Posts Tagged ‘selected’

Mel Gibson: Biden ‘Sacrificed’ By Illuminati As New Satanic Leader ‘Selected’ In Ancient Ritual

Joe Biden has been “sacrificed” by the globalist cabal in what can only be described as a coup d’etat against the American republic, according to Mel Gibson who warns that Biden did not willingly stand […] The post Mel Gibson: Biden ‘Sacrificed’ By Illuminati As New Satanic Leader ‘Selected’ In Ancient Ritual appeared first on […]

Jim Caviezel Shocks Hollywood: ‘God Selected Trump To Deliver America From Evil’

Jim Caviezel sent shockwaves through Hollywood this week after announcing that President Trump was selected by God to help deliver America from evil. Caviezel, star of the anti-child trafficking blockbuster “Sound of Freedom,” declared that […] The post Jim Caviezel Shocks Hollywood: ‘God Selected Trump To Deliver America From Evil’ appeared first on The People's […]

Richard Willet Interview – How Your Rulers Are Actually Selected & Their Technocratic Prophecies

Joining me today on Moving Target is Richard Willet, host of Glitch In The Code, here to discuss how our supposed leaders are selected rather than elected, what their bloodlines have to do with this, and the technocratic prophecies that guide them. Much of this conversation will be perceived as “conspiracy theory” by some, and […]

Iran Blood Transfusion Organization selected as WHO partner

Iran Blood Transfusion Organization selected as WHO partner – Tehran%20Times TEHRAN – The Blood Transfusion Organization and the High Institute for Research and Education in Transfusion Medicine were selected for the third time as a partner center of the World Health Organization (WHO). With the successful and complete implementation of the activities of the second […]

Israeli Startup SPS Selected to Help Israelis Navigate Its One-of-a-Kind Covid Elections

Israelis count the remaining ballots from soldiers and absentee voters one day after national elections, April 10, 2019. Photo: Noam Revkin Fenton/Flash90. CTech – Israeli startup SPS, which develops information and navigation solutions, has been selected by the Israeli Interior Ministry to provide its web service to help people vote in the upcoming elections. March […]

Harrison selected as Biden’s DNC chair

For state party officials, many of whom continue to harbor resentment over the DNC’s diminishment during the Barack Obama administration, the selection of Harrison came as a relief. About 70 state party chairs and vice chairs sent a letter to Biden’s transition team in November that, while not naming him, listed a series of qualities […]

Trump Was Selected as Are ALL Presidents by ZIONIST Cabal

by Admin · Published September 28, 2020 · Updated September 28, 2020 [embedded content] Comment: The ZIonist Synagogue of Satan is financing this Antifa/Black Lives Matter destruction, promoting hate & racism, etc. Zionists brought Trump to power specifically Sheldon Adelson, ZIONIST.

Why Robert Mueller Was Selected to Be the Special Prosecutor

Why Robert Mueller Was Selected to Be the Special Prosecutor By Eric Eric Zuesse It all began with the 1996 bombing of the Khobar Towers apartment complex in the Saudi city of Khobar, which killed 19 U.S. military, who worked at the Dharan air base three miles away. That incident became the lynchpin of […]

Selected Articles: The Pentagon’s Plan for “Weather Modification”

Selected Articles: Weather Modification as US Military Strategy?


DIVINE RIGHT – USED TO JUSTIFY DICTATORSHIP BY A GOD SELECTED ELITIST! Divine right is a Political Doctrine for A “GOD” CHOSEN LEADER of an ABSOLUTE DICTATORSHIP! Prince Bernhard who died in 2004 and his wife Beatrix played roles as leaders of the Bilderbergs This is what the Venetian Black Nobility want to return to […]

Selected Articles: The Las Vegas Shooting

Selected Articles: U.S. and North Korea: Testing Each Other’s Brinkmanship?

Selected Articles: Fake News? What the Mainstream Media Is Not Telling You

Selected Articles: US Foreign Policy = War Crimes, Destabilization and Regime Change

Selected Articles: Terrorism: A Thriving Industry for US-NATO Coalition

Selected Articles: UK Elections: Corbyn or May?

Selected Articles: Manchester Saga: Cui Bono?

Selected Articles: Trump’s “Diplomatic Getaway”: From the Middle East to Europe

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