Posts Tagged ‘generate’

‘Worse Than Watergate’: How the Right Uses Disinformation to Generate Outrage and Conspiracy Theories

Last week, the right-wing Media Research Center released a report featuring the provocative title, “How Biden’s DHS Is Weaponizing an Anti-Terror Program Against Christians, Conservatives & the GOP.”  As the title suggested, the report claimed that the federal government is “being used to target the entire spectrum of the political right and Christians,” specifically groups […]

Scientists Working to Generate Electricity From Thin Air Make Breakthrough

Image: Derek Lovley/Ella Maru Studio ABSTRACT breaks down mind-bending scientific research, future tech, new discoveries, and major breakthroughs. Scientists have invented a device that can continuously generate electricity from thin air, offering a glimpse of a possible sustainable energy source that can be made of almost any material and runs on the ambient humidity that surrounds […]

Researchers Use AI to Generate Images Based on People’s Brain Activity

What if an AI could interpret your imagination, turning images in your mind's eye into reality? While that sounds like a detail in a cyberpunk novel, researchers have now accomplished exactly this, according to a recently-published paper. Researchers found that they could reconstruct high-resolution and highly accurate images from brain activity by using the popular […]

Here’s how AbbVie gamed the U.S. patent system to generate $114 billion in revenues from Humira drug

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Since 2016, pharmaceutical giant AbbVie has generated more than $114 billion in revenue from the sale of its anti-inflammatory drug Humira. That same year, Humira was supposed to go off-patent and become generic – meaning it would have cost a whole lot less for consumers – but because of patent manipulation, AbbVie […]

Humans Generate an ‘Oxidation Field’, And It Changes The Air Chemistry Around Us

Humans Generate an ‘Oxidation Field’, And It Changes The Air Chemistry Around Us Humans07 September 2022By David Nield Computer modeling of OH reactivity (L) and concentration (R). (Zannoni et al., Science, 2022) There are all kinds of pollutants in the air around us. Outdoors, these can be washed away through the falling rain, and the […]

US government paying behavioral science influence groups to generate new “interventions” to brainwash more Americans into taking covid vaccines

READ HERE: In June of 2022, the United States government pumped $20 million into a new behavioral science program that seeks to brainwash more Americans to take covid vaccines. The National Science Foundation, an entity of the federal government, transferred the taxpayer funds to the Social Science Research Council (SSRC), to advance a worldwide vaccine […]

OBEY: US government paying behavioral science influence groups to generate new “interventions” to brainwash more Americans into taking covid vaccines

(Natural News) In June of 2022, the United States government pumped $20 million into a new behavioral science program that seeks to brainwash more Americans to take covid vaccines. The National Science Foundation, an entity of the federal government, transferred the taxpayer funds to the Social Science Research Council (SSRC), to advance a worldwide vaccine […]

Genius Marketing: Common Cold Rebrands As ‘Omicron’ To Generate More Hype

WORLD—In a genius marketing move, the common cold has rebranded itself as ‘Omicron’ to garner some of that sweet coronavirus attention. “I’ll be honest, I was getting kind of jealous,” said the common cold. “At first I thought—‘Hey, this covid thing will pass and I’ll be back in the spotlight. I outlasted the Black Plague and I […]

MicroStrategy CEO and Bitcoin Bull Michael Saylor Says Company Could Generate Huge Income From Its Bitcoin Holdings

MicroStrategy CEO Michael Saylor says that the company could produce revenue from its huge Bitcoin holdings. What Happened: Saylor said the company has close to 122,478 Bitcoins, and it could lend some of it to a counterparty to generate income. He also said that MicroStrategy could put its Bitcoin into some form of partnership with a […]

White House Enlists Major News Orgs To Generate More Positive Spin On Inflation, Supply Chain Crisis

Joe Biden’s approval ratings are approaching basement territory and there are warning signs of a possible looming catastrophe at the ballot box for Democrats in the 2022 midterms, with voter concerns sitting squarely on uncertainties about the U.S. economy on issues like worsening inflation, the continued supply chain crisis, and the gloomy jobs outlook. But […]

Kermanshah to generate tens of tourism jobs

TEHRAN – Nine tourism-related projects, which are planned to be carried out across the western province of Kermanshah are estimated to generate 135 jobs upon their completion, the provincial tourism chief has announced.  The projects will be implemented in the cities of Kermanshah, Javanrud, Harsin, and Islamabad-e-Gharb, Jabbar Gohari said on Tuesday.  A budget of […]

Israeli study finds natural disasters generate increase in charity, decrease in crime

Browse > Home / News / Israeli study finds natural disasters generate increase in charity, decrease in crime February 17, 2021 by TPS Read on for article Human history is replete with extreme events, which bring chaos into our lives. Natural disasters leave a trail of destruction, causing suffering, costing lives, destroying houses, livelihoods, crops […]

Solar panels generate mountains of waste

Iowa Climate Science Education Isn’t sunshine a free fuel? “Harnessing sunshine (and wind) to serve humanity is not free – or clean, green, renewable or sustainable,”Duggan Flanakin points out. ______________ “Duggan Flanakin has written another important, perceptive article,” writes Paul Driessen. “This one examines the enormous amounts of plastic, metallic and dangerous chemical wastes that […]

Archons Plant Negative Voices in Your Head to Make You Generate Negative Emotional Energy — Stop Them With This Program

by I have received numerous emails from ordinary people asking me to explain the “That’s a Lie” program I used to get rid of the voices I heard as a young woman. I did this on my own without the help of psychologists or psychiatrists or their toxic drugs. For those of you who […]

At The Local And State Level, New Campaign Aims To Generate National Support For UN Treaty To Ban Nuclear Weapons

At The Local And State Level, New Campaign Aims To Generate National Support For UN Treaty To Ban Nuclear Weapons Above Photo: US nuclear weapons test at Bikini Atoll in the Marshall Islands in 1946. (Photo: US Government) “Our campaign is about putting pressure on the U.S. government and the other nuclear nations to sign […]

U.S. Religious Groups Generate More Money than Microsoft and Apple Combined

Phillip Schneider, Staff Writer Waking Times Since the founding of the country, religion of some type has always played an active role in the lives of a majority of Americans. Although religious faith is on a long-term downward trend while secularism is on the rise, about 70.6% of Americans still identified as Christian in […]

MIT researchers create device they claim can "generate electricity from air"

(Natural News) To date, humanity has been able to discover and eventually tap on a number of renewable energy sources. From wind mills to solar panels, there have been all sorts of inventions and gadgets that come with the ability to generate electricity from certain natural sources. Now a team of engineers […]

Confirmed: Grid Tie Inverter Continues to Generate Electricity During Grid Failure with Powerwall 2

Confirmed: Grid Tie Inverter Continues to Generate Electricity During Grid Failure with Powerwall 2 August 13th, 2017 Disclosure: I sell solar power systems in New Zealand. — Man, I’ve been waiting a long time to see this confirmed. Here it is! Tesla remains silent […]

What Does War Generate?

At an April, 2017 Symposium on Peace in Nashville, TN, Martha Hennessy spoke about central tenets of Maryhouse, a home of hospitality in New York City, where Martha often lives and works. Every day, the community there tries to abide by the counsels of Dorothy Day, Marthas grandmother, who co-founded houses of hospitality and a […]

Golestan Palace beefing up security, surveillance

The historical Golestan Palace in Tehran is being equipped with top-of-the-line security cameras and electronic surveillance systems to improve security and protection of the massive complex. “After surveying the palace comprehensively and identifying the vulnerable spots and weak points in security, measures were taken to upgrade the site’s security,” Masoud Nosrati, manager of the complex, […]

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