Posts Tagged ‘chaplain’

Shen Yun ‘Culturally Enlightening,’ Says Canadian Military Chaplain

OTTAWA, Canada—Father David Berezowski, director of administration for the Military Ordinariate of Canada, thought that Shen Yun Performing Arts is not only aesthetically beautiful, but also has a relatable spiritual aspect. “It’s excellent. I found it culturally enlightening and so vivid with the colours, and the dancers are top-notch,” Father Berezowski said after seeing Shen Yun at […]

Even the carping House chaplain is a stone-cold NWO globalist!!!

WOW! House Chaplain Opens House Session with Prayer and Lecture on Suffering the Anxiety of “Contentious and Unproductive Argument” (VIDEO) Source

An Atheist jew is the Chaplain of Harvard and MIT

Who better than an atheist jew to be the chaplain for two of the most “prestigious” schools in the world? Greg Epstein, author of “Good without God”, was recently elected unanimously to the position of chaplain for Harvard, while he also serves as humanist chaplain for MIT. From NY Post: Despite his disbelief in any […]

Harvard Hires Satan As New Head Chaplain

CAMBRIDGE, MA—With the beginning of a new semester at Harvard University underway, school officials found they had yet to fill the vacant role of head chaplain to lead its campus chaplains. Fortunately, they were able to find the most qualified choice to fill this role, Satan. “We can’t believe how privileged we are to have […]

Jewish Atheist ‘Unanimously’ Elected ‘Chief Chaplain’ To ‘Unite All Faiths’ At Harvard University

Harvard University’s organization of chaplains have unanimously elected Greg Epstein — a Jewish atheist — as Chief Chaplain in an effort to allegedly unite members of Harvard’s large and diverse “faith” communities: Harvard has long been a place where people and ideas come together, where beliefs, world views, and traditions are valued and debated. The […]

Harvard’s New Chaplain is a Professed ‘Atheist’ — and ‘Good Without God’

Original Harvard Seal (New York Times) — The Puritan colonists who settled in New England in the 1630s had a nagging concern about the churches they were building: How would they ensure that the clergymen would be literate? Their answer was Harvard University, a school that was established to educate the ministry and adopted the motto […]

Jews Have Meltdown When Navy Chaplain Quotes Bible That The ‘Men Of Israel’ Crucified Christ And Need To Repent

A Jewish-dominated anti-Christian group called the “Military Religious Freedom Foundation” had a mouth-frothing meltdown recently when a Navy chaplain posted a sermon for Easter Sunday in which he quoted Peter’s admonishment to the “men of Israel” that they must repent for crucifying Christ: Lt. Aristotle Rivera serving as a Navy chaplain for the Second Marine […]

Army chaplain dedicates Torah at Fort Bliss after synagogue renovation

The top US Army chaplain installed a Torah scroll at Fort Bliss, a sprawling base on the US-Mexico border, following a three-month renovation of its synagogue. Maj. Gen. Thomas Solhjem led the April 26 dedication at the base, which is near El Paso, Texas, according to the Defense Visual Information Distribution Service, a news service […]

Chaplain Under Investigation Over Facebook Comment Objecting to Lifting Ban on ‘Transgenders’ in Military

FORT HOOD, Texas — An Army chaplain in Texas is under investigation after he posted a comment on social media opposing Biden’s order to lift the ban on transgenders in the military. “How is rejecting reality (biology) not evidence that a person is mentally unfit (ill), and thus making that person unqualified to serve?” Maj. […]

Leifer gets a change of chaplain

Browse > Home / News / Leifer gets a change of chaplain January 31, 2021 by J-Wire Newsdesk Read on for article With the ultra-orthodox Malka Leifer imprisoned in Victoria facing 74 charges of child sexual abuse, the Department of Justice and Community Safety has dismissed the chaplain chosen to offer her counselling. Malka Leifer […]

Chaplain Seeking Reinstatement After Being Dismissed Following Complaint Over Sermon on Sexual Sin

SAN ANTONIO, Texas — An Air Force chaplain is seeking to be reinstated to active duty after he says he was dismissed from working in basic training as a lesbian falsely accused him of stating that “homosexuals will burn in Hell” when he preached a message against adultery. Curt Cizek delivered the sermon in 2013 […]

NY police chaplain, 84, mugged during daily walk

NY police chaplain, 84, mugged during daily walk – Jewish Telegraphic Agency Skip to content Advertisement Advertisement

WATCH: Police Chaplain Arrested in Wichita Prostitution Investigation

WICHITA, Kan. – A volunteer chaplain who works with two local law enforcement agencies has been arrested in connection to a prostitution investigation. Deputy Chief Jose Salcido with the Wichita Police Department said 53-year-old Daniel Syrcle was arrested late Wednesday morning for purchasing unlawful sexual relations and official misconduct, both misdemeanors. “Detectives were pursuing an […]


by Jonathan Azaziah Do you know who these children are? Of course you don’t. Because they’re Iraqis, not French, and they were murdered in the Karrada district of Baghdad two weeks ago, not Nice. These five adorable little girls are just a few of the young ones snuffed out by the Zionist entity’s Takfiri Frankenstein […]

Egypt Cements Nuclear Russian Roulette with $25B Loan from Moscow

Christof Lehmann (nsnbc ) : Egypt’s President Abdel Fatah Al-Sisi cemented the agreement about the Russian nuclear power facility in Dabaa by approving a 25 billion dollar loan from Moscow. In January Egypt began the construction of its nuclear power plant in Dabaa built by Russia’s Rosatom. Experts warned since the discovery of a new fault […]

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