Posts Tagged ‘dictatorship’

Join the Lighthouse Keepers who dared challenge covid dictatorship

BySally Beck April 17, 2024 HEALTH professionals who challenged the covid narrative were threatened with prison, psychiatric evaluations and suspension. Many lost their licences to practise for debating potential harms caused by lockdowns, vaccines and masks, although they had rightly raised concerns and exercised their right to free speech. Health authorities were livid and either […]

Trump touts word cloud showing ‘revenge,’ ‘dictatorship’ as what voters think his victory would bring

Former President Trump on Tuesday shared a “word cloud” from a recent poll showing the former president’s political plans to be most associated with the terms “revenge” and “dictatorship.” The word cloud, originally posted Tuesday by Daily Mail to visualize the results of their latest survey, shows voters most frequently described Trump’s political plans for… […]

Chad to finally get rid of Military Dictatorship, Return to Democracy after Referendum

Chadians have overwhelmingly voted in favor of a new constitution, marking a crucial step towards elections and the restoration of civilian rule in Chad, which has been under military control since 2021. The country’s electoral commission revealed that 86% of voters supported the new constitution, maintaining a “unitary and decentralized state,” while 14% voted against […]

From the River to the Sea: There is one Israeli dictatorship

A main achievement of Israeli Apartheid over the years was the division of the Palestinian people. While Jews (and other colonialist settlers of all creeds) may roam freely from the river to the sea and enjoy the whole spectrum of privileges, from free speech to the “right” to expropriate Palestinian land, the native Arab Palestinians […]

Do You Live In a Sustainable Dictatorship ?

dictatorship, form of government in which one person or a small group possesses absolute power without effective constitutional limitations. The term dictatorship comes from the Latin title dictator, which in the Roman Republic designated a temporary magistrate who was granted extraordinary powers in order to deal with state crises. Modern dictators, however, resemble ancient tyrants […]

‘Health’ the intended pathway to dictatorship

Our Congressional breakfast symposium was a huge success Watch the entire 3 hour event. This is probably the first time a single event has linked various ways that global governance and control is being attempted MERYL NASS NOV 9 READ IN APP Epoch Times streamed the entire event, which can be watched below. This is […]

Israel is now a full-scale dictatorship

In the weeks since October 7, there has been no room for dissent in Israeli society. Detention centers are filling up fast with people who show even the slightest opposition. Here are some scenes from the Israeli Dictatorship. Source

Top experts are warning humanity for a world dictatorship

oct 20 2023 Will we listen? Experts from the World Health Organization, United Nations, British Secret Services & the Military reveal a criminal agenda for worldwide tyranny The United Nations criminal agenda is revealed to the world _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over If you are a doctor or medical professional and you are […]

How Easily Tolerance Becomes Dictatorship

  Totally liberal White woman turns against wokism (Judeo-communism) in San Francisco:   Liberalism wallowing in its own filth: (cut and paste) Stay tuned to EFR for extreme doses of reality….and expose’s of multiculturalism   Praise Yahweh and pass the ammunition. The post How Easily Tolerance Becomes Dictatorship appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

A State of Martial Law: America Is a Military Dictatorship Disguised as a Democracy

The government is goosestepping all over our freedoms. Case in point: America’s founders did not want a military government ruled by force. Rather, they opted for a republic bound by the rule of law: the U.S. Constitution. Source

US RESTRICT ACT: All-out Communist-fascist Boot-Stomping Dictatorship-legislation!

It is as if the president-elect, Joe Biden, who promised to bring together instead of divide, has not missed many opportunities to divide an already polarized country even more.  Now The US government under the guise of National Security is threatening to go all-out communist-fascist boot-stomping dictatorship—not in words but deeds. The much-touted RESTRICT ACT […]

RH – Unconstitutional Legalese to Create the Covid Dictatorship

Independent Journalist Katherine Watt Lays Out the Legal Architecture Constructed Over Decades that Allows for Totalitarian Control During ‘Health Emergencies’ Like COVID   The post RH – Unconstitutional Legalese to Create the Covid Dictatorship appeared first on EURO·FOLK·RADIO. Source

Fahrenheit 451 + the Unabomber Manifesto = the Globalist Dictatorship Via Censorship

The Fake News + Censorhip = the Bomb that is destroying the world and the Word   Warnings about the current globalist dictatorship: Burn Dem Books (Censorship Enthroned by the International Jew) + Fake News Fahrenheit 451 & Digital Decay – Bing video   LSD + TNT =  BOOM! Ted Kaczinski:  What the technocratic dictatorship […]

IRIB head blasts Western sanctions as blatant instance of ‘media dictatorship’

TEHRAN- The director of the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) has criticized the sanctions imposed on the broadcaster by the West, asserting that they are a flagrant violation of the right to free expression and a clear example of “media dictatorship.” Source

Nick Fuentes Says the Results of the 2022 Elections Prove ‘Why We Need a Dictatorship’

Nick Fuentes, the racist, misogynistic, antisemitic, America-hating, Christian fascist leader of the white nationalist America First movement, reacted to the results of the midterm elections by declaring that the failure of Republican candidates to take sweeping control in a “red wave” is precisely why this nation needs to be taken over by a far-right-wing dictatorship. […]


March 9, 2021 The 2030 agenda of the United Nations is a document with a series of proposals to achieve a  better world  that must be achieved by the end of the year 2030. Many of these objectives have been implemented and fulfilled since 2015 without world public opinion knowing their existence or approve its execution. This agenda […]

Dictatorship in Disguise: Authoritarian Monsters Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms

There’s the world we see (or are made to see) and then there’s the one we sense (and occasionally catch a glimpse of), the latter of which is a far cry from the propaganda-driven reality manufactured by the government and its corporate sponsors, including the media. Source

No longer unofficial dictatorship, now its official, China prepares for Xi Jinping’s 3rd Term

Home » Asia, Wars / Conflicts » No longer unofficial dictatorship, now its official, China prepares for Xi Jinping’s 3rd Term     A former Chinese deputy policing minister has been jailed for life in a huge crackdown on dissent by Chinese despot Xi Jinping. Sun Lijun was handed life imprisonment, with no possibility of […]

No longer unofficial dictatorship, now its official, China prepares for Xi Jinping’s 3rd Term

Home » Asia, Wars / Conflicts » No longer unofficial dictatorship, now its official, China prepares for Xi Jinping’s 3rd Term     A former Chinese deputy policing minister has been jailed for life in a huge crackdown on dissent by Chinese despot Xi Jinping. Sun Lijun was handed life imprisonment, with no possibility of […]

Global Jewish Dictatorship Explained

Rothschild Bloodlines Karl Marx, Schwab, Bauer, Rothschild Connection – All In The Family ( Benjamin Freedman on the Jewish takeover of America Benjamin Freedman’s 1961 Speech At The Willard Hotel Unedited Version ( Praise Yahweh and pass the ammunition. Please consider donating to ANP, 900 Commerce Pl, #1016, Decatur IL 62535 Share this: Source

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