Posts Tagged ‘zones’

Whistleblowers: IDF has established KILL ZONES in Gaza where soldiers can freely shoot Palestinians who are then counted as dead Hamas fighters

Whistleblowers: IDF has established KILL ZONES in Gaza where soldiers can freely shoot Palestinians who are then counted as dead Hamas fighters Several members of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have come forward to reveal that the IDF has created free-fire “kill zones” in Gaza where their superiors allow them to kill civilians who unknowingly enter these areas. These […]

Would You Have Resisted the Imposition of Time Zones?

An intriguing controversy hit much of the civilized planet in the second half of the 19th century. How would we tell what time it is? For the whole of human history, this was not a problem. Schedules were coordinated based on the position of the sun. With the invention of the sundial – sometime around […]

More Children Killed In Gaza This Month Than In Conflict Zones For All Of 2022

Since the violence escalated on Oct. 7, at least 3,195 Palestinian children have been killed in Gaza, and the number is likely to keep climbing. Source

‘Sacrifice zones’: the new ‘Jim Crow’ that’s Sickening and Killing People of Color

A product of entrenched, historic racism, “sacrifice zones”—designed to site pollution hot spots within communities of color—are a front line in a largely silent, often deadly, and steadily growing health crisis across the United States. Source

Washington, D.C. and other U.S. cities becoming war zones as crime skyrockets under Democrat control

(NaturalNews) American cities are becoming war zones under liberal leadership, and a quintuple shooting in Washington, D.C. is just the latest example of this… Source

Iran’s Free Zones High Council to launch intl. stock exchange

TEHRAN – The Secretariat of Iran’s Free Zones High Council has published a notice inviting all legal and natural persons, companies, stock exchange organizations, and entities to partake in establishing Iranian free zones’ first international stock exchange, the Securities and Exchange News Agency (SENA) reported. Source

Egypt establishes two logistics zones along Sudan border

Egypt announced, on Thursday, the establishment of two logistics zones to address the truck congestion at the Arqin and Qustul land crossings with Sudan, Anadolu Agency reports. “Based on coordination between the Egyptian Transport Ministry and Aswan province, two mini-logistics zones were implemented in Wadi Karkar and the city of Abu Simbel to process Egyptian […]

Varvitsiotis: ‘The Greek borders have no grey zones, only blue lines’

“The prime minister sent a clear message to Turkey that our borders have no grey zones, only blue lines,” Alternate Foreign Minister Miltiadis Varvitsiotis said on Friday, talking to radio station ‘Real FM’. The deputy minister said that he had conveyed the same message during his visit to Japan at the start of the week,… […]

‘Censorship zones’ around abortion facilities to be trialed in Scotland

Photo Credit; Vidal Balielo Jr. (The Christian Institute) — Nicola Sturgeon has announced that she intends to trial censorship zones around abortion clinics in Scotland. Speaking at a summit on abortion in Edinburgh, the First Minister backed MSP Gillian Mackay’s Bill seeking to create 150m buffer zones around hospitals and abortion centers. In similar… Source

Covid-19 May Have Seasons For Different Temperature Zones, Says Study

World Health Organization (WHO) informed: Globally, as of 4:00pm CET, 28 January 2022, there have been 364,191,494 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 5,631,457 deaths, reported to WHO. As of 28 January 2022, a total of 9,854,237,363 vaccine doses have been administered. Situation by WHO Region Europe: 138,839,947 confirmed Americas: 132,400,000 confirmed South-East Asia: 51,328,032 confirmed Eastern Mediterranean: 18,614,606 confirmed Western Pacific: 14,970,594 confirmed Africa: 8,037,551 […]

Free Zones and new visas attract startups & entrepreneurs

On September 5th, the United Arab Emirates Government announced a roadmap for the next 50 years. This plan is for the country’s economic, political and social growth. The UAE created new visas to attract new talent. They will target high-skilled people, investors, entrepreneurs, top students and graduates. Previously, Dubai announced that a new remote work […]

Australia: Police Want No Fly Zones Over Massive Anti-Government Protests

Police in Australia are pushing for the government to declare no-fly zones over the sites of mass protests to discourage more people from rising up and joining those already on the streets raging against the medical tyranny being imposed upon the country. Gideon Rozner, the Director of Policy at the Institute of Public Affairs in […]

The Martinez Perspective (June 7, 2021): Anti-White Yale Lecture, UK’s Muslim No-Go Zones & Short Term Solutions


‘Sacrifice zones’: How people of color are targets of environmental racism

Image Credit: formulanone/Flickr This article was produced by Earth | Food | Life, a project of the Independent Media Institute. The Black Lives Matter movement and the COVID-19 pandemic have highlighted how systemic racism disproportionately places danger and harm on low-income and minority populations. One harsh reality of this systemic racism is the existence of […]

IMIDRO identifies 1,700 new promising mineral zones across Iran

TEHRAN – Head of the explorations department of the Iranian Mines and Mining Industries Development and Renovation Organization (IMIDRO) has announced the identification of 1,700 new promising mineral zones across the country, IRNA reported. According to Ali Asgharzadeh, the mentioned regions cover a total area of 110,080 square kilometers. The official noted that IMIDRO carried […]

Italy’s Rome and Milan to be declared Covid ‘red zones’ as whole country heads for Easter lockdown amid rising infections

Rome and Italy’s business capital Milan will be plunged into the country’s toughest Covid-19 restrictions from Monday in a bid to stem the rising tide of infections, the health ministry said on Friday. Milan’s Lombardy region, which was the epicenter of the pandemic in Europe, will be placed under the most restrictive health measures, which […]

Secretary of Iranian Free Zones High Council Morteza Bank resigns

TEHRAN – Secretary of Iranian Free Zones High Council Morteza Bank has resigned from his position, handing over his resignation letter to President Hassan Rouhani, IRIB reported. In his resignation letter, Bank has stated old age and retirement as the reason for his resignation. Bank has previously served as President Rouhani’s deputy chief of staff. […]

Understanding The Dangers Of Innovation Zones And Smart Cities

During his State of the State address in mid-January, Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak noted that the state is suffering because of the COVID-19 restrictions and the effect on tourism. Sisolak called on the launch of “Innovation Zones”, a plan aimed at bringing companies working on “groundbreaking technologies” to Nevada and turning the state into the “epicenter of this […]

Update: CCTV Cameras Are Being Installed All Over Green and Red Zones in Washington DC

Nwo Report Source:Jim Hoft Democrats are preparing the US Capitol for the inauguration of Joe Biden this week.And already the statement they and their allies are making to the American people is that “we fear you” and “we will crush any dissent.” In the days leading up to the Biden inaugural, the nation’s capital has […]

Atlas of Hate: Activists nominated for award for tracking ‘LGBT-free zones’ in Poland

Activists in Poland have been nominated for a prestigious human rights award for tracking the growth of “LGBT-free zones” in the country. Dozens of towns and municipalities in conservative parts of the country have been signing declarations over the last two years, declaring they are “free from LGBT ideology” or expressing support for “traditional marriage” […]

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