Posts Tagged ‘monsters’

Vernon Coleman – Israel Supporters are Monsters

How long will it be before anti-semitism becomes  the regrettable but default condition for billions  of caring and morally responsible citizens of the world? “Jews who think Israel can do no wrong will fill the internet with anonymous abuse and threats  but the fact is that Israel is now the most wicked nation the world […]

Evil Walks Among Us: Monsters with Human Faces Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms

Enough already. Enough with the distractions. Enough with the partisan jousting. Enough with the sniping and name-calling and mud-slinging that do nothing to make this country safer or freer or more just. We have let the government’s evil-doing, its abuses, power grabs, brutality, meanness, inhumanity, immorality, greed, corruption, debauchery and tyranny go on for too […]

Making Monsters: How media encourage hatred of immigrants

Is it virtually impossible for Americans to accept migrants as human when the news persistently degrades, brutalizes and distorts their image? Source

The Jewish Monsters Who Run Ukraine

WARNING: Graphic Content – March 4th, 2022 Donate And Support My Work: Daily Newsletter: Articles And Videos Published Daily: https://EarthNewspaper.com24/7 News March: News Archive: COVID-19 Archive: Dozens Of New Posts Added Daily: Published And Archived: by Mark R. Elsis: Our RSS Feed: News / Videos […]

These F-ing Monsters

These F-ing Monsters January 24, 2023 Decker Culture   There’s nothing that clears the head each morning better than an anvil smashed upside it.  And we’re all going to need that anvil, for with each new day, our disbelief that absolute fuckwits continue to walk among us brings screams and hallucinations that we’re truly living […]

Dictatorship in Disguise: Authoritarian Monsters Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms

There’s the world we see (or are made to see) and then there’s the one we sense (and occasionally catch a glimpse of), the latter of which is a far cry from the propaganda-driven reality manufactured by the government and its corporate sponsors, including the media. Source

Unmerciful Diets of Ancient Sea Monsters Of The Northern Abyss

Unless having been to sea, far enough out to lose sight of land on an open wooden craft, no-one would quite understand the terror endured by ancient seafarers braving the unknown oceans. Mariners skiffing over the surface of a storm-torn ocean at night, many miles from shore with nothing but water in all directions, would […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Raising Up Monsters

ALL donations 3X-MATCHED by 12/31 to save our democracy! Every day, the reporters and researchers of Right Wing Watch expose the hateful words and deeds of right-wing leaders and the far-right players who fueled Trump’s rise to power and aim to keep him there. Our work is read daily and used by major media outlets, […]

Dragon Sharks, Fish Flippers And Other Real Life Monsters Of The Primordial Soup

From the human perspective oceans appear endless and unchanging, but in reality they are in a constant state of flux, continuously evolving over vast periods of time. Many modern humans seem oblivious to the fact that their way-back ancestors crawled from the oceans and that for three billion years the majority of the planet’s life […]

Beowulf & Grendel: Monsters, Mistranslations & A Genetic Interpretation

The 6th century epic poem Beowulf echoes as loud today as it did when it was written fifteen hundred years ago. Ink has been spilt, careers made, films produced, and academic wars have been waged in the analysis and interpretation of this monumental story. It is only fitting that this great tale of battle and […]

Mythological Sea Serpents And Lake Monsters Versus Scientific Sharks And Surviving Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs roaming the Amazon, plesiosaurs hunting in glacial lakes, half-octopus, half-shark creatures that drag ships down to the seabed and a giant anaconda, are but a few of the monsters recorded in the mythologies and written histories of North, South and Central America. Though most of these creatures can be explained away as ‘archetypes of […]

Heroes, Lumberjack-Giants And Monsters Of American Mythology

The term ‘American folklore’ encompasses the stories, myths, tall tales, music, proverbs, fairy tales, demons, giants and legends that arrived on the shores of North America with the first Europeans in the 16th century. The characters and events that occur in American folklore emerged in a non-scientific New World as explanations for all the new natural […]

Sea Monsters in the Desert? Remains of Cuddly Sea Cow Discovered in Egypt

In 2019, a team of scientists excavating in the scorched sands of ancient Egypt, far from the royal burial zone at Saqqara with its mummified animals and birds, uncovered the remains of a giant creature. Far, not only is distance, but even more so in time, for this prehistoric giant was alive about 40 million […]

Do You Want to Catch & Punish Child-Raping Pedophile Jew Monsters? Watch This!

Whoops! Disgusting fag Jew thought he could rape White boy but ran into the Aryan superhero and immortal martyr Tesak. Ouch! When we National Socialists take power, baby-raping child-molesters will be hunted down and eliminated. This is why International Jewry always slither out from the shadows to defend pedophilia. Jews are inherently pedophilic by blood […]

Whitney Webb Talks Predatory Charities Run By Monsters

Robbie Martin speaks to investigative journalist and writer Whitney Webb about her incredible in-depth new series about a group of sketchy individuals who weave a thread of anthrax, bio-terror fear mongering and ‘pandemic preparedness’ through the Bush Sr, Clinton, George W Bush administration and now the Trump administration. Source

Here be monsters: Deep sea Java expedition uncovers bizarre new species (PHOTOS)

Among the extraordinary treasure trove of new creatures is a spider crab with fuzzy spines and blood-red eyes, a small wood-dwelling sea star, and a giant cockroach almost a foot (30 centimeters) long. READ MORE: Octo-fuss: Internet goes wild for color-changing hatchling footage (VIDEO) The monstrous-looking ocean dwellers were identified during the first such scientific […]

Missiles over Damascus courtesy of monsters in Washington

By Lawrence Davidson Monsters and animals On 13 April 2018 President Donald Trump ordered the bombing of selective targets in the Syrian capital, Damascus. He did so because he was emotionally upset by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s alleged use of chemical weapons against civilians in the town of Douma – the last rebel (Islamic State-type […]

If Mental Illnesses Were Monsters, This Is What They’d Look Like

Next Story The term “mental illness” carries a lot of weight in today’s world. Anxiety, depression, PTSD, and body dysmorphic disorder are among the most widely experienced of these illnesses, and it seems that no age group, children included, are immune to experiencing them. For people on the other side, understanding mental illness can be a […]


There are monsters among us. Theses are just a few of them. And the fact is, if the FBI would do its job, there would be indictments and perp walks for every single one of these hardcore criminals. And with rumors today from Anon that Tony Podesta has turned himself in, and John Podesta preparing […]

Inside an Ancient Pagan Ritual that Makes Men Become Monsters

An ancient ceremony in the heart of a wild country celebrates the rebirth of spring. A mysterious, ancient tradition takes place each year in Mamoiada, a small village tucked into the middle of wild and mountainous Sardinia. On the day of Saint Anthony, the saint protector of animals and fire, the men of the village […]

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