Posts Tagged ‘circuit’

9th Circuit Court of Appeals Rules mRNA COVID-19 Jab is NOT a Vaccine Under Traditional Medical Definitions

By Jim Hᴏft Jun. 8, 2024 (Credit: U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Megan Estrada) The United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit has delivered a seismic decision that could reshape public health policy across the nation. In a contentious case involving the Health Freedom Defense Fund and other plaintiffs versus the Los […]

The 7th Circuit Holds That AR-15s Aren’t Protected By The Second Amendment

Authored by Andrea Widburg via American Thinker, Illinois desperately wants to ensure that, within the state’s borders, only criminals have guns. When it comes to law-abiding citizens, the state will do anything to disarm them. That includes passing a law that pretty much bans “assault weapons” (a non-existent category that really covers AR-15s, America’s most […]

Fifth Circuit Allows Biden Admin To Continue Social Media Censorship Demands

Fifth Circuit Allows Biden Admin To Continue Social Media Censorship Demands Authored by Matthew Vadum via The Epoch Times, Federal agencies accused of pressuring social media companies to remove users’ content will remain free to contact those companies for the time being because the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit has temporarily stayed […]

Oral Argument in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Health Freedom Defense Fund et al. v. Alberto Carvalho

Oral argument in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in Health Freedom Defense Fund et al. v. Alberto Carvalho yesterday was nothing short of jaw-dropping. The plaintiffs, Health Freedom Defense Fund (HFDF), California Educators for Medical Freedom (CAEMF), and several individuals, are appealing the district court’s dismissal of their lawsuit against the Los Angeles Unified School District’s (LAUSD) […]

Ninth Circuit Throws Out Berkeley Ban on Gas Stoves

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit tossed a Berkeley, California, ban on gas stoves on Monday, saying that the federal Energy Policy and Conservation Act preempted state and local authorities in regulating natural gas. Source

‘Lawless and reckless’: Warren condemns Fifth Circuit attack on CFPB

Image Credit: Alex Wong/Getty Images The conservative-dominated Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Wednesday that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s funding structure is unconstitutional, a decision that Sen. Elizabeth Warren—one of the agency’s architects—decried as “lawless and reckless.” “The CFPB has returned billions of dollars to Americans by doing its job, and its funding is […]

Hawaii Veteran Pleads With 9th Circuit to Comply With Supreme Court’s Second Amendment Ruling

A 72-year-old Vietnam War veteran is asking an appeals court to speed up processing of a gun permit he first sought 11 years ago now that the Supreme Court has ruled Hawaii’s gun-permitting system is unconstitutional. The Supreme Court determined June 23 that there is a constitutional right to carry firearms in public for self-defense. […]

Convoy protesting Covid mandates does D.C. circuit

People watch from an overpass as vehicles with the People Convoy of Truckers, protesting mandates and other issues, drive past on March 6, 2022, in Frederick, Md. | Jon Elswick/AP Photo By Associated Press 03/06/2022 03:43 PM EST Updated: 03/06/2022 05:23 PM EST HAGERSTOWN, Md. — A large group of truck drivers who object to […]

9th Circuit Court of Appeals rules against telecom industry in California net neutrality case

Image Credit: Townhall The 9th Circuit of Appeals upheld a court’s decision to enforce the strongest net neutrality legislation in the nation. California net neutrality law SB 822 “bars telecom companies from blocking, throttling, and paid prioritization, abusing their gatekeeper power in interconnection, or engaging in ‘zero ratings.’” The court ruled against the telecom industry […]

6th Circuit Court Rules Against Biden Administration in OSHA Vaccine Mandate Lawsuit

By Tom Ozimek December 4, 2021 The Sixth Circuit Court has denied the federal government’s motion to transfer the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) vaccine-or-test requirement lawsuit to a different court, while also rejecting the White House’s bid to dissolve a stay on the mandate, delivering a blow to the Biden administration’s efforts to […]

Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals Issues Emergency Halt To Biden’s Unconstitutional Vaccine Mandate

After reviewing an emergency lawsuit now involving 19 states that are suing the Biden administration for executive overreach with the unconstitutional vaccine mandate, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals has issued an emergency stay. “Because the petitions give cause to believe there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the mandate, the mandate is hereby […]

Ninth Circuit: Gavin Newsom’s California Violated Private School Parents’ Rights with Shutdown

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled Friday that the State of California violated the constitutional rights of parents whose children were at private schools when Gov. Gavin Newsom’s administration forced those schools to shut down during the height of the coronavirus pandemic last year. A 2-1 majority court found that while […]

Researchers identify brain circuit for spirituality

Researchers identify brain circuit for spiritualityPublished on July 5, 2021Written by More than 80 percent of people around the world consider themselves to be religious or spiritual. But research on the neuroscience of spirituality and religiosity has been sparse. Previous studies have used functional neuroimaging, in which an individual undergoes a brain scan while […]

Sixth Circuit Sides With Christian Professor Who Refused to Use Student’s ‘Preferred Pronouns’

(ABA Journal) — The Cincinnati-based 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has reinstated a First Amendment lawsuit by a public college professor in Ohio who violated school policy by refusing to use a transgender student’s preferred pronouns. The 6th Circuit ruled for Shawnee State University philosophy professor Nicholas Meriwether in a March 26 opinion by Judge Amul […]

Border Agents Can Search Phones Freely Under New Circuit Court Ruling

Above photo: David Santiago/Miami Herald/Tribune News Service via Getty Images. The case includes a NASA scientist detained in 2017. A US appeals court has ruled that Customs and Border Protection agents can conduct in-depth searches of phones and laptops, overturning an earlier legal victory for civil liberties groups. First Circuit Judge Sandra Lynch declared that both basic and “advanced” […]

Victoria headed for new 5-day ‘circuit-breaker’ lockdown as state bans public gatherings & limits travel

The Australian state of Victoria will enter a new five-day lockdown due to the discovery of a new cluster of Covid-19 cases, its premier said. The capital, Melbourne, endured one of the world’s harshest lockdowns last year. “On the advice of our public health experts, the whole of Victoria will move to circuit-breaker action from […]

Churches in Northern Ireland Must Close During Two-Week ‘Circuit Breaker’ Lockdown

<span data-mce-type=”bookmark” style=”display: inline-block; width: 0px; overflow: hidden; line-height: 0;” class=”mce_SELRES_start”></span> (The Christian Institute) — Churches in Northern Ireland are set to close following the announcement of a two-week “circuit breaker” lockdown. The Stormont executive announced yesterday that strict new measures will be introduced from Nov. 27, including the closure of non-essential retail, close-contact services, […]

BEST OF THE WEB: Addicted to war: Since 1776, US has been at war 93% of the time – That’s 222 out of 239 years!

     The U.S. has only been at peace for 21 years total since its birth In 2011, Danios wrote: Below, I have reproduced a year-by-year timeline of America’s wars, which reveals something quite interesting: since the United States was founded in 1776, she has been at war during 214 out of her 235 calendar years […]

Transcript Reveals Gaddafi Accused Blair Of Supporting Al-Qaeda

Newly released telephone transcripts  reveal that Colonel Gaddafi accused Tony Blair of supporting al-Qaeda as he refused calls to stand down during the height of the Libyan uprising. Gaddafi also warned the former British prime minister about the rise of Islamic extremism On Thursday, the former British Prime minister submitted a transcript of the calls […]

The Criminalization of Parliamentary Democracy

Syria is being bombed as part of a “counter-terrorism campaign” allegedly against the Islamic State, an elusive “outside enemy” based in Raqqa, Northern Syria. While the ISIL is said to be “threatening the Western World”, the evidence confirms that the Islamic State is supported and financed by the Western military alliance, together with Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia […]

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