Posts Tagged ‘muhammad’

Spectacular, Massive Rallies in Yemen Mark Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Birthday (Video+Photos)

September 27, 2023 On Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Birthday, huge crowds of Yemenis flocked into the main avenues, squares and parks in the various provinces to the mark the dear occasion. The participants celebrated the occasion and reiterated commitment to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and Holy Quran. Head of the Supreme Political Council Mahdi Al-Mashat led the […]

Muhammad Was The Most Popular Boy’s Name In Irish City In 2022

Mohammad has been the most popular boy’s baby name in the U.K. for the past six years, while it was the second-most popular name in the Netherlands last year. Source

Muhammad Becomes Most Popular Baby Name in Irish City

Muhammad was the most popular baby name in Galway, Ireland’s fourth-largest city, last year, the country’s government has confirmed. A report released by Ireland’s Central Statistics Office (CSO) on Friday has revealed that “Muhammad” has risen to become the most popular name for newborn babies in one of the country’s major cities. The statistic sees […]

Iraq Parliament Speaker Muhammad Al-Halbousi resigns

Iraqi Parliament Speaker, Mohammed Al-Halbousi, yesterday submitted his resignation. Parliamentarians are due to vote on whether or not to accept Al-Halbousi's resignation tomorrow, details issued by the parliament's media office showed. Tomorrow's session will also include a vote on electing the first deputy parliament speaker to replace Hakim Al-Zamili of the Sadrist movement, who resigned […]

Full Speech of Sayyed Nasrallah on the Birth Anniv. of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Nov 19, 2021 Translated by Staff, Hezbollah Media Relations Speech of Hezbollah’s Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah tackling a range of political developments on the occasion of the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] and his grandson Imam Jaafar Sadiq [AS], and the Muslim Unity Week.  I seek refuge in Allah from the […]

Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi: Islam’s Medical Genius

Abu Bakr Muhammad Ibn Zakariya Al Razi is not a familiar name to most in the English-speaking world. But he was one of the most notable persons in the history of medicine. He was a renowned Persian alchemist, philosopher, and physician, and is particularly remembered today for all his contributions to the advancement of medicine. […]


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محمد زهير الصدّيق شاهد الزور في جريمة اغتيال الحريري: أريد اللجوء إلى لبنان Muhammad Zuhair Al-Siddiq was a false witness in the Hariri assassination: I want asylum in Lebanon

* Please scroll down for the ADJUSTED English Machine translation *  رضوان مرتضى الجمعة 30 نيسان 2021 «الشاهد الملك» وصاحب الاسم الأبرز في ملفّ الشهود الزور في جريمة اغتيال رفيق الحريري ظهر زُهير محمد الصدّيق مجدداً. «الشاهد الملك» وصاحب الاسم الأبرز في ملفّ الشهود الزور في جريمة اغتيال رفيق الحريري، خرج إلى الضوء بعد سنوات. الرجل الذي اتّصل […]

Taha Muhammad Ali and the mystery of Palestinian ‘happiness’

SO WHATNew & Selected Poems, 1971-2005by Taha Muhammad Ali translated by Peter Cole, Yahya Hijazi and Gabriel Levin280 pp. Copper Canyon Press. $18 Mondoweiss readers—and others who have the courage to educate themselves—necessarily spend considerable time learning about the many wrongs Israel has inflicted on Palestinians – and about new miseries it may inflict tomorrow and […]

French student lied about beheaded teacher showing Muhammad caricature

A 13-year-old French school girl has admitted to lying about her teacher asking Muslim students to leave class before showing a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad, the Independent reported. The student said she lied in order to please her father and did not attend the class in which she claimed the picture was alleged to have […]

Student says she lied about beheaded teacher showing Muhammad caricature

A 13-year-old French school girl has admitted to lying about her teacher asking Muslim students to leave class before showing a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad, the Independent reported. The student said she lied in order to please her father and did not attend the class in which she claimed the picture was alleged to […]

Suspect in Esther Horgen Murder Identified as Muhammad Cabha

Esther Horgen, the Israeli mother of six killed in a suspected terror attack near her Tal Menashe home. Photo: Courtesy of the family. – Israel’s Security Agency, the Shin Bet, cleared for publication on Monday the identity of the suspect in the murder of 52-year-old Esther Horgen, whose body was discovered in a Judea and […]

Tunisian MP says French Teacher Deserved to be Behead over Muhammad cartoon

    Reports surfaced on 16 October that a teacher who had taught freedom of speech and showed cartoons depicting the Islamic prophet Muhammad to his students had been decapitated in the north-west suburbs of Paris, and that police chased down and fatally shot the main suspect, a Moscow-born Chechen teenager. A Tunisian MP is […]

Charlie Hebdo republishes Muhammad cartoons on eve of terror attack trial

French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has reprinted caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad that were cited by Islamic extremists as a reason for the murderous attack on its staff in January 2015. The images were republished on the eve of Wednesday’s trial into Charlie Hebdo killings, which, along with a later attack on a kosher supermarket, […]

Trump Says He Is ‘Seriously Considering’ Pardoning Deceased Boxer Muhammad Ali

President Trump told reporters on Friday that he may pardon deceased boxer Muhammad Ali. On his way to the G7 summit in Canada Trump said his administration was “currently preparing recommendations” over Ali’s case. He said he had a list of 3,000 names that he is considering for pardon, many of whom have been “treated unfairly”. […]

Muhammad Ali’s family tells Trump thanks, but no pardon needed as conviction was overturned 50 years ago

An attorney for Muhammad Ali has challenged President Donald Trump’s suggestion that he may pardon the late boxer, pointing out that Ali’s conviction was overturned nearly 50 years ago. Mr Trump told reporters on Friday the was “very seriously” considering pardoning the heavyweight champ, who was convicted in 1967 of failing to report for military service after […]

Muhammad & Friends with Gilad Atzmon

Filed under: “Peace with Israel”, Assad, Gilad Atzmon, Identity Politics, Iran, Jewish culture, JEWISH ELITE, Jewish left, Jewish Lobby, Jewish Power, Jews, Nazi Israel, Oslo, Palestine, Putin, Shalom, Trump, Two States Solution, War on Syria, World Peace | Source Article from

Saudi export of ultra-conservatism in the era of Crown Prince Muhammad Bin Salman

By James M. Dorsey There has long been debate about the longevity of the Saudi ruling family. One major reason for doubts about the Al Sauds’ viability was the Faustian bargain they made with the Wahhabis, proponents of a puritan, intolerant, discriminatory, anti-pluralistic interpretation of Islam. It was a bargain that has produced the single […]

Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman Blames America for Spread of Wahhabism as Petroyuan Beckons

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Whither Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman’s “moderate” Islam?

By James M. Dorsey Recent Algerian media reports detailing Saudi propagation of a quietist, apolitical yet supremacist and anti-pluralistic form of Sunni Muslim ultra-conservatism raises questions about the scope of Saudi Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman’s commitment to what he has termed “moderate” Islam. So does Saudi missionary activity in Yemen. The missionary activities suggest […]

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