Posts Tagged ‘week’

British Doctors Faced With 5,700 Cases Of Female Genital Mutilation In One Year

Health authorities have recorded 5,702 new cases of female genital mutilation in just one year, official figures show, equivalent to more than 100 cases every week. Female genital mutilation (FGM) has been illegal in Britain since 1985, with the original law strengthened in 2003 to prevent girls being taken abroad for the practice, yet so […]

Militarization of Police Forces Vs. Civil Rights

Originally published at Fresno People’s Media by Shauny Wilcox There is a constitutional consideration that has been lost in the current justice system amid its use of deadly force in this time of over-militarized police: Due Process. Due process guarantees us fair and impartial treatment under the law as a means of protecting our civil […]

Democrats and GOP are in a race to the bottom on Israel

The Jill Stein campaign calls for ending support for governments committing war crimes and massive human rights violations, including Israel and Saudi Arabia. It supports the BDS movement as a peaceful, nonviolent set of actions organized by civil society across the world aimed to end Israeli apartheid, occupation, war crimes, and systematic human rights abuses. […]



Putin LOSES IT, Warns Journalists of War: ‘I Don’t Know How to Get Through to You People’

The Russian president was meeting with foreign journalists at the conclusion of the Saint Petersburg International Economic Forum on June 17th, when he left no one in any doubt that the world is headed down a course which could lead to nuclear war. Putin railed against the journalists for their “tall tales” in blindly repeating […]

This 90 Year Old Woman With Cancer Opted Out Of Chemotherapy. She Chose Joy Instead

At the age of 90, Norma, a frail woman weighing approximately 100 pounds and standing no taller than 5 feet, lost Leo, her husband and best friend of 67 years. To make matters worse, within the same two week span Norma herself was found to have a cancerous mass on her uterus. Wanting to do […]

Glorious Leader Tweets Hillary Image with Dollars and Jew Star

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 2, 2016 Hero Trump has made history yet again by tweeting a meme of Hillary Clinton featuring her image with a Star of David over top hundred dollar bills. Inside the Jew star it reads “Most corrupt candidate ever!” It is indeed true that she is the most corrupt candidate ever, […]

Chicago clergy leaders call for end to blockade of Gaza

Members of the Chicago Faith Coalition on Middle East Policy convened at the Kluczynski Federal Building on Thursday morning to deliver a petition with over 1,340 signatures to US Senator Dick Durbin, urging him to martial his and his colleagues’ political leverage to end the blockade of Gaza, a concerned shared by constituents with the […]

Harassment by Police for Using a Public Park in King City Oregon

The following post and the video included with it were shared with the CopBlock Network by Theodore Pojman, via the CopBlock Submissions Page. The video shows Officer Hyson of the King City Police Department extorting them for being in a public park, presumably because they are homeless and live in their truck. According to Officer […]

How Do We Stop Climate Engineering? There Is Only One Way Forward

30th June 2016 By Dane Wigington Guest writer for Wake Up World How do we stop the toxic aerosol spraying atrocities that are being carried out in skies all over the globe? What can we do to put an abrupt end to the weather/biological warfare assault? What is the “silver bullet” in the battle to […]

Trump: EU Must Halt Invasion

US presidential candidate Donald Trump has warned that Europe will be “unrecognizable” unless there are immediate curbs on the nonwhite invasion started by Angela Merkel. Speaking to the Times newspaper in London while on a visit to his newest golf resort in Scotland, Trump also predicted that the European Union would break up following […]

Millions Of Bernie Supporters To Storm DNC Over Election Fraud

Millions of Bernie Sanders supporters are going to storm the upcoming Democratic convention in protest to the recent election fraud scandal.  The millions of disenfranchised voters are planning on showing their solidarity for Bernie by descending on Philadelphia in an attempt to persuade superdelegates to switch their votes from Clinton to Sanders. reports: Trained in […]

Deadly ‘heat dome’ scorching the Southwestern United States

     The first day of Summer isn’t even over and already The Southwestern United States is sweltering with temperatures hovering at 120 degrees Fahrenheit (49 Celsius), earning itself the hottest new weather term – the ‘heat dome.’ Pushing warm air towards the surface, the dome is causing record-breaking temperatures in one of the hottest places […]

Dr. Duke is joined by Lana Lokteff of Red Ice Radio – Women & White Survival!

Dr. Duke is joined by Lana Lokteff of Red Ice Radio – Women & White Survival! Click here and look for the show dated 6-20-16. Our show is aired live at 11 am replayed at ET 4pm Eastern and 4am Eastern. Print PDF Source Article from

FLASHBACK: The cosmic joke behind human genetics

     What does ‘control’ our biology, if not genes? There is a “thing” I refer to as Universe Humor, others may refer to it as a Cosmic Joke. There have been times in all of our lives when we thought we knew exactly how some event or incident was going to turn out. We could […]

‘We are Israel and Israel is us’ — Governor Cuomo ends all the confusion!

Folks are talking about Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s petulant piece in the Washington Post defending his indefensible executive order barring state business with anyone who advocates Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions of Israel. Obviously, he couldn’t get it published in his hometown paper, the New York Times. That’s another good sign. So is this sort of absurd […]

Juhani Keranen Interview: Simon Lindberg – Head of the Nordic Resistance

Radio Aryan June 5, 2016 Juhani Keranen is back with Studio 204 and this time he is interviewing Simon Lindberg, head of the entire Nordic Resistance Movement. He talks about how he became a National Socialist at a very young age after seeing the way Moslems and other non-Whites were terrorising the other Swedes. After […]

Boldly Engaging the Ongoing Adventure

Zen Gardner, GuestWaking Times Very new times are upon us. The shift continues to shift in new and amazing ways, challenging even new found paradigms almost as quickly as we arrive at considering them. If things aren’t morphing that quickly for you perhaps you’re not paying attention. Because there’s a good […]

Shark attacks woman off Corona del Mar, California

     A hospital official confirmed Monday evening that a woman swimming in a wetsuit off the coast of Corona del Mar was attacked by a shark. “Her injuries appear to be consistent with a shark bite,” said Jeff Corliss, a spokesman with Orange County Global Medical Center. “She is expected to survive.” The yet unidentified […]

FPÖ: “Countless” Election Fraud Cases

The leader of Austria’s Freedom Party, Heinz-Christian Strache, has confirmed that his party is investigating “countless” cases of electoral fraud with regard to last week’s presidential elections in that country. Speaking over the weekend, Strache said that his party was “going to get the countless indications (of irregularities) looked at by an independent, neutral body […]

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