Posts Tagged ‘10000’

Team of 1000 Lawyers and 10000 Medical Experts Start Nuremberg 2 Trial against World Leaders for Crimes Against Humanity

    A team of over 1,000 lawyers and over 10,000 medical experts led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich have begun legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO & the Davos Group for crimes against humanity. Fuellmich and his team present the faulty PCR test and the order for doctors to label any comorbidity death as a […]

10000 Year Old Antarctic Ice Shelf Will Disintegrate in Just Years

One of Antarctica’s ice shelves, or rather its remaining section, is showing unprecedented levels of meltdown and will inescapably collapse in just a few years, further impacting the ocean levels on the planet, a new NASA study has warned. Research lead by scientists of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, California, probed the ice […]

De-Globalization: Hungary asks IMF to leave the country after early payback

The head of Hungary’s Central Bank Gyorgy Matolcsy wrote a letter to IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde on Monday asking for it to close its representative office in Budapest as it was “not necessary to maintain” it any longer. The IMF says it is ready to agree since the current IMF representative in […]

Serbian cafe shooting: Man kills wife and four others motivated by jealousy

Gunman arrested after 20 left injured in what interior minister says was attack motivated by jealousy      A man has shot dead five people, including his wife, and injured another 20 at a Serbian cafe. The man entered the cafe in the town of Žitište, about 50 miles (80km) north of Belgrade, and opened fire […]

Trump: EU Must Halt Invasion

US presidential candidate Donald Trump has warned that Europe will be “unrecognizable” unless there are immediate curbs on the nonwhite invasion started by Angela Merkel. Speaking to the Times newspaper in London while on a visit to his newest golf resort in Scotland, Trump also predicted that the European Union would break up following […]

Christians under attack by stone throwing Jewish thugs, no action taken by police

Stone attack during Mass: Bishop Shomali, society must “remedy radicalism and intoleranc SEE ALSO Israel Convicts Most Stone-throwing Palestinian Children Israel passes ‘minimum sentence’ for stone-throwers ISRAEL – On Saturday evening, May 28, 2016, the faithful attending  Mass in Rehovot were victims of stone-throwing by a group of Israeli youth. Bishop William Shomali, Patriarchal Vicar, […]

FPÖ: “Countless” Election Fraud Cases

The leader of Austria’s Freedom Party, Heinz-Christian Strache, has confirmed that his party is investigating “countless” cases of electoral fraud with regard to last week’s presidential elections in that country. Speaking over the weekend, Strache said that his party was “going to get the countless indications (of irregularities) looked at by an independent, neutral body […]

Signs and Portents: Two-headed calf born in India

     The animal has defied the odds to survive a full week, but it is reportedly struggling to feed and showing signs of deteriorating Visitors have been flocking to a farm in India after one of its cows gave birth to a TWO-HEADED calf that many believe is a miracle. The bizarre looking animal, which […]

A Look at Iranian Newspaper Front Pages on May 4

IFP has taken a look at the front pages of Iranian newspapers on Wednesday May 4 and has picked headlines from 19 of them. IFP has simply translated the headlines and does not vouch for their accuracy. Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s statements at the opening ceremony of the Tehran International Book Fair, about the necessity […]

Hundreds protest against govt corruption in Macedonian capital, clash with police (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

Pictures posted on Twitter also show protesters spraying paint over the sidewalks in front of the parliament, as some of them call the current unrest a new ‘color revolution.’ Demonstrators organized a stage at the square in front of the Parliament where activists are expected to deliver speeches, with Macedonian patriotic songs resonating from the […]

Magnitude 5.9 earthquake rocks South Georgia

     A magnitude 5.9 earthquake recently struck north of South Georgia on Tuesday (April 19, 2016), as reported by the United States Geological Survey (USGS) earthquake bulletin. The earthquake’s epicenter was recorded at 119 kilometers north of Visokoi Island, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands at 1:25 pm of Tuesday (Philippine time). A slight […]

Stunning admission that SCIENCE IS FRAUD: Medical journals more likely to recommend high-profit drugs when they are funded by Big Pharma advertising

(NaturalNews) If you’ve ever wondered why seemingly intelligent doctors prescribe so many harmful medications to their patients, the answer is simple: money. We’ve all heard about the conferences and exotic vacations for doctors funded by pharmaceutical companies, but it turns out that the medical journals that doctors rely on for their information are […]

Migrants are an Underground Army – Ten Signs

  April 16, 2016 Source Article from

Homo sapiens helped kill off Neanderthals with STDs and other diseases, study shows

     Research published earlier this year suggested that Neanderthal genes might have boosted our immunity and given us allergies, and now new research suggests that we may have returned the favor by infecting them with diseases we transported from Africa to Europe. In the new study, which was published in the American Journal of Physical […]

Odd Polish theories behind Smolensk plane crash still stir confusion 6 years on

On April 10, 2010 a Polish Tu-154M plane flying from Warsaw to Smolensk, Western Russia, which was carrying President Lech Kaczynski and his wife, the governor of the central bank, all senior military commanders and other high-profile officials, crashed upon landing killing all 96 people on board. Two countries, one tragedy: Russia and Poland join […]

The Beauty of a Home Water-Birth

I want to share this beautiful video of the birth of this White couple’s second child. They had a water birth at home. For anyone interested in the safety of water birth I suggest reading this article. I personally had a water birth, and the water was extremely helpful in pain relief and also took […]

‘Unprecedented’: Chicago Teachers, Workers Strike for Public Funding

Chicago’s public school teachers are marching in the streets on Friday, calling on local and state officials to increase revenue not only to schools but to public services citywide—and they’re joined by an astonishing upswell of support, as fast food workers, transit workers, higher education professionals, community groups, and others joined in the […]

Harper’s Magazine, Where ‘Legalize It All’ Means More Taxes and State Control of Drugs

Harper’s Magazine, Where ‘Legalize It All’ Means More Taxes and State Control of Drugs March 21st, 2016 In the piece below, there’s no mention of the fact that the CIA has been in the narcotics trafficking business for decades, which is an interesting tidbit […]

Election pantomime: Public cannot be trusted to vote for the right people so the USA needs Super PACs

Who’s Funding Super PACs This Election Season? Good Question Mike Licht / Flickr (CC-BY) Campaign finance reform advocates have rallied against super PACs’ ability to influence elections since their creation in 2010, and new reporting by the Washington Post puts a spotlight on how “ghost corporations” are pumping money into these committees, with their big […]

Photos: Iran’s FM Zarif speech at Egmont institute in Brussels

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif addressed the Royal Institute for International Relations, known as the Egmont Institute, in the Belgium capital of Brussels on Monday.     By IRNA Source Article from

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