Posts Tagged ‘freely’

Whistleblowers: IDF has established KILL ZONES in Gaza where soldiers can freely shoot Palestinians who are then counted as dead Hamas fighters

Whistleblowers: IDF has established KILL ZONES in Gaza where soldiers can freely shoot Palestinians who are then counted as dead Hamas fighters Several members of the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have come forward to reveal that the IDF has created free-fire “kill zones” in Gaza where their superiors allow them to kill civilians who unknowingly enter these areas. These […]

George Soros’ Hand Extends to Lebanon: Roaming Freely to Control

June 19, 2-23 By Staff, Agencies The French website “OJIM”, also known as “L’observatoire du journalism”, shed light on the dealings of the non-governmental organizations backed by US-Hungarian billionaire George Soros’ Open Society Foundations. In its report, OJIM underlined that the NGOs are using soft power while playing a major role in Lebanon, amid an […]

Connecticut police arrest parents for letting their kids walk freely

(NaturalNews) (Natural News) Law enforcement in Connecticut arrested the parents of two children for simply allowing them to walk unaccompanied to a doughnut shop.Lenore Skenazy, president of the childhood independence advocacy group Let Grow, elaborated on the circumstances of the arrest in a Jan. 23 article for Reason magazine. The incident … [Read More…] Source

Books Claims Biden Refuses to Speak Freely Around His Secret Service Agents Because They’re White Southerners

According to a new book, President Joe Biden has stopped speaking freely in the presence of Secret Service agents tasked with protecting him because they are white Southerners. Yes, really. The sensational claim was made in The Fight of His Life: Inside Joe Biden’s White House by author Chris Whipple. Whipple wrote that the Secret […]

‘We have a deal’: Kosovo citizens to travel freely to Serbia, says EU foreign policy chief

Serbia will allow Kosovo citizens to enter the country with personal ID cards issued by the government in Prishtina, according to the EU foreign policy chief, settling part of the dispute that led to an escalation of tensions along the border between the two countries in early August. “We have a deal,” Josep Borrell said in a […]

‘We have a deal’: Kosovo citizens to travel freely to Serbia, says EU foreign policy chief

Serbia will allow Kosovo citizens to enter the country with personal ID cards issued by the government in Prishtina, according to the EU foreign policy chief, settling part of the dispute that led to an escalation of tensions along the border between the two countries in early August. “We have a deal,” Josep Borrell said in a […]

‘We have a deal’: Kosovo citizens to travel freely to Serbia, says EU foreign policy chief

Serbia will allow Kosovo citizens to enter the country with personal ID cards issued by the government in Prishtina, according to the EU foreign policy chief, settling part of the dispute that led to an escalation of tensions along the border between the two countries in early August. “We have a deal,” Josep Borrell said in a […]

‘We have a deal’: Kosovo citizens to travel freely to Serbia, says EU foreign policy chief

Serbia will allow Kosovo citizens to enter the country with personal ID cards issued by the government in Prishtina, according to the EU foreign policy chief, settling part of the dispute that led to an escalation of tensions along the border between the two countries in early August. “We have a deal,” Josep Borrell said in a […]

Watch: Memorial Day — When Grown Men Cry Freely

I asked Special Forces veteran Dave Alwine what Memorial Day meant to him. Tears filled his eyes and trickled down his face, right in the middle of the crowded visitor’s center at Arlington National Cemetery.

How we can allow doctors to speak freely about what is really going on

How we can allow doctors to speak freely about what is really going on Anecdotal data from a pediatric cardiologist shows an estimated 100X increase in myocarditis rates. Cardiologists can’t speak out without risking retribution. I have a way to change that… instantly. I just read a comment on my private “healthcare providers only” substack. […]

EU implements 666 Satanic Mark to Travel while Immigrants Can INVADE FREELY Unlimited

    The European Union has activated its 666 Satanic sign since 1 July 2021. The Satanic sign is the coronavirus passport. Without this, as a Europe you cannot travel freely in Europe. So the Mark of the Beast is already here. This is it. Don’t expect it to be necessarily on your forehead or […]

Border Agents Can Search Phones Freely Under New Circuit Court Ruling

Above photo: David Santiago/Miami Herald/Tribune News Service via Getty Images. The case includes a NASA scientist detained in 2017. A US appeals court has ruled that Customs and Border Protection agents can conduct in-depth searches of phones and laptops, overturning an earlier legal victory for civil liberties groups. First Circuit Judge Sandra Lynch declared that both basic and “advanced” […]

China says ‘George Floyd cannot even breathe freely’ as it blasts US over Uighur Muslims forced labor claims

Beijing has cited the death of American black man George Floyd as evidence of Washington’s hypocrisy after it imposed a ban on all tomato and cotton products from China’s western Xinjiang region over alleged human rights abuses. “In the United States hundreds of thousands of innocent people died of Covid-19, people like George Floyd cannot […]

North Korean Defector Fled Her Country to Worship God Freely

 North Korea (International Christian Concern) – When she was 17 years old, the North Korean Christian Sookyung Kang fled from her repressive country because she wanted to be able to worship God with freedom. She shared her 3,000 mile journey to South Korea with Liberty in North Korea (LiNK) in a video interview, according to Christian […]

All you have to do for a permit to move freely during Israel’s lockdown as a prayer leaders is ask

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All you have to do for a permit to move freely during Israel’s lockdown as a prayer leader is ask

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved

US has no interest in hearing what Julian Assange can freely say about Russiagate – Max Blumenthal

Assange, who is currently incommunicado in the Ecuadorean embassy in London, reportedly offered – through an intermediary – to talk to US investigators about the release of DNC documents by WikiLeaks during the 2016 US election campaign. Assange willing to testify on alleged Russian hacking US intelligence claims that WikiLeaks acted on behalf of Russia […]

US adds freely-elected Palestinian leader on its blacklist

US State Department blacklisted on Wednesday the freely-elected Palestinian leader Ismail Haniyeh, the current top political leader of the Islamic Palestinian Resistance Movement Hamas. In a press release, the US State Department stated that Haniyeh “has close links with Hamas’ military wing” and “has been a proponent of armed struggle, including against civilians.” Haniyeh’s placement on […]

Thailand: US-Backed “Activists” Freely Allowed to Complain About “No Freedom”

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