Posts Tagged ‘behead’

Jewish Georgia Teacher ‘Threatened to Behead Student for Criticizing Israeli Flag in His Classroom’

Jewish Georgia middle school teacher Benjamin Reese, 51, was arrested and charged with making terroristic threats for allegedly threatening to behead a young female student who criticized his decision to fly an Israeli flag in his classroom. From 13WMAZ, “Warner Robins teacher accused of threatening to kill student over comment about his Israeli flag”: A […]

Jihadists Behead More Than 50 People in Football Pitch Massacre in Mozambique

(Barnabas Fund) — Islamic militants turned a village football pitch in northern Mozambique into an execution ground where they beheaded more than 50 people during three days of savage violence between Friday, Nov. 6 and Sunday, Nov. 8. Villagers who tried to flee were caught and taken to the sports ground in Muatide village where […]

‘Christian’ Russia says Muslim Azerbaijan is Free to Behead as Many Armenians as they Want outside of Armenia

    Moscow has promised to provide the “necessary assistance” to Armenia if ongoing fighting in the Azerbaijani breakaway Nagorno-Karabakh region reaches the country’s territory, after Yerevan called on the Kremlin for help. Russia has signaled it is ready to get more involved in the conflict between Azerbaijan and the self-proclaimed Nagorno-Karabakh republic, backed by […]

Azerbaijani forces behead Armenian Christians inside Artsakh cathedral

    Azerbaijan’s jihad war crimes will get little notice, because like the “Palestinians,” Azerbaijan has a well-funded PR machine. “One Greek killed fighting in Artsakh, Azerbaijan continues to commit war crimes,” by Paul Antonopoulos, Greek City Times, October 28, 2020: One ethnic Greek born in Armenia has been killed while defending Artsakh from a […]

Tunisian MP says French Teacher Deserved to be Behead over Muhammad cartoon

    Reports surfaced on 16 October that a teacher who had taught freedom of speech and showed cartoons depicting the Islamic prophet Muhammad to his students had been decapitated in the north-west suburbs of Paris, and that police chased down and fatally shot the main suspect, a Moscow-born Chechen teenager. A Tunisian MP is […]

WATCH BLM activists BEHEAD Trump effigy & pretend to shoot up ‘cops’ in noisy RNC protest outside White House

Demonstrators have gathered near the White House to protest the Republican National Convention, trying to drown out the event with loud music and chants while decapitating President Donald Trump’s effigy with a mock guillotine. Protesters blared music, shouted slogans and beat drums in the nation’s capital on Thursday, many gathered not far from the White […]

Antifa: “Millions Of Our Soldiers Will Behead White People On Nov. 4”

The leader of ANTIFA has warned that “white parents” and “business owners” across America will be beheaded by millions of antifa “supersoliders” on November 4th. “Can’t wait for November 4th when millions of antifa supersoldiers will behead all white parents and small business owners in the town square,” Tom Bloke, leader of the domestic terrorist […]

Saudi Arabia To Behead 14 For Participating In Anti-Government Protests

The ‘crucifixion’ of 5 beheaded bodies following their execution in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia, the Gulf kingdom ruled by an absolute monarchy and key United States ally, is planning to behead 14 men for participating in anti-government protests after what Amnesty International called a “grossly unfair mass trial.” “By confirming these sentences Saudi Arabia’s authorities […]

Saudi Arabia Is About to Behead 6 School Girls For Acting Indecently With Their Male Friends

Western countries are being urged to intervene in a case where 6 young school girls facing execution for acting indecently at a friends house. Fathima Al Kwaini and her friends that included three male friends have celebrated Kwaini’s birthday at a friends house. A neighbor supposedly an assistant of an Imam of a mosque close by has […]

Saudi Arabia to Behead 23-year-Old Deaf, Blind Man Who Took Part In A Protest

Saudi Arabia to Behead 23-year-Old Deaf, Blind Man Who Took Part In A Protest Munir Adam arrested for taking part in a protest in eastern Saudi Arabia in 2012 23-year-old was left with impaired sight and hearing after a childhood accident A court of appeal has upheld Adam’s death sentence despite his disability Activists claim […]

Iran’s communication minister to visit Russia next week

MOSCOW, July 20. /TASS/. Iran’s Minister of Communication and IT Mahmoud Vaezi will pay a visit to Russia next week, the Iranian embassy in Moscow said on Wednesday. “An economic delegation led by Vaezi will visit Astrakhan and Moscow next week. Meetings with Russia’s Energy Minister Alexander Novak, Communications Minister Nikolai Nikiforov and the Eurasian […]

United Against The Working Class

July 20, 2016  /  Gilad Atzmon Why do they divide us into segments of biology (Black, Lesbians, Gays, Jews etc’)? In this short (E&R) clip I elaborate on the role of the (new) Left and Jewish intelligencia in the creation of sectarianism. I suggest that the desperate attempt to tackle nationalism led the left to […]

Is This Why Aliens Don’t Interact With Us?

In 2013, the former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer made a shocking statement: a federation of alien races mankind are watching and controlling us. Reported television channel History. by Lionsground Some say there is enough evidence to support this claim. Almost every culture has stories or emperors, kings and pharaohs who consulted a group of […]

There’s More to Turkey’s Failed Coup Than Meets the Eye

It’s Our “Freedom” They Hate — US Coalition Air Strikes Kill 77 Civilians, Including Children

On Monday, airstrikes, believed to be led by US coalition forces, killed 21 innocent civilians in Manbij’s northern Hazawneh quarter in Syria, according to the British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. On Tuesday, additional strikes in the region killed 56 more, including multiple children, according to Reuters. Prior to the strikes on […]

Women Use Cannabis Vaginal Suppository To Ease Menstrual Pain

A new cannabis based suppository made from  cannabidiol and cocoa butter infused with THC is now available to ease the discomforts associated with period pains. The tampon-sized insert aims to “maximise muscle relaxing and pain relieving” without getting you high. They can be ordered online providing you have a medical marijuana card and live in […]

Waking up? Americans are not siding with Obama on Russia

     Russia props up Assad, no mention of Russia fighting ISIS Ignored Russian allegations against Turkey-ISIS oil smuggling Blamed Ukraine crisis on Russia instead of US coup d’état Americans cynical of Obama’s versions of Russia and the Middle East US President Barack Obama’s last State of the Union (SOTU) address was a “shallow attempt” to […]

Donald Trump: Hillary Clinton ‘killed hundreds of thousands of people with her stupidity’: Zio-Watch, December 19, 2015

Baghdad says it has opened an investigating into a recent airstrike carried out by the United States in Anbar Province, which claimed the lives of at least 10 Iraqi soldiers. Iraqi Defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi made the announcement on Saturday, a day after the airstrike hit the Iraqi army’s 3rd Division 55th Brigade, located near the […]

Massive Asteroid To Pass Earth On Christmas Eve

A huge asteroid capable of worldwide devastation will visit earth this Christmas, giving the planet a wide berth. According to astronomers a massive piece of rock will safely whizz past during the holiday season. They announced on Thursday that we will be safely visited by a celestial body capable of inflicting global environmental change. Scientists assume that the ‘Christmas […]

1,500 Year Old Bible Says That Jesus Christ Was Not Crucified

A 1,500 year old bible has been seized from a gang of smugglers in a Mediterranean-area operation in which it is revealed that Jesus Christ was never crucified on the cross as commonly believed. According to this ancient version of the Bible, Jesus ascended to heaven alive, and Judas Iscariot was crucified in his place.  The […]

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