Posts Tagged ‘genuine’

Mike Stone – Was Assassination Attempt Genuine?

For Mike Stone, the verdict is still out. I believe it was a genuine assassination attempt by the Demonrats, in particular Hillary for whom murder is a modus operandi. See it in context of assassination attempts on Putin and Fico.  By Mike Stone ( What actually happened in Pennsylvania last Saturday night? Did a leftist […]

How does Santos the phony phony differ from Trump the genuine phony?

Imitating Trump’s illusion of invulnerability does not protect one against self-destruction. Source

Deepfakes: Faces Created by AI Now Look More Real Than Genuine Photos

These deepfakes are becoming widespread in everyday culture which means people should be more aware of how they’re being used in marketing, advertising and social media. Source

Scott Lively Warns of ‘Armed Rebellion’ if ‘Genuine Patriots’ Don’t Win the 2022 Elections

Radical right-wing activist Scott Lively used last Sunday’s episode of his weekly “Prophecy & Politics” livestream program to warn that if “genuine patriots” don’t gain control over the country in the 2022 midterm elections, it will likely result in the eruption of “some kind of violent insurrection” and “armed rebellion.” In the event that Republicans […]

‘A genuine opportunity’: Israel and Hamas agree cease-fire after 11-day conflict

Israel and Hamas announced a cease-fire on Thursday to halt an 11-day conflict that caused widespread destruction in the Gaza Strip and brought life in much of Israel to a standstill. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office on Thursday said his Security Cabinet unilaterally approved the Egyptian-mediated proposal. Hamas quickly followed suit and said it would […]

 Land to the tillers for genuine food system change

The Asian Peasant Coalition (APC)’s observance of 29 March as “Land of the Landless: Land to the Tillers”, reminds us of the words of Mahatma Gandhi: “In reality, the toilers is the owner of what he produces. If the toilers intelligently combine, they will become an irresistible power.” Socialist leader Dr Ram Manohar Lohia had […]

Protocols of Zion are Genuine: Col. House Had a Personal Copy

(Ventriloquist Edward House, right, with his  Dummy President Woodrow Wilson, left) Some time ago, Stan Monteith, (1929-1914) a pioneer NWO researcher, found a typewritten copy of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” in the papers of Col. E.M. House at Yale University.  This seemed like confirmation of the widely held view that House (1858-1938) […]

Netanyahu is redefining ethnic cleansing not pursuing genuine peace

Ethnic cleansing in the Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s view is taking the illegal Israeli Jewish settlement of the occupied Palestinian West Bank. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not known for missing an opportunity to push peace further into the distant future. The dust had not even settled on the Balfour Centenary, which the Palestinians marked […]

7 Things Alex Jones Can do to Pivot Into Alt-Right Neo-Nazism

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer July 22, 2016 Our old nemesis Alex “Jew Wife” Jones has been in the throes of a great transformation over the past year, moving away from tinfoil and cuckoldry into the realm of shitlording. He is becoming Alex “Divorced the Jew” Jones. Monumentally, he pivoted from claiming that Donald Trump was part […]

Black Sea Breeze: 1,700 personnel, 25 vessels take part in NATO naval drills

Held every year, the drills officially began on Friday in Bulgaria’s territorial waters and exclusive economic zone, and on the coast off Burgas. As many as 25 military vessels, two planes, two helicopters and some 1,700 personnel are taking part in the exercise conducted in the international waters, reports Sofia New Agency. All NATO member […]

Election pantomime: Public cannot be trusted to vote for the right people so the USA needs Super PACs

Who’s Funding Super PACs This Election Season? Good Question Mike Licht / Flickr (CC-BY) Campaign finance reform advocates have rallied against super PACs’ ability to influence elections since their creation in 2010, and new reporting by the Washington Post puts a spotlight on how “ghost corporations” are pumping money into these committees, with their big […]

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