Posts Tagged ‘genius’

WATCH – ‘Genius!’: Ohio Auto Shop Worker Nabs Alleged Thief with Forklift

Workers at an auto body shop in Akron, Ohio, caught an alleged thief in a creative way, and police are thankful for their help. Source

This Genius Duffel Bag Solves the #1 Problem With Gym Bags

I can’t believe I’m a gym person now, even though I’ve been one for, like, nearly a decade. For so many years before that, it just seemed so undignified to work out in public—like, I’m supposed to go get sweaty around a bunch of other sweaty people? I’m going to let some guy in a […]

This is the BUD LIGHT ‘marketing genius’ who destroyed the brand forever! (Video)

Alissa Heinerscheid, Bud Light’s VP of Marketing, doubles down on her extreme woke strategy to promote the “declining” American beer brand to “young people”, while smearing her former customers as “fratty and out of touch”. How’s that working out for you, lady? @budlight — Old Row (@OldRowOfficial) April 9, 2023 Source

Taylor Swift Knows Jack Antonoff Is an Evil Genius

Taylor Swift is the pop star who launched a thousand ships (and at least half of them are gay): the songwriter-chanteuse whose every social media post fans pore over like they’re trying to break the Zodiac Killer’s cipher. Today, Taylor Swift released her latest album, Midnights, to the collective ecstasy of everyone I’ve ever met.  […]

The 2500-year-old Genius of China’s Grand Canal System

Ancient China is known for its famous dynasties, rich culture, and some of the first “advanced” technological innovations in the world.  Read more Section:  Artifacts Ancient Technology News Ancient Places Asia Read Later  Source

Not Just a Pretty Face: Cleopatra Was a Genius Who Spoke 8 Languages

Cleopatra VII (69 – 30 BC) was Queen of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt and its last active ruler. Most famous for her love affairs with Mark Antony and Julius Caesar Read more Section:  News Weird Facts Read Later 

Charting the Role of Prehistoric Genius in Technological Revolution

An English scientist has charted the spread of ancient survival technologies. His awe-inspiring maps reveal how individual ancient geniuses innovated in one place, and how these new ideas spread outwards like wildfire as part of a globally and ever-evolving technological revolution. Authored by Plato around 375 BC, Republic famously says that “our need will be […]

Genius Marketing: Common Cold Rebrands As ‘Omicron’ To Generate More Hype

WORLD—In a genius marketing move, the common cold has rebranded itself as ‘Omicron’ to garner some of that sweet coronavirus attention. “I’ll be honest, I was getting kind of jealous,” said the common cold. “At first I thought—‘Hey, this covid thing will pass and I’ll be back in the spotlight. I outlasted the Black Plague and I […]

‘Genius’ dogs capable of learning names and identities of 100 items

A border collie fetches an object, but he isn’t obeying an ordinary command. He is bringing back the exact toy requested by its owner. With his friend Lizzy, Max is part of a group of 6 border collies being called genius dogs. All are capable of learning the names of around 100 objects and identifying […]

Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi: Islam’s Medical Genius

Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Zakariya Al Razi is not a familiar name to most in the English-speaking world. But he was one of the most notable persons in the history of medicine. He was a renowned Persian alchemist, philosopher, and physician, and is particularly remembered today for all his contributions to the advancement of medicine. […]

The Greek Shepherd Who Became Chicago’s Greatest Marketing Genius

Bernie Sanders pictured outside the Billy Goat Tavern in another of his ubiquitous memes. Credit: Facebook/Billy Goat Tavern A Greek-American tavern owner may have well been the marketing genius to top them all. William “Billy Goat” Sianis rose from being a penniless shepherd in the hills around Tripoli to become the owner of a legendary […]

Tragic Journey Of Genius Revolutionary Albert Einstein

It was a Marathi Book- (Einsteinche Manovishv) – by Dr. Mo. Ra. Gunye, Research Scientist from Bhaba Atomic Research Centre in his Book (513 pages, studded with 18 Chapters a masterpiece of Literature as well), appropriately summarizes Value of Albert Einstein’s contributions in his Book, (Psychological Universe of Einstein- 1997) which prompted me to write […]

Russia’s Courageous Literary Genius Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Laid Bare The Most Horrific Killing Machine In History

By John WearFrom Wear’s War He later said his arrest was a defining moment in his life…’it allowed me to understand Soviet reality in its entirety and not merely the one-sided view I had of it previous to the arrest.” Solzhenitsyn became an outspoken opponent of Marxism…he laid bare the most horrific killing machine in […]

Genius Maintenance Secrets of Aqueduct of Constantinople Revealed

Aqueducts have been studied by archaeologists, engineers, architects, and urban planners for centuries. But even now, Roman aqueducts still have fascinating secrets to reveal, as scientists from Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, Germany recently discovered when looking at the aqueduct of Constantinople. Seeking to learn more about the aqueduct of Constantinople’s maintenance procedures, a team […]

ZIONIST Einstein Promoted By His ZIONIST Tribe & Tesla the Real Genius Was NOT

by Admin · April 18, 2021 EINSTEIN THE PLAGIARIST Einstein was a serial, psychopathic plagiarist. Einstein’s plagiarism has been conclusively proven beyond doubt. (here). Einstein’s “Theory of Relativity” as well as his famous equation (E=Mc2), were actually published before Einstein claimed credit for them. EINSTEIN THE MISTAKEN Einstein’s “discoveries”, stolen as they were, are still disputed to this day. Einstein himself […]

Tribute to the  genius of late actor Sanjeev Kumar which still sparkles 35 years after his death 

Few actors ever took versatility or acting craft to such a crescendo as actor Sanjeev Kumar. He may have left us early at the young age of 47 but the stamp he left marks it’s print today and will possibly remain forever in the annals of Bollywood history.Sanjeev was simply Bollywood’s ultimate chamelion.Sanjeev Kumar traversed […]

The political roots of Amanda Gorman’s genius

“Somehow, we do it. “Somehow, we’ve weathered and witnessed “A nation that isn’t broken, but simply unfinished.” It captured the national mood, earning her instant respect and worldwide fame. But Gorman’s poetry, and its activist leanings, don’t spring out of a vacuum. Instead, she’s part of a continuum of writers, particularly performance poets of color, […]

Maradona: The Bolivarian Soccer Genius

The fighting peoples of the world lost a humble legend yesterday. Diego Armando Maradona was 60 years old. Arguably the greatest soccer player to ever grace the pitches, the spirited striker combined unparalleled skills in his sport and an unflinching outspokenness before oppression. No other sports figure’s public statements and transformation has equally captured the […]

Michael Moore: “Evil Genius” Trump Could be Lying About Having COVID to Postpone the Election

After it was announced that President Trump had contracted coronavirus, numerous leftists took to Twitter to vehemently argue that Trump had staged the infection in order to help his re-election chances. The consensus opinion appears to be that Trump being diagnosed with COVID-19 will harm his campaign because it will stop him traveling for 2 […]

It’s Going To Take A Genius To Crack These 25 Secret Messages. There’s A Reason Why They’ve Never Been Solved

Humans are very intelligent creatures, usually able to solve most mysteries. Believe it or not, there are still many mysteries that remain unsolved. Here are 25 very well known ciphers that have never been solved. These are amazing. Bacon Cipher Sir Francis Bacon was well known for creating and using what is now known as […]

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