Posts Tagged ‘2015’

Turkish Coup: Secularists’ Last Gasp

The attempted coup d’état in Turkey was the last gasp of the pro-secular forces in that country against the Islamification and drive to authoritarianism under Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) party. The Turkish army has always viewed itself as the protector of the secular state set up by modern Turkey’s founder, […]

israel’s war on Palestine’s water supplies

Israel Denies Water to Palestinian West Bank Areas Stephen Lendman Israeli viciousness knows no limits, cutting off water to tens of thousands of Palestinians the latest example. Palestinian Authority Prime Minister Rami Hamdallah issued a statement, accusing Israel of “waging a water war against the Palestinians.” Netanyahu-led extremists want them “prevent(ed) from leading a dignified […]

The War We Forgot to End: Why Are We Still in Afghanistan?

UN sounds alarm over ‘structural and institutional racism’ in US

“The Working Group [of Experts on People of African Descent] is outraged and strongly condemns the new police killings of two African-American men,” Sunga said in a statement published on the United Nations’ official website. #PhilandoCastile: US cop shoots black man dead day after Alton Sterling killing (GRAPHIC VIDEO) The deaths of Philando Castile in […]

Petra – La ciudad perdida de piedra -Illuminati Documentary HD

New 216 ILLUMINATI SECRETS 2015: The New Atlantis – New BBC Illuminati Documentary HD,Illuminati Documentary SECRETS 2016,ILLUMINATI. source Add To The Conversation Using Facebook Comments Source Article from

Israeli PM takes ‘aggressive measures in Al-Khalil’

Days of Palestine, West Bank -Israeli prime minister said on Sunday that his cabinet had taken “unprecedented aggressive measures” in West Bank city of Al-Khalil. During the weekly meeting of his illegal cabinet Benjamin Netanyahu said: “We are using various means, including aggressive measures that we have not used in the past.” About the nature […]

Karmanos Cancer Center doctor caught running over a dozen sock puppet accounts to impersonate online identities

(NaturalNews) There is evil in this world. Remember Hitler? He poisoned people to death on purpose – millions of people. What if you found out right now that medical doctors are engaged in poisoning millions of Americans as we speak, yet under the “radar,” and under the canopy of a crooked, insidious form […]

Illuminati Exposed 2015: Aliens Killing Humans – New BBC Illiminati Documentary HD

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ILLUMINATI 2015: What is the Bilderberg Group – New Documentary Full Length HD

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Is the US government preparing for something big?

     You may not be getting prepared for a major national disaster, but the government sure is. I have been informed that in recent months numerous emergency food companies have been contacted by the government, and they have been told that their inventories could potentially be seized in the event of a significant emergency. And […]

Prisoners determined to resist dangerous precedent set by Israel

Charlotte Silver Rights and Accountability 30 June 2016 Rahiba Kayed, the mother of Bilal Kayed, holds up a picture of her imprisoned son, at a rally in the West Bank city of Nablus on 14 June. Ahmad Al-Bazz ActiveStills Twenty-nine Palestinian prisoners suspended a hunger strike launched in solidarity with Bilal Kayed, who was ordered […]

I Remember My Name – Palestinian Poetry

Poetry by Samah Sabawi, Ramzy Baroud and Jehan Bseiso   by Susan Abulhawa Three renowned Palestinians poets from Gaza – Samah Sabawi, Ramzy Baroud, and Jehan Bseiso – flanked by editor Vacy Vlazna and artist David Borrington have joined to create I Remember My Name, a powerful and moving collection of poems and drawings. […]

FBI Transcript Shows Nobody Died in Orlando Shooting Until SWAT Teams Entered the Building: Judge Napolitano

live from the hell sec 11

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State Dept. nutjob Nuland to Congress: We Spend $100 Mil a Year Trying to Destabilize Russia

Nuland to Congress: We Spend $100 Mil a Year Trying to Destabilize Russia On Tuesday, the US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations scheduled a two-hour anti-Russian hate-fest. Lies, misinformation and jaw-dropping stupidity were on full display. The star witness of course, was Tricky Vicky Nuland. These congressional committee meetings crack me up. In theory, they’re […]

Christians under attack by stone throwing Jewish thugs, no action taken by police

Stone attack during Mass: Bishop Shomali, society must “remedy radicalism and intoleranc SEE ALSO Israel Convicts Most Stone-throwing Palestinian Children Israel passes ‘minimum sentence’ for stone-throwers ISRAEL – On Saturday evening, May 28, 2016, the faithful attending  Mass in Rehovot were victims of stone-throwing by a group of Israeli youth. Bishop William Shomali, Patriarchal Vicar, […]

Black Judge Rules Mississippi Schools Must be Force-Integrated

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 17, 2016 The United States has the worst public school system in the developed world. There is no argument who is responsible for this: the colored folk. Instead of dealing with this problem by segregating the Blacks, the Federal government is doing the opposite: forced integration. The Clarion-Ledger: The Cleveland School […]

Post-sanction Iran, Malaysia trade volume to hit $1 billion

Tehran, May 11, IRNA – Following the removal of sanctions against Iran, Malaysia is intended to help increase the volume of trade exchanges with the Islamic Republic to $1 billion, says a Malaysian trade official. ‘We will try to raise the level of trade exchanges between the two country to one billion dollars,’ said Managing […]

US General: We Prepared ISIL to Destroy Hezbollah

Local Editor US retired general Wesley Clark admitted that Washington and its allies made ISIL terrorist group to face Hezbollah in Lebanon. In an interview with CNN, Clark added that the Gulf states funded the terrorist group and the US prepared it to destroy Hezbollah. The US general also said that hundreds of millions of […]

News TRUTH About Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton illuminati Witch Exposed Full Documentary

TRUTH About Hillary Clinton Hillary Clinton illuminati Witch Exposed Full Documentary – … source Add To The Conversation Using Facebook Comments Source Article from

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