Posts Tagged ‘stone’

Mike Stone – Forgive Trump His Fakery

  Why the Fake Assassination Attempt of Donald Trump is a Good Thing After years of fake school shootings, fake mail-in ballots, two fake elections, a fake pandemic, and a fake vaccine, I see no harm in a fake shooting designed to win Donald Trump the presidency. Do you? If our choice for president is […]

Mike Stone – Assassination Was Staged to Elect Trump

(Left, the upside-down flag is a powerful Masonic symbol. What bullet would cause a red line across his cheek? He cut himself. The raised fist is also a Masonic/Communist gesture.) A source told Stone that a “black swan” event would take place this summer that would throw the election to Trump.  I am also leaning to […]

Mike Stone – Was Assassination Attempt Genuine?

For Mike Stone, the verdict is still out. I believe it was a genuine assassination attempt by the Demonrats, in particular Hillary for whom murder is a modus operandi. See it in context of assassination attempts on Putin and Fico.  By Mike Stone ( What actually happened in Pennsylvania last Saturday night? Did a leftist […]

Video| Watch How Hezbollah Sends ‘Israel’ to “Stone Age”

 June 13, 2024 The video below, circulated on social media, shows Israeli occupation soldiers launching catapult to make fires on the Lebanese side. The catapult is a device that was used to launch a projectile a great distance during ancient times. Source: Social Media Related Videos Related Articles Source

Mike Stone – Money and Damnation

(left, We gave the golden goose, our national credit card, to people who destroy us on our own dime.)   “No bigger flim-flam has ever been foisted on the American people than the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 under Woodrow Wilson. It continues to be the scam-of-all-scams, flying under the nose of nearly every […]

Mike Stone – Conservatives! Secede from the Matrix!

“Almost everyone you know in your life  is dangerous to both you and your family.  “Americans continue to feed the very machine that oppresses them, the very machine that wants to see them dead. “But unless and until cuckservatives wise up  and make changes in their own lives,  nothing is going to change. “What I’m […]

BAD NEWS FOR USA! Mexico Allegedly Elects A Stone-cold NWO Globalist Controlled By The Drug Cartels

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Mike Stone – NFL Stands Against Heterosexuals

(Harrison Butker looking positively Christ-like) “NFL football is for trannies, homosexuals, the sexual mutilation  of children and more. By the way, they don’t just declare it,  they donate money to organizations that promote homosexuality  and trannyism.  “To support the NFL is to support little boys getting their penises chopped off and little girls getting their […]

Mike Stone – Most People Despise Truth

This article touched a nerve with me. Everything I have been saying for the last 22 years is coming true in real time but hardly anybody is interested.  My traffic has not increased. Nor my book sales.  I don’t care about this except as an indication that the  public might be stirring in its sleep.   […]

Mike Stone – Americans are Demonically Possessed

For Israelis, these are not children. They are future “terrorists” or the mothers of future terrorists. That’s the way genocide works.  The West is complicit in genocide.  Its moral bank account is empty.  “As of May 2024, there are millions of Americans salivating with blood lust over the mass murder of Palestinian children being carried out […]

Russia Bombs Ukraine Back Into The Stone Age After So Many Acts Of Deadly and Destructive Terrorism Carried Out On Russian Soil

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Mike Stone – Hidden Hand Guides College Demonstrations

(No image due to technical issues)  There are pro-Palestine anti-genocide demonstrations on college campuses across America. Although the cause is just, there is no question that these demonstrations are being helped along by George Soros et co. Mike Stone thinks Donald Trump is behind them. I think Mike is out to lunch this time.  […]

Mike Stone – Elvis Presley’s Svengali Took 50%

Presley’s manager was Col. Tom Parker. That wasn’t his real name. He wasn’t even an American but he had the special sauce that made Elvis Presley a megastar. Mike Stone thinks he was worth his mega commission. by Mike Stone ( When you’re in show business, it helps to have a Svengali, someone to manage, […]

Their Victory is Not Set in Stone

SHARE | PRINT | EMAIL Here is the Premier of Australia, which has become such a hotbed of censorship efforts of late, opining that it is the “responsibility” of social media platforms to suppress “misinformation.” He specifically lauds taking down memes of him with his face superimposed onto other images. Being a certain sort of […]

Mike Stone – Universities Shutting Down Over Gaza

“Our Jewish overlords have created a Frankenstein’s monster that has turned on them and they don’t know how to control it, other than by doing what they do best, which is to murder and kill.” by Mike Stone ( The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. You’ve heard the expression, “What if […]

Mike Stone – Our Institutions are Boondoggles

Our institutions — government, education, military, science and medicine  are all boondoggles designed to enrich their stakeholders rather than  serve the tax paying public. The MSM applies lipstick to this pig.  This is why they have no trouble betraying us. “Our enemies proudly and publicly subvert the country and nobody cares.  While the enemy is rewarded […]

Mike Stone — Solar Eclipse; What is the Deep State Planning?

Some of you have heard the news, or rather the rumors, that the Deep State has something diabolical planned to take place on April 8, the day of the solar eclipse. Others are predicting a massive, Harp-induced earthquake to hit Los Angeles on June 6. An earthquake of such magnitude it will level the city […]

Mike Stone – Puff Daddy is the Epstein of the Rap Industry

Someone asked me if I’m serious when I recommend unplugging from corporate America.  I told him yes, I’m deadly serious. Then, knowing the jolt it was sure to give him, I suggested he start by killing his television. Well, you’d have thought I told him to murder his firstborn.  “Kill my television? How will I […]

Mike Stone – Billionaires Burrow Bunkers

“If you had a billion dollars, would you build an underground bunker?  I wouldn’t. But practically every billionaire alive today is.  And they’re doing it with a sense of speed and urgency.  Do they know something we don’t?  If so, why haven’t they warned the rest of us? by Mike Stone ( Yogi Berra famously […]

stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte

Cave di Cusa was an ancient stone quarry in Sicily, that was the source of stone used to build the temples in the ancient Greek city Selinunte. This site was quarried beginning in the 6th century BC until it was abandoned in 409 BC when the city was captured by the Carthaginians. Look at the […]

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