campaign exploits Nobel Laureates to attack Greenpeace and Fool the People

Form of Anti-Regime struggle could change in Bahrain; Iran’s Gen. Soleimani warns

Alwaght- “ If only 10 percent of those who nearly six years have been directing their fists and fingers towards the palaces and tanks in Bahrain put their fingers on triggers, they quickly destroy Al Khalifa regime.” This is a message by General Qassim Soleimani, the chief of Iran’s Quds Force, a force belonging to […]

The Software Police are Using to Predict Future Crimes and Spy on Activists

Fresno, CA- The Fresno police department is building a high-tech surveillance apparatus straight from a dystopian science-fiction film. Last year, Chief Dyer unveiled a state-of-the-art “Real Time Crime Center”.  In addition to surveillance cameras all over the city monitored in real time, the police department has been testing several programs to surveil social media, including the infamous Beware by Intrado, a software that […]

“Jungle” Invader Nonwhites Trash Paris

Police in Paris have been forced to clear out a camp set up by nonwhite invaders moved from Calais’ infamous “Jungle” after locals complained that the nonwhites had turned the area into an “open air toilet,” terrorized passersby with gang violence, and brought diseases such as tuberculosis. French riot police moved the approximately 2,000 […]

Homeless Man Unnecessarily Arrested After Being Profiled at Starbucks (Submission)

The following post was shared with the CopBlock Network by Dan Olson, via a message to the CopBlock Network Facebook Page. In addition to that option you, can also send us stories and/or video through the Submissions Page. The post consists of submission consists of a post Dan made to his personal website describing […]

Strange orange object seen in New Zealand’s sky

     A Kawerau woman says a “hard to miss” strange glowing object in the night sky has her baffled. (Watch video) Rebecca Couchman was standing on her deck in Kawerau with her partner and a friend on Wednesday night when they all witnessed “a strange object in the sky that did not look normal”. “It […]

Austria presidential race: Far-right Hofer, Green Van der Bellen in dead heat – exit polls

ORF reported exit polls standing at 50.1 per cent for Norbert Hofer and 49.9 per cent for 73-year-old veteran ecologist Alexander van der Bellen. But this did not last long, with the two later leveling out at 50 percent each. With the race so neck-and-neck, the situation could still change, with results shifting in either […]

Peter Dutton says ‘illiterate’ refugees would be ‘taking Australian jobs’

Immigration minister criticises pledges by Labor and the Greens to increase Australia’s refugee intake, claiming it would lead to unemployment. The immigration minister, Peter Dutton, has said refugees aren’t numerate or literate and would take Australian jobs in inflammatory comments arguing against increasing the refugee intake. Labor has said the comments are deeply offensive and […]

From Golden Dollar to Petro Dollar to Narco Dollar

F William Engdahl (NEO) : The role as world reserve currency is something no financial hegemon in history has willingly surrendered. It took two world wars for the City of London and Bank of England to reluctantly concede hegemony of the Pound Sterling to the Dollar. As Henry Kissinger is said to have remarked decades […]

Ireland’s Kingspan eyes investment in Iran’s airport infrastructure

“Large aircraft orders placed by Iran would require big upgrades in airport infrastructure and that Kingspan had been at the forefront of aviation projects right around the Middle East,” Kingspan’s Chief Executive Gene Murtagh said on Sunday as quoted by Business Irish. “It’s step one, there won’t be many steps coming after this for quite […]

Cop Sentenced For Masturbating In Public, Now A Registered Sex-Offender

Santa Clara Police Sgt. Thomas Leipelt has been found guilty of sex-crimes and sentenced to 45 days in jail. He is also now on the sex-offender registry. So what did this cop do to warrant this punishment? It turns out, Sergeant Leipelt and his girlfriend were having sex in a backroom of his girlfriend’s workplace. […]

France wins $39bn contract to build fleet of world’s ‘most sophisticated’ subs for Australia

“These submarines will be the most sophisticated Naval vessels in the world,” said Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull as he made the announcement Tuesday. Announcing the winner, Turnbull stressed that the new contract will result in more jobs as the new submarines are set to be built in Adelaide’s ASC shipyard. At least 2,800 new […]

Anti-Iran ruling by US Supreme Court illegitimate: Analyst

Press TV has conducted an interview with Kaveh Afrasiabi, author and political scientist from Boston, a ruling by the US Supreme Court allowing the transfer of some USD two billion of frozen Iranian assets to the families of the victims of a 1983 bombing in Beirut. The following is a rough transcription of the interview. […]

Poll reveals Danes aren’t buying the military-industrial complex & its ‘new Cold War’

     A survey carried out just weeks before Denmark’ government finally reveals which new fighter jet will replace the ageing stock of F-16s in the Danish Air Force has revealed that the majority of Danes are against buying a replacement altogether. The survey, performed by Wilke on behalf of the Jyllands-Posten newspaper, revealed that 53.3 […]

School Cop Filmed Body-Slamming 12-Year-Old Girl Fired

A San Antonio Independent School District police officer filmed body-slamming a pre-teen female middle school student onto a brick walkway, has been fired. District Officials said Officer Joshua Kehm was removed from his position on Monday as investigators reviewed the March 29 incident at Rhodes Middle School in San Antonio, Texas in which he was filmed restraining 12-year-old Janissa Valdez and then throwing her […]

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