Posts Tagged ‘disguise’

Chinese Zoo Denies Speculation Its Sun Bears Are ‘Humans In Disguise’

Images of the animals standing upright caused some to wonder what was going on at the Hangzhou Zoo. Source

Interview 1805 – Trans-formers, Psyops in Disguise! – #NewWorldNextWeek

Podcast: Play in new window | Download | Embed Welcome to New World Next Week – the video series from Corbett Report and Media Monarchy that covers some of the most important developments in open source intelligence news. This week: Watch on Archive / BitChute / Odysee / Rokfin / Rumble / Substack / Download the mp4 Story #1: Outrage Over WHO Guidance on “Sexuality for Infants” […]

Don’t be fooled: the RESTRICT Act is nothing more than an Orwellian censorship grab in disguise

(Natural News) Another piece of Trojan Horse legislation is moving through Congress. The so-called “RESTRICT Act,” introduced by Sens. Mark Warner (D-Va.) and Tom Thune (R-S.D.), is supposedly aimed at blocking or disrupting transactions and financial holdings linked to foreign adversaries that the powers that be claim are a threat to national security. In truth,… […]

Sustainable Development is just a land grab in disguise

Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch Repost Update (4 March 23): hopefully folk now realize that the ‘sustainable’ term really doesn’t add up. I noted recently organic oat milk imported all the way from Italy, and many other products like this. So what’s with the ‘carbon footprint’ carry on? This week in good old (not) clean and […]

Dictatorship in Disguise: Authoritarian Monsters Wreak Havoc on Our Freedoms

There’s the world we see (or are made to see) and then there’s the one we sense (and occasionally catch a glimpse of), the latter of which is a far cry from the propaganda-driven reality manufactured by the government and its corporate sponsors, including the media. Source

Why ‘Metaverse’ is Big Brother in Disguise

“The term metaverse, like the term meritocracy, was coined in a sci fi dystopia novel written as cautionary tale. Then techies took metaverse, and technocrats took meritocracy, and enthusiastically adopted what was meant to inspire horror.” — Antonio García Martínez Welcome to the Matrix (i.e. the metaverse), where reality is virtual, freedom is only as free as […]

Kids In Cages Disguise Selves As BLM Rioters In Hopes Of Kamala Freeing Them

U.S.-MEXICO BORDER—At a migrant child facility near the U.S.-Mexico border in southern Arizona, children caught wind of Kamala Harris coming to visit them, hearing her cackle from thousands of miles away. “El diablo viene! El diablo viene! Dios mio!” cried hundreds of migrant children as they heard her approach. But quickly, a plan was hatched: the […]

Sacha Baron Cohen says his days of disguise pranks are over

Sacha Baron Cohen says his days of dressing up as characters such as Borat Sagdiyev, the anti-Semitic Kazakh journalist that made the Jewish actor a star, are behind him. He said he has been sued and nearly arrested over the course of filming his movies and shows, most of which involve a disguised Cohen tricking […]

The World Economic Forum (WEF) and the “Jobs Reset Summit”- A New Outrage in Disguise

Counter Information By Peter Koenig Global Research, January 12, 2021 The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Jobs Reset Summit report (October 2020) starts out with some flowery wording. You have to give it to them. They have a way with meaningless niceties, hardly anybody beats them. Here we go for the beginning: “After years of growing income […]

Police in Peru carry out drug-related arrest in Santa and elf disguise

Police in Peru carried out a drugs-related arrest in a Santa Claus and elf disguise. The operation in Lima led to the arrest of suspects accused of working in the local drug trade. Police arrested the alleged kingpin of a gang called ‘Los Flaquis’, The Skinnies, who was found with drugs and firearms at his […]

Are Muslim Migrants a Blessing in Disguise?

  June 8, 2018 In your quadrangle of religion, nation, race, and family, I would, therefore, suggest that we rank religion and then family, above nation and race.  In the context of Europe, I’m abstracting religion as belief in the one God, Abrahamic morality, and fidelity to Jesus Christ peace be upon him.  Source Article […]

‘Smart City’ projects are really police cam-share programs in disguise

A recent article in the Erie-Times, revealed that ‘Secure Smart City’ (SSC) projects are really police cam-share programs in disguise. The article boasts that the city of Erie will soon get fast, public Wi-Fi as well as a video surveillance system that can alert law enforcement of potential threats. It starts to get interesting when Mayor Joe […]

Astrology Forecast (March 31st to April 16th) – Blessings in Disguise

April 3rd, 2018 By Simon Vorster & Jennifer Langstone Contributing writers for Wake Up World We have recently been on a path of not just creating new directions but surrendering to the energetic flow our our new path, and seeing more clearly the infinite formless presence not only in ourselves but in others. The New Moon in […]

The Rise of Sensitivity Readers — Experts or Censors in Disguise?

January 29th, 2018 By Carolanne Wright Contributing writer for Wake Up World You might be surprised to learn many of our beloved classic stories from childhood (Little House on the Prairie, The Secret Garden, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, to name a few) would fail in the eyes of modern-day sensitivity readers — individuals who check manuscripts […]

Libyan Unity Government Rejects Deployment Of British Troops

The head of  Libya’s new unity government has turned down the offer of Western troops to help eliminate ISIS in the North African state. The move may come as a shock to some in the British establishment who were expecting a request for UK troops now that the war-ravaged state’s UN-brokered unity government has assembled […]

Israelis should kill Palestinian assailants without second thought, ignore courts – Chief Rabbi: Zio-Watch, March 15, 2016

A high-status Palestinian judicial office says Israeli military forces fire an excessive number of bullets on Palestinians even after shooting them dead during various encounters in the occupied West Bank. Ashraf Mashal, the head of the General Prosecutors’ Office in al-Khalil (Hebron), said on Tuesday that autopsies performed on three Palestinian youths killed the previous […]

Monster sinkhole closes part of Highway 101 in coastal Oregon

     A huge sinkhole that won’t stop growing has shut down a stretch of Highway 101 in coastal Oregon. “It’s massive. There’s just no other way to describe it,” Jared Castle, Department of Transportation spokesman for southwest Oregon, told NBC News. The state closed down part of 101 in Harbor, Oregon, on Thursday night due […]

Catholic Church Backs Venezuelan Opposition on Approval of Amnesty Law

Jonas Holldack (VA) : The Catholic Church in Venezuela has waded into the controversial debate on the opposition’s electoral promise to pass an “Amnesty Law” on gaining a two-third majority in the country’s parliament.  Cardinal Urosa Sabino has backed the MUD over its proposed amnesty law (Aporrea) The highly contentious amnesty law would be used […]

Vladimir Putin Warns… Donald Trump Is A Target For Assassination

A Russian Foreign Intelligence report says that there is an active plot to assassinate Presidential candidate Donald Trump, due to the fact that he poses a serious threat to the status quo in the ruling elite in America and has been deemed unlikely to tow the line.  ~ Sean Adl-Tabatabai Five Saudi Arabian nationals were detained by […]

A Circuit of Lies and “False Media”: Crimes against Humanity Go Unreported, The West Continues to Perpetrate Genocide in Iraq

We have forgotten that the sanctions preceding the illegal invasion of Iraq intentionally destroyed water treatment centers and directly killed 500,000 children under age five and about 1.2 million others. The West’s on-going impunity as it continues to perpetrate genocide in Iraq should alert us to the dangers of repeated offenses elsewhere. Preliminary reports, for […]

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