Posts Tagged ‘free’

Taylor Swift Says There’s A Secret Plot To Frame Her For Murder

Taylor Swift has expressed fears that wherever she goes she is being secretly recorded as part of a secret plot to frame her for murder.  In what looks like an MKUltra breakdown following the recent feud with Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, the 26-year-old singer appears to be following in the footsteps of fellow pop […]

7 Enduring Truths No Matter How Many Psyop Shootings Take Place

Bernie Suarez, GuestWaking Times Note to the ruling elite and the masses who believe their staged news and propaganda. In fact, note to all humans including those who don’t believe mainstream media news. Whether you are brainwashed with government-controlled news and propaganda or a genuine truth seeker or researcher who perhaps may […]

Be Aware of What Is Happening in Syria! U.S. Government Support of Fundamentalist Fighters Destroying Syria and Terrorizing the Syrian People is a Terrible Mistake”

Israeli army blows up three Palestinian wells in occupied Hebron

Violence / Blockades / Detentions — West Bank / Jerusalem Army destroys water wells, damages property, in Hebron IMEMC 14 July — As the extensive Israeli military invasion into the southern West Bank district of Hebron continues to escalate, the soldiers destroyed, on Thursday morning, water wells, and the entrances of several Palestinian homes. Media […]

Bastille Day Terrorist Attack in Nice, France

Videos from a purported Islamic State attack at the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, France on July 14 celebrators has been reported. A truck loaded with gunmen allegedly drove into a crowd.CNN is reporting “dozens dead.” BREAKING: Panic in #Nice, France after #truck drives into crowd at promenade — RT (@RT_com) July 14, […]

Video: Syrian War Report: Heavy Clashes in Aleppo City. Al Nusra Orders Massive Shellings of Residential Areas

Clintons Threatened Attorney General With Her Life

Attorney General Loretta Lynch was threatened by Bill Clinton, according to a Department of Justice source, which then set in motion an ‘obvious and ridiculous’ chain of events that culminated in Hillary Clinton being let off the hook, despite FBI Director James Comey essentially stating that she broke the law. The chain of events was […]

Takht-Ravanchi: Iran willing to expand ties with Romania

Belgrade, July 11, IRNA – Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Majid Takht-Ravanchi in a meeting with Romanian Foreign Minister Lazar Comanescu underlined the Islamic Republic of Iran’s determination to broaden Tehran-Bucharest relations in all areas, including energy, transportation. ‘We are willing to deepen banking transactions between the two countries in line with the implementation of joint […]

Alabama Police Officer Shot; Hostage Situation Unfolding

A police officer has been shot in Randolph County on Saturday while a suspect barricaded himself in a building with a hostage. The injured police officer has been transported to a local hospital. A SWAT team has now been requested. Heflin law enforcement and Alabama law enforcement agency are currently assisting at the scene. The […]

‘Drunk’ Protesters Loot Convenience Store, ‘Taunt’ Officers After Dallas Police Massacre

In the wake of a Black Lives Matter protest that turned deadly Thursday as an ambush on police in Dallas, Texas left five officers dead, and seven others critically wounded, video has emerged showing protesters taunting police officers standing guard in front of a gas station. Some social media users took to Twitter to share footage of a local […]

Protests Erupt In Minnesota After Black Man Is Killed By Cop

Philando Castile A harrowing Facebook video showing a black man getting shot and killed by a cop while sitting in his car with his wife and kid has sparked outrage. Protesters have gathered outside the Governor’s mansion in Minnesota after footage emerged of a woman live-streaming her dying boyfriend’s last seconds after he was fatally shot […]

American and British Leaders Were Warned that Iraq War Would INCREASE Terrorism

The U.S. has undertaken regime change against Arab leaders we don’t like for six decades. We overthrew the leader of Syria in 1949, Iran in 1953, Iraq twice, Afghanistan twice, Turkey, Libya … and other oil-rich countries. Neoconservatives planned regime change throughout the Middle East and North Africa yet again in 1991. […]

tfw no indictment

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Minutes before DARK Act vote activists expose Monsanto’s Senate lackeys

     Actions highlight how senators who took money from Big Ag companies are voting against majority public opinion on GMO labeling. Just before a controversial genetically modified (GM or GMO) labeling bill came up for a cloture vote in the U.S. Senate on Wednesday, food and consumer advocates dropped over $2,000 on the chamber floor […]

Angela Merkel ‘to oust Jean-Claude Juncker’ as Europe splits deepen over Brexit response

Angela Merkel could move to oust Europe’s federalist chief Jean-Claude Juncker ‘within the next year’, a Germany government minister has said, in a sign of deepening European divisions over how to respond to Britain’s Brexit vote. The German chancellor’s frustration with the European Commission chief came as Europe split over whether to use the Brexit […]


PART 1 HERE: Call of Duty “Custom Zombies” RUST ZOMBIES GAMEPLAY! Gameplay … source Add To The Conversation Using Facebook Comments Source Article from

Iceland agrees to the return of American troops

Highlighting that the “security environment in Europe and the North Atlantic region has changed” over the past 10 years, the US and Icelandic governments confirmed Thursday they were renewing a 65-year-old military partnership. The two nations signed a joint declaration that will see US soldiers return to the tiny island, reversing a 2006 […]

UK police summon Israeli ex-FM Livni over alleged war crimes during Gaza conflict

The summons was issued Thursday, but was only made public three days later. The summons was canceled after diplomatic talks were held between Israel and the UK, which ended in Livni’s visit to London acquiring the status of a “special diplomatic assignment,” Haaretz reported. This effectively granted her immunity from arrest and prosecution. […]

Major Political News Media Sell Interviews At Conventions

For high-rolling special interests looking to make an impression at the presidential conventions next month, one option is to pay a lot of money to a media outlet. Lobbyists for the oil industry, for instance, are picking up the tab for leading Beltway publications to host energy policy discussions at the convention, including The Atlantic and Politico. And for the […]

Hebron on lockdown after two days of deadly attacks

Maureen Clare Murphy Rights and Accountability 1 July 2016 Israeli forces gather at the scene of a fatal crash after an Israeli car was fired on near the West Bank city of Hebron on 1 July. Wisam Hashlamoun APA images The Israeli military imposed closure on the occupied West Bank city of Hebron and its surroundings […]

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