Posts Tagged ‘cleansing’

Israel attempting ethnic cleansing within its own border by giving CONTRACEPTIVES to Ethiopian women WITHOUT CONSENT

(NaturalNews) A little over 10 years ago, it was reported that the government of Israel had been attempting to ethnically cleanse its own official borders by… Source

Nov 4 – Israel is Model for Barbarism & Ethnic Cleansing

(The Economist is owned by the Rothschilds and drops their hints) We can all expect to receive this treatment. We already are! COVID lockdowns. Sacrifice of Ukraine. Migration. Gender Dysphoria. Cabalists (Organized Jewry & Freemasonry) are waging war on humanity. Non-Satanists are being ethnically cleansed. But until this reaches their mass media, no one notices. […]

Text Translation: The Israeli plan for the ethnic cleansing of Gaza

Read an English translation of the Israeli Ministry of Intelligence policy paper “Alternatives for a Political Directive for the Civilian Population in Gaza,” which advocates for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians from Gaza. Source

Biden Forced To Call Off His Plans For Ethnic Cleansing Of Gaza

This is another failure of the dimwit policies cooked up by National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan and SecState Anthony Blinken as directed by their Zionist puppeteers. Source

Archbishop Hanna: Gaza witnessing new Nakba, ethnic cleansing

October 21, 2023 Source: Al Mayadeen+ Al Mayadeen Net By Al Mayadeen English During an interview for Al Mayadeen Net, Palestinian Greek Orthodox Archbishop Atallah Hanna says holding candlelight vigils for Palestine is not enough. Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Sebastia in occupied al-Quds Atallah Hanna told Al Mayadeen that “bombing the church is a new massacre committed […]

State-Sponsored Genocide & Ethnic Cleansing Coming To Gaza

Natural News issues statement on Hamas terror attack on Israel, bombings of Gaza, ethnic cleansing vs humanitarian principles Mike Adams | Natural News Israel clearly intends to carry out an ethnic cleansing operation across Gaza It is very clear from the words of Israeli leaders that the IDF intends to launch a ground war assault […]

Report from Gaza: fears that Israeli army is preparing for ethnic cleansing

As Israel massacres entire families and wipes out whole neighborhoods, the Israeli army’s calls for Gazans to flee to the Egyptian border are stoking fears of genocide and ethnic cleansing. Source

Zionism’s ethnic cleansing has been accomplished through the sword and the gavel

Since its founding, Israel has crafted legal tools to advance the ethnic cleansing of Palestine. The current judicial overhaul is part of this process and shows the state’s colonization plans are accelerating. Source

PA: Ethnic cleansing in Jerusalem ‘direct result of int’l inability to protect’ Palestinians

The Palestinian Authority (PA) yesterday said that Israel’s ethnic cleansing of Palestinians “is a result of the international inability to protect our people.” In a statement issued by the Foreign Ministry, the PA said: “The international community keeps repeating its meaningless reactions which are not being translated into practical actions.” “Such inability reflects acceptance of […]

The slow ethnic cleansing of Ein Samiya’s Bedouin community

On Monday, May 22, at least 16 Palestinian families (almost 170 people) were forcibly expelled from their homes near the Ein Samiya spring and the Palestinian village of Kufr Malek, 27 kilometers northeast of Ramallah.  The spring is wedged between Kufr Malek and the illegal Jewish-only colony of Kohav HaShahar and the nearby illegal outpost […]

The final stage of ethnic cleansing in Artsakh is underway! The Azeris block the Lachin Corridor!

Azerbaijani special operations forces officers and Gray Wolves supporters disguised as “environmental activists” with the help of the Azerbaijani military have seized the only road connecting Nagorno-Karabakh (Artsakh) and Armenia, stopping all traffic and threatening to starve the local population. The Aliyev regime has blocked the Lachin Corridor, thus denying the entire population of Artsakh… […]

Ethnic cleansing “made in USA”

“In the spring, when kings march out to war…”  In 2 Samuel 11, we read of the annual cycle of war. In contemporary Israel, illegal Israeli settlers routinely rally for battle in the spring and the fall in their violent attacks on Palestinians.  Spring and fall — when crops are sown and eventually harvested.  Although […]

Germany’s Legal Cleansing of Parasitic Jewry and the Subsequently Profitable Holocaust Lie

The Six Million Lie By Ben Klassen Masters of the Big Lie.  The jews have expertly utilized the “Big Lie” technique since the beginning of their historical existence. Over the last 5,000 years, they have become unexcelled masters of that technique. Their religion is based on it, their wealth is based on it, and in […]

Israel’s Largest Single Ethnic Cleansing Act Since 1967 — Masafer Yatta

Last month Israel’s Supreme Court ruled that Masafer Yatta, a collection of Palestinian villages in the southern hills of Al-Khalil, would be completely ethnically cleansed. The demolitions have already begun, despite some protest from US lawmakers, constituting the single largest ethnic cleansing event since 1967. Western media seems to be all but silent on one […]

The Ethnic Cleansing of Masafer Yatta: Israel’s New Annexation Strategy in Palestine

The Israeli Supreme Court has decided that the Palestinian region of Masafer Yatta, located in the southern hills of Hebron, is to be entirely appropriated by the Israeli military and that a population of over 1,000 Palestinians is to be expelled. The Israeli Court decision, on May 4, was hardly shocking. Israel’s military occupation does not only […]

Congress’s ‘Israel Normalization Act’ normalizes ethnic cleansing and impunity

While the Israeli regime continues to inflict massive and routine violence in order to steal Palestinian land and remove the native Palestinian people from it, the U.S. Congress is actively enabling Israel’s settler-colonialism. H.R. 2748 is the Israel Relations Normalization Act of 2021—or as the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights names it, the Normalizing Israeli […]

“Covid Ethnic Cleansing”: The Vaccinated vs. the Unvaccinated: Those Who Refuse the Vaccine and the “Official” Covid-19 Narrative are Categorized as “Psychopaths”

“Covid Ethnic Cleansing”: The Vaccinated vs. the Unvaccinated: Those Who Refuse the Vaccine and the “Official” Covid-19 Narrative are Categorized as “Psychopaths” Global Research / Prof Michel Chossudovsky Note: All Global Research articles are now accessible in 51 languages by activating the Translate Website Drop Down Menu on the top banner of our home page. […]

The Village Of Beita Non-Violently Resists Ethnic Cleansing, Israel Kills Its People

An illegal Israeli settler outpost, erected on top of land belonging to the Palestinians of Beita village in the West Bank, has resulted in the murder of 7 Palestinians and is being defended at all costs by Israeli soldiers who are legally obligated to destroy it. The new settler outpost constructed in the village of […]

Yale student council condemns ‘ethnic cleansing’ and ‘apartheid’ in Palestine

The Yale College Council, the undergraduate student body at the school, has voted to endorse a statement condemning ethnic cleansing in Palestine. The statement was originally authored last month by the campus group Yalies 4 Palestine. “As Yale students, we condemn the injustice, genocide, and ethnic cleansingoccurring in Palestine,” reads the statement. “We emphasize – […]

U.S. progressives demand halt to ‘ethnic cleansing’ in Jerusalem as Israel tries to defuse outrage over West Bank outpost

The signs are clear that the United States and Israeli governments are trying to reestablish the “special relationship” between the countries as an intimate partnership with no public differences and squabbles, everything ironed out in private. Israeli President Reuven Rivlin comes to Washington today. Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid met with Secretary of State Tony […]

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