Posts Tagged ‘army’

CCTV captures bloodbath on Turkey’s Bosphorus Bridge during coup attempt (GRAPHIC)

#TurkeyPurge LIVE UPDATES: Post-coup crackdown As tanks rolled onto the streets of Istanbul on Friday night, by 7:30pm GMT, uniformed soldiers from the breakaway army units proceeded to block two major bridges – Bosphorus Bridge and Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge. Erdogan to eradicate ‘separatist & terrorist’ infiltrators, inject army with ‘fresh blood’ After gunfire and […]

US “Moderate” Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement behead Palestinian boy in Aleppo

Palestinian boy beheaded in Aleppo: Syrian governmet demands the U.N. condemnation on the terrorists’ slaughtering Foreign and Expatriates Ministry sent on Wednesday two identical letters to the UN Secretary General and Head of the Security Council on the terrorists’ slaughtering of a Palestinian boy in Aleppo. A videotape emerged online on Tuesday showing terrorists of the […]

India’s Mangalore pays $1.4b of its total debt to Iran

New Delhi, July 19, IRNA – Managing Director of Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited H. Kumar announced that the company has paid 1.4 billion dollars of its total 2.56-billion-dollar oil debt to Iran since 2013. H. Kumar made the announcement here Tuesday while talking to reporters. Kumar said sanctions and channels of transfer of money […]

Andrew Korybko analysis of Turkish coup attempt

Andrew Korybko left a link to his latest Turkish analysis in our comments section. I have copied the article in full here. I communicated with Saker and it was decided that the article should be published under commenter’s corner for greater reader exposure. Original link  saker-webmaster   by Andrew Korybko The aftermath of the failed […]

U.S. Troops at Turkish Air Base on ‘Condition Delta’

U.S. troops at Turkey’s Incirlik air base were at the highest force protection level, known as “condition Delta,” after the power was cut off at the base and the Turkish government closed the airspace around the site just hours after a foiled military coup attempt, a U.S. official told ABC News today. […]


by Jonathan Azaziah Do you know who these children are? Of course you don’t. Because they’re Iraqis, not French, and they were murdered in the Karrada district of Baghdad two weeks ago, not Nice. These five adorable little girls are just a few of the young ones snuffed out by the Zionist entity’s Takfiri Frankenstein […]

28 Pages: Newly Released Classified Documents Indicate Saudi Ties to 9/11

  Local Editor The long-awaited 28 pages of a 2002 congressional report on the 9/11 attacks had been released. The document indicates that prominent members of the Saudi Arabian regime were involved in planning and financing the terror attacks. The declassified documents were released by Congress on Friday and released them the same day. The […]

28 Pages Reveal Evidence of Saudi Govt Involvement in 9/11

The House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence has finally released the notorious “28 pages” from the 9/11 Report, which had been kept classified, and which detail more or less exclusively with the culpability of the Saudi Arabian government in the attacks. Though the White House claimed, even after the release, that the […]

South Front: Challenging the Monroe Doctrine, Syrian War Reports (VIDEO)

     Russia Defense Report: Challenging the Monroe Doctrine Syrian War Report – July 15, 2016: ISIS Shot Down Government Aircraft Previous Syrian War Reports: Syrian and Iraqi War Report – July 14, 2016: Syrian Army Gains Ground in Aleppo Syrian War Report – July 13, 2016: Russian Strategic Bombers Strike ISIS Syrian War Report – […]

Video: Asking Israelis to mark the Nakba on Independence Day

In a tradition that goes back to 2002, on Israeli Independence Day activists mark the Nakba on major Israeli city streets, usually in Tel Aviv and sometimes also in Haifa and Jerusalem. In a clip documenting De-Colonizer’s action this year in Tel Aviv, there are frequent references to the deliberateness – if not spitefulness – of […]

Migrant sex attacks will spark confrontation with Islam in Europe – intelligence chief

Patrick Calvar, chief of the Directorate General of Internal Security, told members of the French parliamentary commission: “We are on the brink of civil war.” He said that the situation in France is on such a knife edge that it could just take one more major Islamist terror attack to lead to a huge right-wing […]

Did Citi Just Confiscate $1 Billion In Venezuela Gold

Just over a year ago, cash-strapped Venezuela quietly conducted a little-noticed gold-for-cash swap with Citigroup as part of which Maduro converted part of his nation’s gold reserves into at least $1 billion in cash through a swap with Citibank. As Reuters reported then, the deal would make more foreign currency available to President […]

Poetry Is Not a Crime: Nine Pulitzer-winners among 150+ literary figures calling for Israel to release Palestinian poet

Over 150 renowned writers, poets, translators, artists and literary figures signed an open letter in solidarity with Palestinian poet Dareen Tatour. Susan Abulhawa, Rae Armantrout, Carl Dennis, Dave Eggers, Carolyn Forché, Jorie Graham, Naomi Klein, Viet Thanh Nguyen, Naomi Shihab Nye, Claudia Rankine, Tracy K Smith, Natasha Trethewey, Ayelet Waldman, Alice Walker and Jacqueline Woodson […]

Helter Skelter in a Summer Swelter

By Doug Hagmann | July 8, 2016 At 5:18 ET this morning, I received a call to my private number as a result of an email I sent to a Dallas, Texas police officer who I first met during my visit to that city earlier this year. Given the volatility and ongoing nature of the […]

Israel prevents Italian convoy from entering Gaza

Days of Palestine, Gaza Strip -Israel occupation authorities prevented on Monday Italian convoy led by Deputy Parliament Speaker Luigi de Mayo from entering Gaza Strip. Italy’s Five Star Movement said the Italian Embassy in Israel informed De Mayo and parliamentarians Manlio Di Stefano and Ornella Bertorauta that the Israeli government would not allow them to […]

US, UK speak for Bahrainis but act against them

Alwaght- In Bahrain, the minority rules the majority and still claims of democracy are still made. In Bahrain, one family has a say over everything while the people’s voices are muffled. In Bahrain, human rights are violated but no one is held accountable. Even with the US, UK, and UN criticizing the al-Khalifa monarchy, the […]

The War on Weed Part II: Monsanto, Bayer, and the Push for Corporate Cannabis

Ellen H. Brown (nsnbc) : California’s “Adult Use of Marijuana Act” (AUMA) is a voter initiative characterized as legalizing marijuana use. But critics warn that it will actually make access more difficult and expensive, squeeze home growers and small farmers out of the market, heighten criminal sanctions for violations, and open the door to patented, […]

Breakdown Of US Citizens Killed By Cops In 2016

What’s also disturbing is that according to the data compiled by the Washington Post a big proportion of those killed obviously showed signs of mental illness. Of the 509 killed this year at least 124 were thought to be suffering from such conditions. Many of those killed carried guns according to police records. In at […]

Fed’s focus on ‘too big to fail’ won’t save taxpayers from next bank bailout

Oz Shy (TC) : Last month, the Federal Reserve announced that 31 out of 33 U.S. banks had passed its latest “stress test,” designed to ensure that the largest financial institutions have enough capital to withstand a severe economic shock. Photo courtesy of Jorge Royan Passing the test amounts to being given a clean bill […]

Netanyahu Rejects American And European Condemnations Of New Settlements’ Plan

IMEMC : Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected American and European ‘condemnations’ of a new plan to build hundreds of colonialist units, in illegal Israeli colonies in the occupied West Bank, including Jerusalem. In a press conference with the Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame, on Wednesday, Netanyahu claimed that what is preventing peace in the region […]

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